Author's Note: I had to make a few changes in chapter 6 of this story, because of a situation that's going on at this time. See my profile for details, or ask me in a PM if you want to know more. When I originally wrote this story back in June of 2014, I hadn't come up with the last name for my OC Zack and his aunty Celeste, giving them my real last name when introducing the characters in chapter 6. But just now, when doing a google search, and seeing my story came up on the first page of results, I figured I'd better go and get this updated to the last name I decided for my OC Zack to have in future stories, ensuring mine and his safety on the Internet, and Fan Fiction. Also, while I originally rated this story with an M rating, I've gone and changed it to T, since looking back at the story, it didn't turn out nearly as bad as one would think. Also, to any new readers who see this at the top of the Fan Fiction archives, please understand that I originally wrote this story back when I started on Fan Fiction, as this was the first story I ever posted, so my apologies if my grammar, etc. isn't as good in this piece as it is in future stories I've done. I just wanted to clarify for long time readers so there was no confusion in terms of why my first story appears at the top or closer to the top of my profile now, than being posted at the bottom as the first story, because of this emergency change I had to go and make to it. Thanks for understanding, and have a nice day.