Hello Moustachians! This is a really, really old story I made a year ago, so now I decided to upload it. I completely forgot about it until I was cleaning all my junk files today! I'm thinking about adding and editing a whole lot, but I also decided to put it up as a story to see what ya'll think. Continue? No? I know I might get some flames, but Freedom of Speech, right? Constructive criticism is welcome! And it's AU, since it was a hassle to always compare time differences. Hope you enjoy!

Third Person: Mark

Somewhere in Ohio, somewhere near Cinncinati, there was an apartment complex. The neighbors were used to the frequent shouts coming out of it, even when the owner supposedly made it soundproof. On an average day, the owner would play games and upload them to Youtube. This was the average day in the life of Mark. Or better known in Youtube, 'Markiplier'. He just got done doing a collab with his loyal friend and buddy, Yamimash, and prepared it for upload. 'Yamimash' was still laughing.

''Ma'k, man, I had a lot of fun! That was a great mod!'' Aaron, or better known in Youtube as 'Yamimash', exclaimed. For a Garry's Mod, it truly was a scary thrill. Kind've a 'Jeff-The-Killer meets Slenderman in a massacre' kind of theme. It took a good twenty minutes, and it was definitely an awesome waste of time.

''Jeez, it's not fair I got most of the jumpscares! Totes McScrotes Not fair!'' Going on a rampage, Mark was smiling and yelling all through it. Aaron just leaned back on the screen, laughing along behind one hand.

''You deserved it! I didn't want to get blown up that time, but NOOOO. Go into the room, you said. Get into the water, you said. Die a terrible death, you said!''Aaron reminded.

''Umm...I said everything...except the last one...''

''Whatever man...Hey, guess what?''

''What?'' Mark asked, looking at the screen intently.

''I'm gonna get some tonight! 'M taking Jess out on a date, in a fancy restaurant. Do ya think she'll like it?''

Mark's eyebrows furrowed, for just a minute. But in the next second, a too-big smile graced his face as he replied, ''Yeah, I think so. Trust in Markiplier, he's never wrong! Good luck.''

''Great. Thanks for the good time, Ma'k.''

And with that, Aaron signed off. Mark pushed back on his desk to stand up from the old, black rolling-chair. All that needed to happen was that later he could upload the video they recorded, but he didn't really have to do it now. He sighed, and took off his headphones. He had a good laugh, but now, for some reason, he couldn't shake off the underlying feeling of uneasiness. Date night? What do date nights feature? A dinner? A movie, maybe dancing or something? Hmm...Wait. What am I doing thinking about what they're gonna do? It's not like I care or anything...

Sighing, he felt sad, and a tinge of regret. Maybe he could have made Aaron a bit late, or made him forget all about the 'date'. If only...Well, that couldn't be helped.

For Aaron, it was date time. Maybe he'll really get lucky...

Stop thinking about that. Why do you care, anyways? You shouldn't care at all. It really doesn't matter...

But no matter what Mark did, all he could think about was how lucky Aaron's girlfriend, Jess, was. To get special mentions, or recieve that British man's attention. But hey, what can you do? Aaron was British with a quick wit and brilliant personality, while Mark was...Mark. Mark was all loud, obnoxious, and at times impulsive, where Aaron was a little quieter, more thoughtful, and quick to use his smarts. Yami was from England, while Mark came from 'just plain' Ohio. (No offense, peeps from Ohio. It's a cool place, I've been there before.)

Sigh...*ring ring* *ring ring*

''Hellooo? Mark here, what's up?'' Mark breathed into the phone, not even bothering with a smile if there was no one there to see it.

''Hey Dude! It's Wade, and I wanna know when the next Minecraft episode is, so I can clear my schedule for it, because...''

''I get all drunk and we get all stupid?'' Mark laughed, referencing to all of those Minecraft adventures he had while being in the shallow waters of intoxication.


''Well, I got nothing planned yet.''

''Shame. Bob is free for Tuesday, and so am I. Maybe then?''

''I...can't do Tuesday,''Mark sighed in the phone. A complete lie, of course.

''Well...He's also having a party! Maybe you should come?'' Wade asked. Concern was laced delicately through his words, almost imperceptible to friends who didn't know him, yet completely apparent to Mark.

''Nah, I think I'll sleep early today...''

''Mark, that's like the three thousandth time you said that, to ANYTHING we invite you to. What, are you depressed? Do you need help? Or do we need to come over...''

''No! I just...I just...Look, I don't really feel 'upbeat' today. I'll...call you later...Bye.''

Before giving Wade a chance to reply, he hung up. He didn't really want to lie to Wade, but he also really didn't feel like doing much. Mark knew he would hear of this later, and it wouldn't be pretty. Wade might even mention it to Bob, and then they'll have a full-blown conversation and stage one of their unique 'interventions'. But for now...For now, he could relax, have a sandwhich maybe, and take some sleeping pills to fall asleep. Insomnia be damned. Sleep sleep sleep...An escape from the world.