When Faraway Just Isn't Far Enough.


"If you would chop the carrots as fast as you're running your mouth right now, we wouldn't have a problem." She shot him an intense glare before turning her attention back to the task at hand. "Not cool, Maka."

"No, Soul, you're not cool! You are not being cool at all!"

Jeez, what was her problem?

Maka opened the fridge and pulled out one gallon of milk and three eggs. The way she slammed them on the counter had Soul Eater expecting them to crack open and spill everywhere. She was always like this toward the end of the school year. Every year was the same damn thing over and over for as long as he'd known her. It was getting old, really old. The little things would set her off completely and twist the situation into the complete opposite direction of their friendship.

The rest of the day brought arguments on top of arguments for the duo and soon Soul Eater concluded it was time to take a break from their friendship. He packed up some things and left, staying with Black Star for a while. Maka's grades nearly flushed completely down the toilet and her soul was all out of sorts. She was forced to go on assignments with her dad because she was nowhere near compatible with anyone else. She even had a hard time with him as their wave lengths never peaked; they were never on the same page, and she never used Witch Hunter again.

The hiatus was overdrawn and Maka didn't hear from Soul Eater for what seemed like forever, but was really a span of 7 months. Death suggested she get another partner and try to hone what skills she had left. Maka would only refuse and demand to go solo; a partner just wasn't cool enough for her anymore.

Death chose to add in that Soul Eater Evans was leaving on a two-year extended assignment with Black Star and Tsubaki. Spirit expected to see fire flow out of her ears, but there was no such result. Instead, she just waved it off and kept walking toward the door, "Not interested."

Spirit watched over his daughter like a hawk; literally. The years passed slowly and agonizingly for both he and his daughter. Only then did he notice the severity of her disappointment in him for leaving her mother. It was like watching what he and her mother went through from a front row seat. Maka was hurting more and more every day. She couldn't match wave lengths with anyone and it didn't look like she and Soul were going to be patching things up anytime soon.

Spirit wiped away his tears in an attempt to regain his composure. He had to be strong for Maka. He was determined to show her that not all break ups ended the same and that she could be strong and confident.

Maka walked down the main corridor of the academy. She was no longer a student, but a well-developed scythe handler. Although she never found another partner to match her wave lengths, Death said it could be due to an emotional backlash of Souls sudden departure. Figures, he always messed things up. She now assumed her position as Death the Kid's right hand woman. NO; that did not mean she was his girlfriend. So many had asked...

She didn't see the young man in that kind of light; she didn't see anyone in that light. She ran a hand through her now long blonde hair and sighed. Her green eyes flickered up at the sound of her father choking on his own spit on the opposite side of the hallway. There stood another idiot…

She dully stared at him and shook her head. "Dad. Breathe." Spirit stood erect and stuttered slightly, "I-I'm fine dear, really!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Um, well I'm here to make sure you're okay. I'd heard Death called you in for another mission."

"I'm 19 years old dad. I don't need you to check on me."

"But you'll always be daddy's little girl!" She shut the door in his face and proceeded to walk to Death's throne.

"Maka, so nice to see you!"

"Hello." She smiled forcibly and tilted her head to the side. Kid was seated next to his father with his feet propped up. As soon as he laid eyes on Maka he smirked, "Hello, Maka."

Maka blushed lightly and nodded her acknowledgements to him.

"I need you to stand in for my son. He is going on an assignment and I need extra security around here. We are expecting some heavy characters within the next few days so I need my best on their toes."

"Of course, Lord Death." Maka smiled and nodded, "When do you need me?"

"Now would be great." Her green eyes met Kidd's before averting to floor. He stood and walked by her, his shadow being near six foot now. His hand cupped her chin, "I need to get going and I trust you to do my bidding properly and symmetrically while I'm away."

"Of course."

He kissed her cheek lightly before exiting the room gracefully. "Such a lady's man, isn't he?" Death commented and patted the seat next to him, "Come, sit." Maka sat next to him and gave him her undivided attention.

"How have you been, Miss Albarn?"

Maka smiled at his formality and shrugged, "I've been good, I guess. What about you?"

"Oh excellent." Death smiled and nodded, "You know you never cease to amaze me, Maka. You have prevailed here without a weapon. And it's a Meister and Weapon Academy."

"That's only because you let me stay."

"Right, well I had great confidence in your skills. Though it puzzles me how your soul refuses to accept any of the weapons here... I am genuinely worried Maka."

"I'm sure it's nothing..." Maka stared off into a distant part of the room. All conversation ceased and she relaxed into the soft chair.

'Who needs a weapon anyway? Just someone to baby sit! We don't need that!'

Maka's eyes widened and her body froze completely. Death, who was observing from the outside, had his greatest fears confirmed. "Maka, we need to do something..."

However, she paid no mind to whatever he was saying. Hell, she couldn't even hear him. This new yet familiar voice was looming over everything that her mind attempted to processed. Her eyes fixated themselves on the floor and she zoned out completely.

She took herself to her happy place, if you will, though it was empty now that Soul was gone. Just a meadow that stretched for miles with flowers and butterflies, it was now barren and dry. She stood staring at the cracked dirt beneath her feet and the wilted, black flowers around her. Standing in front of her was the origination of the voice. It was like looking in a mirror…almost. Only the girl before her was much paler and her eyes were a deep red, obviously, something evil. It was her choice whether she allowed herself to be taken by it or not.

'Who are you?'

I'm you.

'No... you're not...I'm me...'

I'm who you need to be.

Maka locked eyes with her before being pulled back to reality by the now very worried Death. "Maka? Maka, are you okay?! Stay with me, Maka...!" He was shaking her profusely and only stopped when she gasped for air. It was getting worse, as Stein said it would, soon she wouldn't be able to tell the difference between reality and fiction. Her eyes burned and her soul hurt as if being sucked into a vacuum cleaner.

"I'll call Stein-"

"NO! - I mean, no, he'll just tell me what I already know..."

Death looked at her helplessly before sitting back down in his large chair. "I'm at my wits end with you Maka. Spirit is worried sick about you... we need you to sync with someone else's soul, it could be good for you. Maybe even help your condition. Don't be stubborn Maka..."

Maka sighed as her nerves and reflexes relaxed once more. She had episodes like that at least four times a week, it seemed they were becoming more frequent now. It was the same girl at her center and she couldn't make herself ask any of the important questions, she always asked 'Who are you?'. Maka felt her sanity beginning to slip once again, but she gripped onto herself tightly and regained brief composure.

"Who are we expecting this week, Lord Death?"

"Oh well, let's see...There should be a lot of students checking in from assignments and stuff. I really just wanted company." He smiled and in turn so did she. Never had she met a happier man in her life.

Spirit walked Maka home that evening with his hands in his pockets. His shoulders were slightly slumped and his eyes half lidded. Maka couldn't bring herself to express her concerns for his obvious disposition. She assumed that if it were her business he would let her know. And of course, he did.

"Death told me you had another episode today."

Maka gave no response. She only looked forward and continued walking until they reached her apartment. "See you tomorrow then, Maka..." She nodded and unlocked the door slowly. Upon entering she took a shower and found something small to snack on. Her room was plain now that she graduated from the academy. There were no calendars hanging up, no sticky notes, no posters, and no pictures...

She sat at her desk and stared at the blank space on the wall where her and Soul used to hang their pictures together. Wasn't like they were dating or anything... they were just best friends until...

Maka shook her head and finished eating before settling in for the night.

The following day some officials from far off took Death for a meeting leaving her to take care of the office. In her eyes, it was a true privilege to be so trusted by Lord Death. She tried to smile even though she knew everyone around her noticed what she did upon waking that morning. Her eyes were no longer green, but now red. Slowly she was managing to fade into the abyss without a lantern. First her eyes, then what? Her skin color? Was she going to turn pasty? Lose her sanity completely?

She turned the over-sized chair so the large back was facing the door and she was watching the world through Death's mirror. Her mind began to fade out again, almost like a deep sleep coming over her. Death's meeting must have lasted for, what felt like to her, hours. She was brought back by the loud shut of the heavy doors to the office. Her back was sore from being in the same position for so long but she knew if it were Death she had to remove her ass from his seat and judging by the footsteps it was him and the officials returning.

Maka managed to swirl the chair around to face the oncoming group. She stopped and her red eyes narrowed on the blue haired man waving his arm. "You don't look like Lord Death at all, who are you?"

He didn't recognize her? He had the audacity to step back into this city without remembering her face! She sat forward with a new-found sense of rage and irritation. The red in her eyes made her skin seem whiter and her glare a lot more intense. Sure enough, Tsubaki was in tow with her mouth hung open.

"N-no... n-not you..." She stuttered out and stared at Maka. Maka snarled and then her eyes locked onto another pair of red ones. "Maka?" His voice met her ears as well as a loud ringing noise. The doors opened once again and Stein stepped in with Death. "Ahh, you have returned!" Death seemed as thrilled as ever. Stein walked past them, obviously more worried about Maka.

"How are you feeling today, Maka?"

"Same as every day."

"Glad to hear." He took a step forward and examined her eyes. His own eyes widened and he shook his head. "Stop by my office when you're done here."

Maka nodded and Death patted her head lightly. "Thank you, Maka. You can go now if you'd like..." He could sense the tension in the room.