The Celestial Maiden

The Fallen Star

"Laxus, you are hereby expelled from Fairy Tail," his grandfather said. He waved his hand to the side to show the seriousness of the situation.

The bandaged up young lightning wizard looked down in shock at his grandfather's words. First it was his father and now him. It was almost laughable when he cracked a smile. "I understand." He turned around to leave. "Thanks for everything, grandpa."

His grandfather had already turned away from him with tears in his eyes. His arms were folded across his chest. "Please just go."

Laxus left the room and his friends at Fairy Tail behind.

"You can't shuck here forever," an old hermit told Laxus.

Laxus crossed his arms and looked away from the old man. "I'm not shucking." Laxus' wounds from the Battle of Fairy Tail had long since healed. He stood in a hermit's tent, not leaving for the past five days. A campfire stood between them and the stars tickled in the night sky.

"Then do you know what you're going to do next now that you've left Fairy Tail?" the hermit asked.

Laxus looked down at the ground, remembering his final impression on his guild. "I'm going to travel and see the world."

"Is that all?" the hermit questioned.

Laxus looked the man in the eye. "I need to see the world and learn more about myself."

The hermit sighed as if he wasn't satisfied with the young man's answer. He rested one hand on his crossed legs. "Laxus, have you ever heard the story of the Celestial Maiden?"

Laxus raised his eyebrow. "What? Are you going to tell me a children's story now?"

"Since you are a lightning wizard and a thunder dragon slayer I will," the hermit spoke.

Laxus shut his eyes and lowered his head. "I'm not interested. I think I'll get going now." Laxus was just about to stand up.

"This story involves a beautiful young girl," the hermit said.

Laxus stopped midway up and opened his eyes. Laxus had inherited many things from his grandfather, his hair color, magical strength, heart, worries, but also a perverted side that got his attention at the sound of a beautiful girl. He sat back down and looked the man in the eyes, serious. "What are you talking about, old man?"

"There is a legend that a beautiful young girl belongs to the stars," the Hermit began the story. "She is said to be as beautiful as the stars that surround her. Her power is striking and those that are around her grow stronger. A dragon slayer is said to realize their true power and self."

"How would someone find her?" Laxus questioned.

"That's the thing it's said that no one has ever seen her," the hermit answered. Laxus' annoyance was clearly written on his face. "However the story says that she falls to the earth like a fallen star every month before she returns back to the word of the stars. Some stories claim that a dragon of the thunder will rescue her from her curse and it is believed if anyone were to actually meet her she could not return to the stars, but remain in our world. A tragic fate for her as she does not trust dragons or those associated with them."

"What do you mean?" Laxus asked.

The hermit didn't say anything else.

Laxus glared at him, but still got no response. Laxus sighed before he stood up. "I have better things to do then chase fairy tales." He crossed his arms across his chest. He then walked out of the tent while the hermit followed him with his eyes.

A star falls from the heavens to meet its match, but will it ever see him or must it continue to fall? The words recited throughout space.

Laxus walked through the forest with a travel bag hung over his shoulder. His classic rock and roll played in his ears as he made his way through the trees. He was on his way to the next town after leaving the hermit.

He slowly let the story the man told him slowly fade from his memory. He had to figure out who he was for himself and grow stronger on his own not rely on some strange girl from the stars. Maybe then he could figure out what it truly meant to be a part of that guild even if he never went back to it.

A bright light suddenly caught his eyes. He looked over to his right to see a fallen star come crashing down on a mountain a few mountains off. The top of the mountain crumbled, shooting off a bright light.

"What was that?" Laxus turned his body into lightning and shot his way in the direction of the light.

Laxus landed inside of the crater. He gazed down at the golden light that stood in the middle of the crater. "What the hell is that?" He stepped forward to get a closer look. He stepped further down into the crater as the light began to dim.

The entrancing golden light took the form of a human. Laxus narrowed his eyes to make a long golden hair that went halfway down the person's back. He noticed he was right behind whoever or whatever stood before him.

The light that surrounded the being finally faded. A young woman sitting on her knees stood at the bottom of the crater. She looked up into the night sky.

Laxus' eyes shimmered. Is she the Celestial Maiden?

The beautiful young woman raised her hand up into the sky as if she was trying to touch it. "I think it's about time I go back." Her hand began to glow.

"Hey, are you ok down there?" Laxus questioned.

The light from the girl's hand disappeared to her surprise. She looked back to see the tall blond wizard that stood high in the crater. Her large chocolate brown eyes looked into the man's gray ones. The way she looked inside them was as if she was staring directly into his soul.

She moved away from the dragon slayer with a frighten look in her eyes. "You're a dragon aren't you?"

"Huh?" Laxus blinked a few times in confusion, wondering why she was so afraid of him. Sure he knew he could be a scary guy in fact that's what he planned on when he tried to takeover Fairy Tail, but she didn't even know him. "I'm a Dragon Slayer."

The blond girl moved further back with one arm over her chest. "It's the same thing."

Laxus looked down at the girl strangely. He never met someone so afraid of a Dragon Slayer outside of battle before. He then remembered the story the old hermit had told him. She certainly was beautiful and she was frightened of Dragon Slayers. The thing was he wasn't even actually looking for the maiden. He was only in the beginning of his travels around the continent that would lead to world travel.

Lucy leaned forward. "This is your fault," the girl yelled. "Because of you I can't return to the stars!"

Laxus was taken aback by this. "My fault?" He then remembered something about if the woman was actually spotted she would be stuck in this world. Hmm, if what the legends said were true then it might actually benefit him taking her along with him.

There was truly something special about this girl. After deciding he would take a chance with this legend he noticed something else about the girl in that moment. His body heated up at the sight.

He took his coat off his shoulders and stuck it out toward the frighten girl. "You might want to put this on."

"Why would I accept anything from a disgusting dragon," the girl shouted.

Amusement appeared on the man's face with his eyes revealing an untamed lust. "So you want me to look at your naked body. I can do that." He lowered the coat that was in his hand. He gazed at the girl's beautiful body, her smooth skin, every sexy curve that begged for a man to ravage. The only thing that was covered were her boobs that were partly hidden by her arm, but they were easy enough to image.

The beautiful busty blond began to blush with her eyes shimmering that make her look so innocent yet so sexy at the same time. Without letting another second past she rushed over to the man she was so frightened of and grabbed the large coat with fur trimmings. She wrapped it around her body, looking down at the ground.

Laxus chuckled at the maiden's embarrassment. The girl clearly had never been in this situation before, but it did raise the question of why she didn't have any clothes on when she landed. He looked down at the girl with one of his eyebrows raised. He decided he asked about that later. He needed to help the girl out.

"Hey, Blondie how about we get you some clothing," Laxus said. He folded his arms across his chest.

The blond maiden then stepped back from the man, holding the coat close. "I'm not going anywhere with a Dragon Slayer."

"You can't stay here," Laxus responded.

"If you weren't here I would be back home right now," Lucy shouted back at him.

Laxus didn't know rather she was right or wrong, but something drew him to the girl's crisis like nothing he had ever felt before. "Then how about I help you figure out a way to get you back to the stars." Laxus felt like this might be his chance to finally do something redeeming after all of his terrible acts, maybe that's why the hermit decided to tell him about her.

The celestial maiden took another step back. Her eyes showed that she still didn't trust the wizard in front of her.

"What exactly are you afraid I'm going to do to you?" Laxus questioned.

"I saw a vision," the maiden spoke. "A dragon will devour me. I have no interest in allowing you to devour me."

"I'm not going to eat you, Blondie," Laxus told her. "I'm a human being, I don't eat people or space maidens."

The maiden's body trembled wither her fist against her chest. "A dragon is a dragon, rather they are a beast or a slayer."

Was she serious?, was the questioning look Laxus had on his face. This was getting nowhere fast. "You won't be able to make it very far in this world without some money and clothes. I can provide that for you and like I said I'll help you get back to the stars."

The maiden still didn't want to look up at the man. She stayed silent for so long even Laxus began to lose his patients with the situation. Just when he was about to speak again, the girl whispered something that he easily caught with his dragon hearing. "I guess the dragon isn't supposed to eat me for four more months. I'll have to be with you until then."

It wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear, but at least he was getting somewhere with the girl. He placed his hands on the girl's slender shoulders that stuttered her. He smiled at her. "Hang on." He used his lightning body magic to teleport them to the closet city in the area.

The celestial maiden lied on one side of the queen size bed of the hotel room Laxus had gotten them after he had gotten her some clothes before all the stores in the city closed down. The girl had her back to the man while Laxus sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey, Blondie are you—"


"Huh?" Laxus looked back at him.

She glared back at him. "My name is Lucy not Blondie." She turned back around and shut her eyes. "You're blond too."

This girl was being a total pain. He took a breath and tried to relax. After a few minutes he looked back at the annoying maiden to see that she had fallen asleep and rolled onto her back. He smiled at the sight of her peaceful face. "She's actually pretty cute when she's not running her mouth. Lucy, huh."