Reviews for The Celestial Maiden
the real narnia chapter 16 . 1/9/2018
Damn. Just... Damn.

I hope you change your mind. This story is amazing.
the real narnia chapter 10 . 1/9/2018
Yep. Now I'm shipping it
the real narnia chapter 9 . 1/9/2018
Congratulations. I've never shipped Graylu until now
totalqt91 chapter 16 . 9/2/2016
I really hope you change your mind 3 Your fanfics are incredible. Brilliant story by the way, such an original idea and brilliantly written.
silverwolf1249 chapter 16 . 8/28/2016
I hope you change your mind then, this is a great story. I'm kinda sad it ended just as some pieces were finally fitting together :(. But if you do decide to continue the story, then I'm very much looking forward to what will happen.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/10/2016
I swear why has nobody made a fanfic where lucy is called the "zodiac killer" it's fucking perfect
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 14 . 2/19/2016
I think Laxus is head over heels and simply refusing to say he loves Lucy at the moment. Good to see he managed to keep his word to her in this case and figured out the binding spell so it would break. At least Lucy is coming around that Laxus is out to protect her at all costs even to himself. Got to say, Laxus is taking a lot of beatings to protect Lucy. Really hope he gets a breath of relief for a bit here, or he's going to be too badly damaged to keep protecting Lucy at this rate.
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 13 . 2/19/2016
Good to see you are back to writing this story. I thought it had been abandoned to be honest. Good to see that Lucy is giving Laxus what for when he gets too pushy, and even more fun to see that Laxus is determined to get Lucy and keep her. I'm enjoying the sparks in this story line a lot.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/30/2016
What... No you can't do this to me this story is toooooo good I'm loving it I'm personally going more foreign GraLu though or make it interesting where all the slayers feel like they need Lucy basic meaning is HAREM a DRAGON HAREM plus Gray
Gaia Kame chapter 16 . 1/7/2016
Honestly your excuse of quitting to write is disappointing and a simple disgrace to your writing skills. Just because your original writing isn't being picked up as quickly as you would like it too and life is annoying. Let me tell you something based off life; quitting doesn't get you anywhere and to cave in to simply give up cause things are 'annoying' or 'frustrating' will only set you up for constant failure. Those are life's challenges for everything and anything you do. Nothing is 'easy' and if you want happiness you have to work for it cause nothing is handed to you, not even happiness. So if you quit cause your annoyed then go for it, cause it's your quitting that has you failing with your original writing right now. Hell, look at Sylvester Stallone. That man lost it all at first, I mean living in his car and had to sell his only friend his dog kinda lost it all within his persuit of following his ambition to write movie scripts and act within them. The first Rocky movie was rejected by all and the one who did agree to film his script told him he couldn't act within it, his only condition for the movie to be made Obviously he didn't give up on his dreams and eventually got his script filmed with him acting within it as he directed it. Now he's a forever known actor, director, and writer. Even J K Rowling was rejected by all but one publisher for her Harry Potter books, but she never gave up and now look at her.
My point? These people faced rejection, hardship, and 'annoyances of life' yet never gave up. Because they didn't give up no matter the circumstances they faced they are the famous people they are now. Maybe you should consider that before quitting just cause things aren't going your way; because lord knows it's attitudes like that that piss people off more than anyone feeling sorry for them. Me being one of them which resulted in this rant. I was enjoying your writing and to see good talent tossed aside pisses me off. But it's your life choices and I wish you luck. With this quitters attitude you're going to need it in life.
Best of luck to you with hopes you find whatever you're looking for with depleted hope in seeing further work from you. - G.K.
iheartpickles chapter 16 . 12/31/2015
Zombu7 chapter 16 . 12/18/2015
Aww :0 I hope you feel better, and maybe you'd be able update your story when your up for it.
Trafalgar Ciel chapter 16 . 12/17/2015
This was great! Please don't stop writing; you're a really good author—but if you choose to stop, well, it's your decision. (But seriously, this story deserves more support.)
Guest chapter 16 . 11/15/2015
I really love this story :) ! Kyaaa.. Can't wait to see ur update story
LuNa3300 chapter 16 . 11/13/2015
I love your story please continue to write. You're really good, I havefaith you will succeed.
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