Anakin's P.O.V.

I felt a disturbance in the force. Uh-oh! I thought as I ran upstairs. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. I drew my lightsaber, and cut a circle through it. Well, there goes my room. I looked around, and saw that the window was open. Damn. Ahsoka.

I jumped through the window, and saw tracks in the dirt. I followed them, and eventually could see Ahsoka's faint outline. By faint, I mean faint. If I can get her back, I'm so forcing some food down her throat. She is was to skinny. I got hit in the head with a tree branch, and gave a shout. Oops. I think Ahsoka heard me. She turned and saw me. Her eyes widened, and she ran faster. Wow that girl can move. I heard a howl. Oh great. Wolves. I could hear them following us. Crap. I turned my head, and saw some. Shit! I forgot that these forests had wolves, bears, coyotes, lions, tigers, and boars. Man, at least there aren't any Gila Monsters. Oops, spoke too soon. Man, I have got to stop thinking about things that can tear me apart, limb by limb, and is anyone else disgusted by that thought? No? Huh, weird.

"Ahsoka!" I called. She turned, saw the wolves, and stopped. She started to run towards me. Huh, hates me or not, she still helps me. Or at least I hope she was coming to help me. She drew one of her Lightsabers, and sliced the nearest wolf. Ooh, I would not want to be a wolf right now. She sliced down a few more wolves. I helped of course. "Ya know," I started. "We make a pretty good team." I said to Ahsoka over my shoulder. We were back to back. A boar had come, and so had a few lions. Great! Hint the sarcasm. I sliced the lions in half, but the boar was harder. You see, the boars here, they had impenetrable skin. The boar roared. I saw my chance. I stabbed it in the mouth. Hey, the skin might be tough, but nobody said anything about the mouth. Loophole! Ahsoka was doing pretty good. Until the Gila arrived.

"Oh come on!" I shouted in frustration when the monster saw us. Darth Sideous had once told me that he had had the monster cloned. Bad idea.

"Run!" I shouted to Ahsoka. She nodded, then we took off into the forest. The Gila monster followed us, knocking a few trees down in the process. One landed right next to Ahsoka. She stumbled, and almost fell. Luckily, I had foreseen that it would happen, and was already there to catch her. Ahsoka was surprisingly light. She looked up at me, and I looked into her beautiful blue eyes.

Ahsoka's P.O.V.

Blue eyes met blue. It was like the world slowed down, even though it hadn't. Anakin leaned in a little, but I stopped him, but pointing over his left shoulder. Wow, nothing like having a gigantic monster trying to eat you ruin a moment. He released me, and we kept running. I turned, and saw the Gila monster start to retreat. Huh? I focused my eyesight, and saw three baby Gila monsters. (1) "She was just trying to protect her kids." I said to myself. Sadly, Anakin heard. "Really?" He asked. He turned, and saw that I was right. As always.

Anakin's P.O.V.

I looked at Ahsoka, and saw her staring at me. "What?" I asked her. She pointed to my right arm. I looked at it, and saw blood dripping from a long slash. Oh yeah, forgot about that. In case you didn't see, a lion scratched my arm. Okay, more like sliced my arm. Ouch. World..., Getting..., Dark...

I woke up and saw that I was at home. I struggled to get up, then eventually gave up. What happened? Where was Ahsoka? How the hell did I get here? That was my main question. Screw all the others. I opened my eyes, and saw Ahsoka sitting next to me. She opened her eyes, and realized that I was awake. "Humph. About time." She grumbled. "Hello to you too." I greeted. "Why did you bring me here? You could have left me, and run." Ahsoka glared at me. "Don't you think that I already knew that? Listen, I realized two things. One, you still owe me that Ice cream, and two, you were right. We do work good together." I nodded. "I was going to get you the ice cream when you got better." I said. "Now you tell me!" I smiled. Ahsoka did too. I realized something. If Darth Sideous found out about Ahsoka, he would kill her. I couldn't let that happen.

A month later...

After the fall of Darth Sideous, the galaxy is now in peace. Ahsoka and I are heroes everywhere. If you're wondering how we killed Darth Hideous, (My new nickname for Darth Sideous) Well, that's easy. First, we poisoned his food and water. Then, we killed him in his sleep. I cut him in half from the neck. I remembered Darth Maul, so then I had cut him in half a few more times for good measure. After killing him, A I realized that he was the reason Padme died. Well, most of it was me, but still. Ahsoka and I had gotten closer over the past few weeks. I hoped that we could become more.

"Anakin?" I turned and saw Shaak Ti, and Obi Wan. (A/N I know that Shaak died earlier, but hey, this is a fanfic. Get over it peeps!) "Hello." I had released them from their prison after killing he-who-must-never-be-named-again. (See what I did there? If you were a Harry Potter fan, you'd get it.) Obi Wan had his arm around Shaak's shoulders. Yes, they had become a couple. "Ahsoka would like to speak with you." Shaak told me. I nodded, then bowed.

I walked outside, and saw Ahsoka sitting on a railing. "Hi." I greeted. "Sup?" Ahsoka patted the space next to her. I walked over, and hoped up. It was surprisingly comfortable. "So..." I started. "Congrats on becoming a full Jedi." I told her. Ahsoka had passed the trials a few hours ago. "Thanks." I thought about something. "If I'm not a Sith anymore, then who am I?" I looked at Ahsoka, and saw that she was looking at me too. "Well," she started. "It depends on who you want to be. Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, or Jedi Anakin Skywalker." I thought about that while still looking at her. My eyes flickered to her lips for a second. She noticed. I slowly leaned in, and so did she.

When we parted, I made my decision. The one that would make it so that I was as close to Ahsoka as possible. "I choose to be Jedi Anakin Skywalker."

How did you like it? In case you're wondering, this is the last chapter.

1. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2: When the mama tocodille was protecting her babies. So cute!

Anyway, there'll be a new Anisoka story out as soon as I finish a few of my other books. Any feedback is welcome!

Thanks to all of those people out there who read this!
