In a galaxy far far away...

Ahsoka Tano, one of the last Jedi to survive, has been taken hostage by her former master, Darth Vader. Will she find a way to escape? Or will she learn to love him?

Darth Vader's P.O.V.

"I want a full perimeter check!" I shouted to my men. "Yes sir!" Captain Rex said through our comlink. Ever since Palpatine put the clones on that wired Order thing, life has been a lot easier. For me that is. Not for the other jedi, though. I looked at my watch, and saw that Captain Codi had found someone. I ran as fast as I could to him, and in ten minutes, I reached him. He was holding a robed figure. The persons face was hidden. For now. I reached out, and pulled the Hood down. I looked at the girl that I once considered as my padawan. Ahsoka Tano.

Ahsoka's P.O.V.

Anakin looked the same as he did when he was my master. You know, but aged. He looked at me with surprise. "Ahsoka? What-what are you doing still alive?" He asked. Wow. I really feel the love. Not. "Where's Obi Wan?" I demanded. "Hm, good question." Typical Anakin. "How many Jedi are left?" I asked. My voice cracked a little. "Let's see, Obi Wan, Shaak Ti, Yoda, and you. Oh, that's right, you're not a Jedi anymore. Aww..." I glared at my former master. "Bring her to The Death Star, Rex." Rex nodded. "Yes sir!" Rex got me from Cody, and started to escort me away. "I thought we were friends Anakin!" I cried. Anakin showed no sign of hearing me, or caring. "Come on kid," Rex said in his Australian accent. I struggled, but Rex was stronger than me. What now?

Hope you liked! BTW, Anakin looks the same as he did in the clone wars. Not as in 'Return Of The Jedi'. That would just be gross.

Hayden out!