You rolled out of bed, onto the floor with a grunt. "Owww..." You muttered, rubbing your chest.

Standing up, you glanced at the clock by your bed. 4:27am. Lovely. You could try to go back to sleep, but somehow you knew that would be impossible. Instead, you decided to walk around the base a little bit.

Throwing on some jeans and a red tank top, you crept out of your room. As you tiptoed down the long hallway, you head someone humming outside. Who would be awake at 4:30 in the morning? you asked yourself.

Well, you would soon find out. You decided to go see who it was, glad to maybe have a little company. As you pushed open the large door, you waited a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness.

You heard the humming again, and it sounded like it was coming from... above you?

"Hello? Is anyone up there?" You called, standing at the base of the ever-present ladder attached to the building.

"Mornin', (F/n)!" An Australian voice replied from the roof.

"Sniper? 'S'that you?" You asked.

"Yeah. Come on up, I wanna show you something!" The RED Sniper said.

You slowly climbed the ladder, wondering what it was that the bushman had wanted to show you.

At the top, you surveyed the roof. Sniper sat near the edge, looking out over the brightening sky. "C'mere." He said, gesturing to the spot next to him.

Cautiously, you sat down next to him. "Hey." You said meekly.

"Hey there." Sniper replied.

"What did you want to show me?"

"Ah, yes. That. Look." He gestured vaguely out to the sky.

"Look at what?" You didn't see anything.

"Just look darlin'. The sunrise." True to his words, the sun was coming up, creating a sort of romantic, magical effect.

"Woah..." You murmured. "It's beautiful..."

The bushman nodded. "Sure is. I come up here often, watch the sunrise and the stars. Pretty magical, but it's nice to have company sometimes. It gets real lonely, ya'know?"

You nodded. "I know the feeling."

He kissed you gently on the cheek. "Thanks, darlin'."

You blushed, and then looked at him. "You missed." You said with a grin.

He moved closer. "This time, I won't..." The Sniper kissed you again, rough lips pressing against yours passionately.

You smiled and leaned against him as he broke off.

"I really like being up here with you..." You whispered. "Just us... together..."

He smiles back. "Together..."

"Are we... together?" You asked tentatively.

"We're together..." He murmured, kissing you softly again.

You rested comfortably against him, watching the magical sunrise... together.