Okay, here's chappy 20 and since I don't really have much to say right now... on ward to the story!

"Jack!" I called as I burst through the front door "Did you pick up my suit from the dry cleaners like I asked you?"

Jack sauntered out from the kitchen and smiled, "Don't worry babe, I didn't forget. It's sitting on the bed"

"I thought we made a rule about calling me babe" I grumbled as I walked past him.

"ugh, that was so long ago" he scoffed

I decided not to fight back since I really was running late. I ran into our bedroom and was greeted by a perfectly pressed suit, tied and all."

I quickly pulled off my work jacket and all the rest of my clothes and replaced them with my new dapper attire.

Hopping out of the room, trying to pull my sock onto one foot, I called out for Jack again "Can you tie my tie? Help me!" I whaled.

Jack just stood there smiling "You've been wearing a tie everyday for the past two years. Mr. Super fancy Architect, shouldn't you be able o tie your own tie?" He teased.

"Can you please stop making everything harder for me? I don't have time for you to be difficult. You know it takes me too long and we're already running late!"

"I never said I wasn't going to do it" He said, stepping forward, "I like tying your tie"

His arms went out to pull me forward by the two ends "It's a little kinky don't you think?" he winked. I just rolled my eyes.

"Sure, if you're into that sort of thing"

"No dear, the question is…are you into that sort of thing?"

"Can we please do this another time? Maybe a time when we're not rushing to get to a wedding!?" I shot at him. I just didn't want to be late.

"Sorry" He laughed "But did you see the colour of your tie?"

I looked down to see that it was a nice olive green with little grey pokadots on it. Just like almost all of my things. Minus the dots of course. That was only on the tie.

"And Mine is blue with little spots!" He grinned eagerly. Blue was his colour.

"I thought it would be cute. Don't you think it is? Now we're matching"

Leave it to my boyfriend to go from hot and sexy house wife to excited little first grader who just drew me a picture.

"Yeah, it's super cute. Love the green. And you know I love blue on you. It makes your-"

"Yea yea, it makes my eyes stand out" He smirked "Your eyes don't need anything to stand out. They glow on their own." He wasn't tying anything anymore but his fingers were still fiddling with it, "God, you know you are so hot" He said before pulling me all the way in for a kiss.

I kissed back softly and rested my hands on his slim waist.

Though it only lasted a moment or so. Next thing I knew he was pulling back and grinning excitedly again.

"I almost forgot!"

"You don't have to remember yet" I pouted "I wasn't done yet"

He rolled his eyes and pecked me on the cheek quickly before stuffing his hand onto his jacket pocket.

"When I went out shopping for our ties I also found these really cool cufflinks!"

His eyes were adorably bright as he pulled out two little silver buttons.

"Great, They're really- OH MY GOD ARE THESE DRAGONS!" I squealed.

"Yup, aren't they great" He said proudly.

"Do Gronkels eat rocks?!"

"I'm hoping that's a yes"

"Yes yes yes! Put em on me, put em on!" My inner five year old was jumping, nay, leaping out of his light up sneakers.

"Calm down and don't wet your pants, Hic" He laughed as he grabbed my wrist.

"Thanks so much babe. I love it when you give me things like that. You're the best boyfriend ever!"

"Don't be silly. I'm your only boyfriend"

"Yeah but compared to what I've read in books and stuff you're still pretty great"

"Well that's pretty good to know" He said as he fixed my jacket and tightened my tie again, "Now shall we be on our way before our death is planned for being late" He put out his arm to link with mine.

"We shall"

"Oh Astrid is going to kill me for being late!" I worried as I rushed up the hall steps with Jack stumbling behind me.

"Calm down, she probably hasn't even noticed yet. I mean she's probably pretty busy" He tried.

"Hasn't noticed yet!? Yea sure like she didn't notice how I ducked out on that school assembly back in ninth grade. Let me tell you Jack… she did. It's like she had Hiccup radar or something. One day we decide to be best friend next this I know she knows I'm skipping prom before I even decided to!" I muttled on in a hushed tone

"Uh Hic-"

"Jack, hush please, this is a wedding we're sneaking into."

"You wouldn't have to be sneaking if you weren't late" Said a familiarly stern voice from behind me.

"Astrid! I- sorry" I said meekly.

"Oh stop it. Just don't look at me because that's bad luck or something. Just get in there before the music starts playing."

"You got is miss" Jack piped in as his slipped through the big door, which let into the Ceremony. , "C'mon Hiccup, I think I see your dad"

We tip toed down the side of the chair filled room. Ana stood at the front in a sweet little white dress. It looked like she stepped right out of the 50's.

Just like Jack had said, my dad was sitting in the front row in his best suit.

Just as we slipped in beside him an acoustic guitar started playing the wedding march.

Ana just like everyone else in the room seemed to be baiting their breath as Astrid slowly swept down the isle with her long white dress, her arm linked with Ana's father.

It was really a shame that Astrid's parents never came around to her dating a woman. They couldn't set their catholic virtues aside long enough to appreciate their own daughter. It took a little while but she eventually gave up on trying to win them over and just moved to Bergess with Ana.

Ana's family welcomed her as part of the family after just one meeting and even my dad came around to support her. I've honestly never seen her happier.

None of us have ever been happier.

I felt tears prick my eyes as the two girls finished their vows and proceeded to kiss.

It was crazy that just six years ago Astrid was in the closet and I didn't even have any idea on what I was missing out on. We were both pretty miserable human beings with horrible family lives and no real drives. Fast forward and now Astrid's a professional boxer, which she took up to get out her anger at her parents. And Ana's a dentist. It's quite an odd couple actually. Though probably no weirder than a college Hockey coach and an architect.

But you love whom you love, right?

Finally the ceremony was finished and everyone had already headed to the near by restaurant where the celebration was taking place.

Astrid was busy greeting all of Ana's family. I couldn't help but laugh at her face as a bunch of aunts and uncles and distant cousins ran up and hugged her and kissed her. She's never been much of a kissing person. Other than with Ana of course.

"So how are ya, Hic?" Dad said as he strolled up to Jack and I with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Oh you know, just patiently waiting for my best friend to get away from her wife"

"Gosh, wife. I can't believe how much she's grown. I remember when you two would bathe together. Oh you guys were so young" He sighed.

I cringed. "Please bad, we're at a fancy occasion. It's no place to talk about embarrassing childhood stories."

"Special occasion? Please, this is a wedding. This is where us old folk gather to share all of your embarrassing stories"

"Please dad, please stop" I begged.

"Alright, alright, I can catch a hint" He waved me off, "So on other thoughts…" dad turned to Jack who straightened up a little, "You still working at that hockey rink?"

"Uh y- yes sir" He answered.

"Ah yes, okay. Well how's it paying? Are you supporting my boy?" His hands rose to his hips as he looked down at my boyfriend.

"Well Um, I-"

"Dad will you please calm down!" I cut in, "I'm not some helpless house wife or something. Jack works a fine job and we're very comfortable."

"Sorry son, just making sure"

"You don't have to worry about anything sir" Jack piped up, "We're taking care of each other just fine. I'm so lucky to have your son as my boyfriend and I would do anything for him. I'm sure he'd say the same about me. We're happy, sir, it's a simple life right now but we have goals"

"Now that's what I like to hear! Hiccup, you found a good one" He grinned, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some embarrassing baby Astrid stories to tell to the new in laws."

Dad walked off and I turned to face Jack, lacing our fingers together, "So apparently you're a good catch" I smiled softly.

Jack puffed his chest out, "I'd like to think I am"

"Should I be worried?"

"We have goals and stuff remember" He slipped his hands from my grasp and placed them on my waist and pulled me forward, "Plus you're a really great kisser. I'm never giving you up"

"Good to know" I smirked before closing the gap between us.

Our little soon to be make out session was cut short by the brides.

"Wow, I thought this was our wedding"

We separated quickly before letting huge grins spread across our faces and launching ourselves at our respective best friends.

"Look at the happy couple!" Jack exclaimed after we had finished our group hug.

"I know!" Ana giggled excitedly.

"You both look so beautiful" I complimented.

"Awe thanks Hic. But can you guys believe it. I mean I remember when we forced you to come to Kensington with us" She punched my shoulder lightly, "That's where I met this lovely lady" She sighed wrapping her arms around Ana's waist into a side hug, "best night of my life"

Yea, best night for me too. Getting to see Jack shirtless was just as great then as it was now, even before I liked him

"And now look as us, planning the rest of our lives together" Astrid pulled her new wife closer and kissed her cheek.

"Awe guys c'mon, don't get all mushy on us" Jack whined.

"Oh don't worry Jack, we'll have to be on our way anyways. My aunt Ruth is on her way over here and if we get caught by her we'll have to listen to her sing us her whole wedding play list" Ana said in a hushed tone as she pulled Astrid away in a little bit of a rush.

"Well it seems like Astrid's in for a crazy rest of her life" I laughed.

"As someone who's known her family for quite some time I can confirm that"

We both laughed as we watched Astrid stumble along behind Ana.

It's funny. Avoiding the in-laws doesn't normally start until the third year of marriage.

"Oh look at my boys" Said a gruff Russian voice from behind us.

"Dad! Hey" Jack greeted as he pulled the large man in for a hug.

"And how are you my boy?" He patted my on the back. Hard. I might have grown in stature but that hardly put up any resistance against me flying forward against his heavy palm.

"H-hi North" I smiled up at him as I tried to indiscreetly relocate my shoulder.

"Dad, please don't break my boyfriend. He's the only one I've got!" He scolded as he pulled me closer by his side.

"Only one, eh?" He hummed, stroking his beard, "So when is it that we'll be hearing wedding bells for you two?"

Both our eyes widened as we tried to stutter out a response.

"Ya, who do I get to go dress shopping with" Mary hopped into the conversation with a big grin on her face, "I'm not missing out on my one opportunity to go judge a bunch of overly expensive dresses just because you decided to go ahead and get with a guy. It's my birth right a a younger sister."

We couldn't help but just roll our eyes. It might have been six years, Mary might be a teenager now but don't let her mascara and lip-gloss fool you, she's still the same annoying little ten year old at heart.

"You know what Mary… how about you just go find mom" Jack snapped.

Mr. North chortled. "Calm down boys, it's just a suggestion"

"Ya well we don't need your suggestions. We move at our own pace"

Jacks mood took a little turn for the worst but quickly brightened up after the rest of his family left.

Truthfully we never really talked about that kind of stuff. About our future, I mean. Jack never really wants to. He's always changing the subject if anything like that comes up. Which I totally understand. I mean, he didn't really have the best experience the first time around.

But really, who doesn't imagine a future with their true love?

And I guess that's the thing. He is my true love. I love him to the ends of the earth an beyond. I'll wait for him forever. Just like he's waited for me.

One day I do hope to put a ring on his finger. Maybe a little sooner that he's expecting.

There are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.

Then there are the ones that are just waiting for the perfect moment.

Like the fact that there's a particularly shaped box hidden deep in my pocket.

Or that it's just counting down seconds until... "Hey Jack, can we talk for a moment?"

Wowy! Okay, this was a fun run. It was a pretty great experience and I think everyone who read this story along with me. I wish I could have made the ending a bit more fantastic but I'm a little rushed with school starting TOMORROW! It's kinda crazy, I know. Though that's not going to stop me from writing. As long as you guys are still willing to read my stuff, that is.

I'll probably be posting a few one shots. Better one shots that the one I have posted right now. But I do have another pretty epic story planned and I can't wait to start it, so there's that.

So ya, thank you all so much for enduring my first story and for giving me so much confidence in my writing. if it wasn't for all you guys with would have stayed as a first chapter and a quick drabble that would sit in my computer but you guys helped me making it so much more than that.

Now I know that to most of you guys this is just a story but to me this is a major achievement because this is the first story I have ever finished!

So again, thank you so much for reading this and I hope the ending wasn't too underwhelming (and if it was, I'm sorry).

I don't really know how to end this so I guess I'll just sign off for the last time (on this story)

Please review if you want and subscribe too (if you want)

Stay absofreakingloutly amazing! (◑‿◐)
