Reviews for A Change of Scenery
dragon congelado chapter 20 . 4/22/2015
My other comment was a super happy face in case it was misunderstood. The was a really good story. I hope that you keep on writing and making people like me happy.
Keep up the good work!
dragon congelado chapter 15 . 4/22/2015

I liked it. A lot. Please something like that happen to me?
liliaann chapter 20 . 2/23/2015
I really enjoyed ur story :)
faisyah865 chapter 20 . 11/20/2014
Zoidbergrules chapter 20 . 9/2/2014
I realy like reading this story. For a first story it's pretty good. And the end seems a bit rushed but it's not that bad. I'm looking forward to read your future story.
I hope i'm clear. I'm not realy good at writing in english even if i read a lot in english "
good luck with school and everything.
rickastro chapter 20 . 9/1/2014
Mon, the ending wasn't good... IT WAS GREAT it had that subtle essence of lightness that will make you feel good inside not nostalgic or bad when the story ends it was relaxing calm and serene. Really good work mon
Aangelik chapter 20 . 9/1/2014
IS THIS THE END ?! OH MY GOSH NO ! IT CAN'T BE THE END TTATT (I'm crying, dah ! It was such an amazing chapter, such an amazing story. ;w; wouldn't mind a little longer. )

and I like the fact that it's six years later :)

"he can go to hot and sexy house wife to excited little first grader" Yeah that jack in one sentence x')
Jenskuchu chapter 20 . 9/1/2014
Omgomgomgomg! I'm soooo happy! *crying*
This is sooo beautiful and sweet and stuff *morehappycrying*
Kitsu Maxwell chapter 20 . 9/1/2014
Oh my gods! The dragon cuff links! I'm dying! I think I'm legit dying! Oh that lovable dork! XD I think this is a fantastic end to a fantastic story by the way. Congratulations on finishing it!
Jenskuchu chapter 19 . 8/23/2014
Omg this is way too good ;w;
I love this! Hope you continue it soon :3
Kitsu Maxwell chapter 19 . 8/22/2014
There was an awful lot of apologizing going on in your author's notes. You said sorry eight times in fact. That's really something considering how short those notes are. You need to stop that. lol You're seriously awesome and you should stand by what you do! If someone has a problem with it then nuts to them! XP There's nothing wrong with popping Else in there either. I thought she was a pretty good fit given the situation. And super kudos for originality! The car accident thing is a little over done, so it's interesting to see it done with a motorcycle instead, and even more heart grabbing having Hiccup be the one who actually hit the gas. And Jack was so flippin adorable. XD Seriously, that kid is cuter than baby animals sometimes. lol So yeah, awesome job on this chapter! I would say it was worth the wait, but I only had to bear that agony for a few days so I'm not sure it counts. I know I'll be right there with the rest of them waiting for the next chappy though. X3
Kitsu Maxwell chapter 18 . 8/20/2014
D: Ah!... AH! This is where it ends?! I just so happen to have timing just rotten enough that I find this magnificent piece of brilliance right when you get to this particular moment?! DX WHY LIFE?! WHYYYY!? -sobs brokenly-

-sigh- Well, I suppose I can't expect every awesome story I find to be already finished. This is FF, not a library. Though, honestly, it's fics like this that stave of the need of ever finding a good book to curl up with again. Just because you don't get paid for this stuff, doesn't make it any less brilliant than a published novel. I love this story! Not just like, but full on LOVE!

And that's kinda saying a lot considering I usually hate reading stuff where Hiccup is the taller one. I dunno, it's just sorta a pet peeve of mine I guess... But the way you write it... I think I'm legitimately in love with your taller Hiccup. He's just so snarky, and awkward, and cute and yes, even a little messed up, but he's so damn wonderfully... Well HIM! So many people who write the taller Hiccup just give him this extra bit of suave-ness and this super dominant side and I just can't see that. Just because he got hot doesn't mean his personality did a one eighty!

... Anyway, awesome job and I really am at the edge of my seat for this next chapter! X3 Don't rush yourself! But seriously... Chapter. Yeah. I'd like to see that shit. :3
stxrdusty chapter 18 . 8/14/2014
I just found your story a couple days ago and now that I've read through all of the chapters you currently have it's time to leave you a review!

This is one of my favorite stories! Hiccup's antisocial-ness and relationship with Jack just speaks to me and even with all the angst going on this story just makes me happy. Amazing job!
Theonestuckinhttydworld chapter 18 . 8/14/2014
When are you going to post a new chapter I'm diying here
whaaaaa chapter 18 . 7/30/2014
i love this fic so much and cant wait to read the next chapter when it comes out! your a great writer and just, ugh this many feels
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