Ash and Harry Ketchum's Pokémon Journey.

Summary- Harry since he had first been placed with the Dursley's had lived a miserable life with no chance of happiness. Something that Magic herself will not stand for any longer; especially once she finds out the plans a certain headmaster has for her chosen. Plans that Magic has no designs herself to allow to happen. To stop this from happening Magic decides to send her choice child to a new world altogether. One where he would finally be loved and have a chance at a destiny Magic wants for him. Not to mention it gives magic a chance to give some gifts to her favorite child. Now what changes will Harry bring to the world he's now part of and how will Ash's journey change now that he has a brother that's coming along for the ride. Not to mention what happens when the wizarding world finds out just what happened to the boy they called their savior and the fact they have no chance of getting him back, unless magic herself allows it; something that is highly unlikely to happen.

I do not own Harry Potter or Pokémon, nor do I make any money/profit off of either one of them.


Thoughts "hmm I wonder what this button does."

Pokespeak/understanding Pokémon: "Really, don't make me shock you!"

Mentally speaking in someone else's mind: "Hello, can you hear me now?"

From the Pokedex: The thing you are pointing this at isn't a Pokémon but a rock.

Chapter eight

It took the two days, two very long days that seemed to drag on forever, to get through the rest of the way through the Viridian Forest and into Pewter City. At the same time, this two-day travel was faster than either Harry or Ash had originally been planning on going through the forest at.

As before they had been planning on dragging the last of their days though the forest a bit longer so they could get more training in. Especially with the town in question a lot closer that it would have been making it so if they wanted to, they could easily go get needed supplies and go back into the forest with them. However, the fact that they had someone else with them had made them speed up their way through the forest.

This someone in question was Misty, and honestly Harry was very happy to see the end of the forest they had found her in; at least as long as she was with them he was. Mostly because honesty he couldn't stand Misty in the least bit.

Not only because she seemed to scream at the top of her lungs at every single bug Pokémon they had met, in a forest that is known for it's bug Pokémon in the first place, but the fact that Misty was also ungrateful, loud, demanding and all too proud. Not to mention rather violent, and prone to lashing out at the slightest slight against her; something Harry did far too often by mistake. Or so he said when Ash would look at him.

Now, Harry understood being proud of yourself and your accomplishments but in his opinion, he hadn't seen Misty do anything that was worth being proud of; at least not to the degree she was showing them. But had listened instead, as the girl in question had constantly talked down to both him and his brother. Always demanded they do things for her and attempted to hang the fact they had destroyed her bike over their head to make them follow the orders she had given them.

Harry said attempted because it didn't work on him. The very minute she had tried to do that with him he had put his foot down and tried to make a binding contract using their Pokedex to make in legal. Saying that they would pay her back for her bike, and only her bike. Something the contract would help make more official.

Which by doing so would make it so that they would have to put all the information that had happened during said destruction of the bike in question. Including the fact that the bike had been destroyed in the process of saving her life in the first place. Not to mention the brand and age of the bike in question so a price could be arranged by the Pokémon League in the first place.

Afterwards Misty could simply leave, as both Harry and Ash hadn't planned on leaving the forest for a while and didn't want to put up with her whining or demanding they move faster; like she had been so far. However, Misty had refused to do so, saying that she didn't trust them and that she would make sure to follow them until they did pay her back for her bike. Playing on Ash's sense of honor to make it so he agreed with her.

And no matter how much Harry had mentioned that the contract would be binding by the Pokémon League's standards made her change her mind. Worst yet, at least in Harry's mind, his brother Ash had agreed that Misty could follow them until she got her bike back. Something Harry was now sure Ash was regretting as Misty had been, from what Harry could tell her normal self, and so had Harry; not stopping his barbed tongue in the least bit. That should show his brother for ignoring his frantically shaking head when Misty said something about following them.

Honestly, even their Pokémon seemed to want nothing to do with Misty. Which is why shorty after meeting her both Harry and Ash had started carrying the majority of their Pokémon in their ball. We'll all besides Ash's Pikachu and his newly hatched Growlith; which he hadn't captured yet. Not to mention Harry's Black Dimond.

This seeming lack of Pokémon was something, which had earned several sarcastic snips from Misty about them not being strong enough to have any more Pokémon besides them. Even if Harry had caught her rather jealous looks at his Black Dimond. And this was despite the fact that both of them visible had other pokeballs on them. Not to mention the fact that the Pokémon that were out had been strong enough to beat the Gyarados she had been so terrified of just days earlier.

Luckily now they were in Pewter city and one step closer to getting rid of her, after finding out the price of her bike that is. And unlike Ash, Harry wasn't stupid enough to believe the bike in question was top of the line and brand new; like he knew she would try to pass it off as.

He had seen the general out line of the bike in question, and knew from the research he did, as he had wanted a bike later on in this trip once he had saved up enough money for it, to know that it wasn't one of the best ones out there. Add with that, that the top of the line bikes general had certificates and serial numbers to go along with them. Meant that if she tried to pass her bike of as one of them, she'd need to show Harry the certificate and serial number to prove it; otherwise he was going to assume it was an older generic bike.

Most likely one that she had, had for a while now, or if not that a used on that her family had had on hand for her to use. She should be grateful that because of Ash's generous nature, and strong conscious, that she was getting a brand-new bike out of this. Not try to swindle them for something better than what she had before, and one that she was only getting because the two of them had tried to save her life in the first place.

Grumbling slightly and trying to think of all the different ways he could get Misty to leave, or if not that stopping her from taking advantage of his brother, Harry followed both Ash and Misty to the Pokecenter.

Both to get their Pokémon checked over, and at the same time talk to their mother. As well as the Professor as Harry was planning on bring up what happened with Misty, and the fact about the bike, with him. Certainly, before she could try to twist it into something worse than it was; something Harry really wouldn't put it past her to try. As like Harry had said, several times in the forest, often straight to her face, he really didn't like her; not in the least bit.

Ten minutes later, all of their Pokémon where fixed up and they where about to go over to the phone so they could check in with both their mother and the Professor. Or at least they were where about to this, until Misty had reached her patients limit about being ignored like she was.

Seeing as Misty marched her way over until she was standing right in front of them; blocking them from going any further. Causing Ash to groan, and Harry, in an attempt to keep the peace if only for the sake of the others in the Pokecenter, bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything he probably shouldn't. At least for the time being, something that got just a bit more difficult for him as Misty began to shout at them; obviously trying to create a scene as she did so.

"Look, I followed you two through that forest even when you were dragging your feet trying to put off doing the right thing and paying for the Bike your Pokémon destroyed. A bike might I add, I worked my fingers to the bone to be able to get! Now, stop trying to get away from paying me back for it! I know you tired to leave me behind in that forest despite the fact you said you'd pay me back and the fact you know I am terrified of bug Pokémon!"

After saying this Harry could see fake tears building up in Misty's eyes and he could see the way the people in the Pokecenter where reacting what she had said. By either glaring at both him and his brother in disappointment or if not that, looking at the both of them in disgust

. Seeing this Harry had enough of biting his tongue and let both Misty, as well as the others that were listing in, know what had really happened; instead of the sob story Misty was trying to play it off as. Surprising his brother Ash as he did so, as Harry usually went out of his way to avoid speaking in public spaces with large crowds of people in it; like the Pokecenter currently was.

"Don't you dare try to make it out like that Misty. You know it is nothing like that and dry off those Totodile tears of yours while you're at it. Because both you and I know, that those are as fake as can be. Why don't you tell everyone around you just how your bike got destroyed in the first place?" Here Harry gave the now slightly pale Misty a smirk before continuing on.

"How it had been destroyed after my brother saved your life from a Gyarados you had enraged and couldn't battle on your own? How my brother's Pikachu took care of the Gyarados for you and ending up frying you bike because it was too close to the raging Pokémon in the first place."

This earned gasp of shock from the listening crowd, a crowd Misty was now starting to regret gathering as Harry began to turn it against her with each word he said. Was still saying for that matter. She hadn't thought the normal icy but silent boy would have the guts to do something like this; seeing as usually came of as rather shy. Which was way she had tried it in the first place. Something she was regretting more and more as Harry continued to speak.

"Or better yet, tell them how I offered to make a Pokémon League made contract on the first day we met. So, you could leave us alone and still get you bike back at a later date? Or how about the fact each time I asked you about your bike in the forest, you know to get a price range for it, your story always changed. Getting more elaborate and expensive as time went on. Or how about the fact the entire time we were in the forest you did nothing but downgrade us, spit on the fact we wanted to train our Pokémon more instead of rushing out of the forest, and make all kind of demands that had us all but catering on you; trying to use the fact my brother felt guilty about your back to get both of us to wait on you hand and foot!"

Here Harry paused in what he was saying and seeing the enraged look on Misty's face and the fact that the rest of the people who had been looking at them in disgust or disappointment now looked rather angry at Misty instead, added on.

"You're lucky my brother is as kindhearted as he is, and he doesn't see you as I do. He'll pay you back for the bike his Pokémon destroyed, even if it happened in the first place because he was saving your life, something you still haven't thanked him for in the least bit might I add. But at the same time, I can assure you he will not be paying for a top of the line fully decked out bike like you have been hinting at. He will pay you back for exactly what your bike is worth and not a pokecent more than that. I will do everything in my power to ensure that!"

After this was said Misty, face red as it could be and looking second away from trying to hit Harry, spun around and stormed out of the Pokecenter. Leaving Harry standing in the center of the room, hand on his hips and his brother staring rather wide eyed at him; not believing his brother had said so much in such short period of time. Or at least he was staring wide eyed at Harry, until Harry, blushing slightly at the attention he was getting, turned towards Ash and asked.

"We should probably talk with Mom and the Professor now. I know mom is probably worried about us, and you have a couple of question that you want to ask the Professor yourself. Not to mention, I want to go over with the Professor a contract of some sort to help you pay of Misty's bike. Because I wouldn't put it past her to make what happened to sound much worse in regards to us than it was. I mean look what she just tried to do here after all." This got Harry a quick nod before Ash went back to making his way towards the phone; Harry following silently behind him as he did so.

Once they reached the phone in question Ash quickly dialed up their mother's number to speak with her. With him standing in the front, as he just knew Harry wasn't going to be saying much now.

Not with everything he had just said earlier. Though Harry had surprised him quite a bit with the outburst back there. So, he may be wrong about him not saying anything else at the same time. But now was not the time to question that, as their mom had just answered her phone; looking utterly relieved about their call.

"Oh, I'm glad you two called me I was starting to get a little worried. I know that you both told me it would be a while between calls, as you two where going to be training more, but as a mother I can't help but worry. Now how are you two, did anything happen?" Ash hearing this was about to assure their mother that everything was going great, and that nothing that happened. That's when Harry surprised him yet again but interrupting him before he could.

"You're probably going to hear this from the Professor as well, as we are about to go talk to him about it right after this. But something did happen. In the forest we ran in to this girl, ending up saving her life from a raging Pokémon. But in doing so Ash's Pikachu ended up frying her bike." Here Harry paused and took a deep breath to calm himself down a bit before continuing. Something that was noticed by his mother with rather wide worried eyes, as she wondered just what had happened that made her usually icy calm child so angry. But continued to listen hoping to get the answers she was looking for.

"This girl is named Misty, she began trying to attack Ash for damaging her bike. Which happened while he was trying to safe her life! I stopped her from doing so. Ash, trying to do the right thing, told her that since he destroyed her bike he would do his best to pay her back for it She is now traveling with us, as she refused to make a contract or tell us just how much the bike is worth in the first place. I have noticed she keeps changing things about her bike making it sound like it is worth more each time she does it. I want to talk to the processor and see if he can get an idea just what type of bike it was, and how much it is truly worth. As I do not see her letting Ash know this and trying to get as much as she can out of him because of that. And I know that Ash will try to pay her back no matter how much she says it is."

This said, Harry stopped talking and looked at his mother, to see how she was taking in what he had just said. Only to see that she was torn between looking angry and proud at the same time. Something that was explained as she began to speak; to both Harry and Ash at the same time.

"Ash, I am so proud of you. Just hearing what you have done and seeing how you are acting lets me know as a mother that I have raised you right. You're doing the right thing paying for the bike, even if it was destroyed by doing something that ended up saving that girl's life in the first place." Here their mother took a deep breath before continuing on.

"It's her that is in the wrong in this situation. As she is trying to take advantage of what happened; in the worst sorts of ways. Don't let that get to you Sweetie. And Harry, keep doing what your doing. I am going to go over to the Professors place as well, perhaps if we work together, we can get this all settled before things get any worse. Just don't let your temper and protective nature over Ash get the best of you. Don't let her get anymore ammunition that she could use against the two of you, Okay? I love the both of you and am so proud; please keep up the good work you two" This said the phone called ended and Harry seeing that Ash seemed to be almost frozen in place, with a small blush on his face, called up the Professor himself.

The phone was answered wasn't answered as quickly as it had been at the mothers, making Harry believe that their mother had literally ran to the Professors and was now telling him just what had happened. Something that was proven true, at least Harry believed it was, when after hanging up. Which Harry had done after the phone in question had rung for a while and recalled the phone in question was answered by Professor Oak and Harry could see their mother in the background.

"Hello, Ash, Hello Harry. Your mother just told me what is going on and I have to say this is different type of problem than what I am used to. But I can help you there. If you would like, I can arrange it so each time Ash wins money in battles part of it automatically comes to me, and can not be touched by anyone else until there is enough saved up for a bike? While that is happened, I can go through several others to find out how to best price ranger a bike, and do my best to help figure out just how much the bike had been worth before? I'd need to know more about this Misty in question to do that, but for now that is about all of what I can do." Harry hearing this nodded and decided to add one more thing in there before they moved to a different subject. Something Harry could see Ash was desperate to do.

"That sounds good but add me in there as well. I want you to take a percentage of the winning I get as well, to help pay off the bike. The sooner we get that done, the soon that girl can leave. I don't like her, and I am not going to leave my brother to pay off her bike by himself. Not when I was there right beside him trying to help her in the first place, it could have easily had been my Pokémon that had destroyed her bike in a different circumstance."

This earned Harry a proud smile from his mother, and a nod from the Professor as he began to hit the keys on his computer; most likely doing just as Harry had asked him. Ash hearing this and seeing what was happening was about to protest, but after getting a look from his brother; one that screamed Harry would be doing this rather he like it or not. Ash changed his mind, not wanting to mess with his brother when he was in the mood he currently was, and instead tried to change the subject. Moving it something he felt more comfortable talking about in the first place.

"Speaking about Pokémon, I have a question I would like to ask you Professor. Is it possible to have more than six Pokémon on you at once? I ask this because the egg that mom got me hatched, and it's a Growlith. Only I haven't been able to actual catch him because of the limit I have. I know my Shelder, Beedrill and Fearow are with you right now, but if I capture the Fierce…that's my Growlith by the way. But if I catch him right now, he'll be sent right to you and I don't want that to happen. Is there a way I can keep him with me if I capture him now? Maybe if I don't plan on having him battle yet or something like that?" After this was asked Professor Oak frowned a bit before sighing.

"I'm sorry Ash what you're asking for isn't possible, at least not right now. To do what your asking you need to have three Badges. But if you want you can use the Phone here to send one of your other Pokémon here, for a little break, and then capture your Growlith. That way the Growlith can be with you until he is no longer in the baby stage." Hearing this Ash gave a sad sounding sigh and became all the more determined to get his Pokémon badges. Before answering the Professor.

"I figured you'd say that and spoke to my Pokémon about it. Butterfree agreed if that was the case, he'd be willing to go to you. He misses his friend Beedrill anyway." This said Ash placed Butterfree's ball in the transport and watched sadly as it disappeared and reappeared beside the Professor in the screen. Seeing this, and before he hung up, the Professor reassured Ash.

"Don't worry Ash, I'll take good care of your Butterfree and I am sure you'll reach the point of getting three badges sooner than you think After all I know how determined you can get, and how much you care about your Pokémon." This said Professor Oak gave Ash as smile before finishing up what he was saying; with a cheerful.

"And until than you can always use the Pokecenter to switch around your Pokémon, any time you want." This earned a slight smile from Ash and a wave as the Professor hung up after saying this. Seeing that their phone calls where over, and that he now had a free spot in his Pokémon Ash gave a slight sigh and bent down the rub his Growlith's mane; while comfortingly whispering.

"We'll I guess its time we made it official huh Fierce right." This said Ash gently tapped a Pokeball on the Growlith's head and captured his newest, and youngest Pokémon. Giving a slight cheer, with Pikachu as the ball said Fierce was officially capture. Seeing this Harry gave Ash a smirk before nudging him forward with his shoulder, while telling him.

"Why don't we get working on those badges. The sooner we start getting them, the sooner we can have more Pokémon with us. Not to mention the sooner we get the money to pay that girl her bike back." Hearing this and hearing the tone Harry said that girl in Ash couldn't help but sweat drop as he told Harry.

"You know her name is Misty right. You've called her that before, you mentioned it to both mom and the others so you know her name. Why don't you use it more?" Harry after this was said, gave a deadpan stare before answering his bother.

"I just don't feel like it. Besides I know it ticks her off, and I enjoy doing that to her. She frustrates me, and I am just returning the favor. The moment she starts treating the both of us with a bit more respect is the moment I start treating her with more respect and call her by her name. And only then."

Ash hearing this could only groan and mourn for the growing headache he knew he was going to have. At least for as long as Misty was going to be with them, as Harry wasn't going to let anything she did go and do everything in his power to make her as miserable as she was going to make them. Not to mention part of him knew Harry was doing this for ignoring the fact Harry hadn't wanted Misty to join them in the first place.

Deciding that for now that really didn't matter, and that he didn't want even to think about Misty, or the future journey they would have to take with her, Ash instead followed behind his brother out of the Pokecenter. It was currently too late for them to actually go to the Pewter Gym to battle for their Stone badge, but there was still a lot they could do for the day before they settled in.

Besides anything that keep them away from Misty longer was something Harry, and Ash, could seriously get behind as they really needed a break from her. Not to mention, after they left Pewter they would be heading to Mt. Moon, a place both Harry and Ash wanted to spend a good amount of time there.

Both for training and trying to capture different Pokémon in; so they would need to restock a good deal at Pewter before the did so. More so when you consider that the shop they went to before didn't have all the things that were needed for the more mountain like setting Mt. Moon had.

Both brothers had much fuller and heavier bags by the time they had finished getting all the supplies Harry felt they would need. In fact, by the time they had finished Ash had complained about Harry being as bad as shopping with as their mother was. Earning him a playful glare form his brother.

A glare that gained a slight shove to go with it, when Ash added on the fact he was confused as to how Harry could carry the bag he was, as if it was normal and didn't weigh a thing. When usually he couldn't carry more weight than Ash could; something that Harry couldn't answer. And only ended with Harry chasing is brother when Ash sarcastically added that maybe it was because Harry's bag was like a purse; something that seemed to carry everything but not get any heavier despite that fact.

Sadly, this joking edge, and relaxation that the brothers had gotten by gathering all their supplies ended when they went to their rooms and saw that Misty was waiting for them; her arms crossed angrily. Obviously, she had been there for a while as all her stuff was over the room, actually taking up one of the two beds the two brothers had paid for. Seeing this, and not waiting for the girl to erupt, like she clearly wanted to do, Harry demanded to know.

"What are you doing here, why aren't you in your own room. And why do you have of you supplies on my bed!" Hearing this Misty went to slap Harry, only to be stopped as Harry gripped in had in an iron hold before pushing her way from him when she started screaming at them.

"That is my bed. It's not my fault the two of you were too stupid to get enough rooms for all of us. I told you I would be staying with you until you paid me back for my bike, so you should have gotten me a room as well! On that topic, how dare you embarrass me like down there! You do own me a bike and it was a good bike not some cheap bike like you were trying to say." Here Misty rubbed her wrist and after seeing the glare Harry was giving her instead turned her focus to Ash; finding him easier to push around than his brother was. Or at least for the moment she did.

"If you don't get me the bike, I want I will go to the League and report you for it, so don't try to get out of this!" As she did this Misty poked Ash in the chest, causing Ash to sigh slightly and become grateful his brother was with him, and that because of him he had learned a lot of different things otherwise Ash wasn't sure how he would have dealt with Misty otherwise.

Hearing this and seeing his brother's reaction to what she was doing, Harry didn't respond. Or at least he didn't verbally respond at first, making Misty think she had won. That is, she had thought she had won, until Harry walked over to where her bags where laying, picked them up, and all of her other supplies along with them, before dropping them out of there door. While telling the fuming preteen, who was once again trying to hit him.

"We owe you a bike, this does not mean we have to pay for you room or anything else you think we owe you. You don't have to follow us, you chose to, meaning because of that choice you can pay for everything that goes along with it."

Here Harry started to glare at Misty, while doing his best to not let his powers activate like they had been trying to for a while now. Seeing as was trying to listen to his mother when she warned Harry about losing his temper and giving Misty more ammunition against them. So, in the spirit of this, and in a tone that was that was downright frigid Harry finished what he was telling Misty.

"I offered to make an official report to the league to make it so we have to pay you back the bike while you went on to do whatever it is you wanted to do on your own; far away from us… In fact, I did make an official one with Professor Oak, so you'll get your bike back. One that was the closet to the one we destroyed, not the one you wanted but could never afford your self might I add. Now, I don't like you and I am not sharing a room with you. That being said, go get your own room."

This said Harry shut the door in Misty's face, as the girl in question hadn't noticed Harry had guided her out the door when he had been dodging her swings at him. This said and ignoring the banging and screaming at the door he had just shut, Harry turned back to his stunned brother and gave him a smile before added.

"Now why don't we let out all our Pokémon, I am sure they are tired of being in their Pokeballs; after all it's been over two days since we have let them out." This got Harry a bright smile as Ash immediately agreed with what Harry had said and let loose his Pokémon with a large smile on his face.

Seeing this Harry joins his brother in letting lose his Pokémon. Glad they had gotten such a large room, and the rooms where made for releasing Pokémon in them to begin with. As otherwise the Pokémon they had just released wouldn't have been as comfortable as they currently were.

Once all the Pokémon where freed Harry quickly got to work in checking over his Pokémon and started to groom them a bit before they could all settle down for bed. Something he knew that Ash was doing as well.

At least that is what they had been doing when the door slammed open, as Misty had finally managed to pick the lock Harry and turned once, he had gotten her out. Seeing this Harry let loose a growl and was about to do something about her when she did something that had him freezing in absolute rage.

Misty upon seeing all the Pokémon in the room, or to be more precise seeing two specific Pokémon in the group of Pokémon in the room immediately squealed rushed over grabbed both Harry's Horsea and his Eevee before trying to make it to the door calling out.

"I'll take these to instead of the Bike you own me. That sounds like a fair trade to me. Thanks." Hearing this and seeing that she was almost out the door with his Pokémon Harry felt his temper snap.

As this happens the door Misty was trying to rush out of glows a sinister looking green before slamming shut right in front of her face. With enough force to almost crack the wall around it. Then in a chilling tone Harry marches over to the now partied girls hiss out.

"Those are my Pokémon, and I think there are worth far more than your old secondhand bike. Get your hands off them and give them back you thief, or I'm make you regret it!"

AN_ POKEMON INFO (after training and at end of chapter)

Ash's vulpix(Majestic)is level 18

Ash's Pikachu(Loki) is level 40

Ash's Egg-hatched- Growlith- fierce- (not actually captured yet) level 5

Ash's magikarp – (typhoon) is level 18

Ash's Fearow (wild wing)- is level 25

Ash's Caterepie/Metapd/Butterfree- Level 20

Ash's Beedrill-stinger- level 15 (with professor Oak)

Ash's Pidgeotto- Sora-Level 16 (with Professor Oak)

Ash's Mankey- Champ- level 17

Ash's Shellder-level 10 (with Professor Oak)

Harry's Horsea, (Mystery)is level 26

Harry's Ponyta (Black Diamond) is level 42 (Shiny)

Harry's Feeba- (Treasure) is level 22 (shiny)

Harry's egg -hatched Eevee (Little wonder) (Shiny) Level 5

Syther (Samurai)is level 19 (Shiny)

Egg (found abandon having been saved by Harry from the stream)