Reviews for Ash and Harry Ketchum's Pokemon Journey
tonyalexander13 chapter 8 . 5/22
I really love this story please continue it!
joeyblast chapter 8 . 4/20
And that was when Misty realized that she had fucked up.

Please add more! This story deserves to be continued!
LeafShinobi1997 chapter 8 . 3/28
please update soon.
LeafShinobi1997 chapter 5 . 3/28
I was wondering if you are gonna have them paired in a romantic relationship and if you are is this gonna be a yaoi story
666Neko chapter 8 . 2/21
this is a really good story please update if you can and thanks for sharing it with us readers
Ajanta chapter 8 . 10/13/2019
I love this story
I always hated the anime Misty. Compared to the games version she's a joke
Waiting for the next chapter
SabannaLea chapter 8 . 10/2/2019
Please update soon!
LunarSeeker chapter 8 . 9/2/2019
A good chapter and story. Keep up the good work! Also, Misty, in the immortal words of Alucard, "You dun goofed."
Lauramichca chapter 8 . 8/22/2019
I was never really into the show, more watched it with my siblings, so I only know so much of this world.
But I really disliked Misty originally, though didn't mind her so much later in the series when she matured some and smartened up a bit, but you've amplified her worse traits here and reminded me why I disliked her from the start (though I'm closer to loathing her here lol).
I don't care if it is official or not, the boys had best share her greed and attempted thievery with the professor and their mom at minimum. Best to curb behaviours before they get worse.

Oh and they definitely should report her breaking into their room twice, at least once through the lock, both to Prof. Oak and their mom, but more importantly to Nurse Joy. Again for awareness (and back up ammo of repeated bad behaviour), and so the centres can upgrade their locks.

Thanks for sharing
Lauramichca chapter 3 . 8/22/2019
Ha, I half wondered if Lady Magic was giving him a mew lol

Thanks for sharing
SadFan chapter 8 . 7/31/2019
Can’t wait for the next update! Go Harry! Tear into Misty show her who’s boss!
Bane145 chapter 8 . 7/30/2019
Great story keep it coming please.
frankieu chapter 8 . 7/27/2019
interesting story thx for writing it
good to see potter luck still going strong
interesting take on misty
Jojotheshadow chapter 8 . 7/25/2019
Sounder what going to happened next.

When you going to show mother magic taking her anger out on the magic world?
Merlenyn chapter 8 . 7/22/2019
Oooooo GO HARRY! Tell Misty what's what! XD I just loooove how he finally reached his limits and shot her down when she tried to shame them both in public to get her way, and how they all turned on her when Harry spouted off the TRUTH! And then getting their mother and Professor Oak involved... means Misty is going to have a hell of a time trying to get her way now.

Of course trying to mooch off them like she is... wow. Just... wow. I love how Harry got her out of the room and supposedly locked out, but the fact that she learned how to pick locks apparently and broke into their room to harass them some more... only to see all their pokemon and decide she'd take a cute water type Horsea and the somewhat rare evolving type Eevee that she COULD later turn into a water type were better than her bike and just decided to STEAL them and try to flee saying she'd just take them instead of the new bike... wow, just... wow. I hope Harry doesn't like, totally flatten her with his magic, but I really really REALLY hope she wises up after this and realizes she's been playing with FIRE.

If they were to turn her in for this, would she be barred from being a gym leader herself later? I know she's like... supposed to be one of 4 right? At least from what I remember of the show and all... with her older sisters turning the gym into a joke with water shows and just giving out badges like candy to trainers... but if she were to get fined/arrested for trying to steal Harry's pokemon as "compensation" for her bike (without a contract or other such agreement, AFTER Harry and Ash had spoken to their mother and Professor Oak for it to already be registered in Oak's computers and probably in route to the League by that point), they'd probably be like "not allowed to be a gym leader" for her and then she'd be forced to watch her sisters run the gym into the ground until the League checked on things and were like "ok, time to replace the leaders, can't have pushovers just handing out badges with hardly a fight" and Misty's family would lose the gym totally. Maybe. XD
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