Note To Readers:

Sorry for the lack of updates guys and girls. Had no internet for weeks. Anyway, I'm back on the air so to speak and i will try to get these updates out more often.

Thanks again for reading.


Chapter 1 Part 3

Getting out of the van both Clark and Chloe looked around and were surprised at what they saw. The last time they were at the institute, the outside was a mess due to the fight with Juggernaut. Now as they both took in the scene they were surprised as you would never have known that only a few weeks earlier, it looked like a war zone.

Chloe remembered the large craters that were created as both Clark and the Juggernaut went at each other. Each time they punched each other the ground beneath them broke under the pressure. It was both amazing and terrifying to see such power. The largest of the craters had been created when both Clark and Juggernaut hit each other at the same time. They'd both intercepted each others fist and she could remember seeing the air actually ripple around them. She also felt the entire mansion shake from the force of the blow. "Leave your stuff in the van for now." She heard Logan order as he got out of the van. "We'll bring it in later."

Both Clark and Chloe nodded their heads and followed the Wolverine into the mansion.

As Clark and Chloe walked in through the main doors the were greeted by Storm. "Clark, Chloe. Welcome back." She said with a small smile.

"Hi, Miss Munroe" Chloe responded with a smile of her own. As for Clark, he just give a quick hello.

"Well, if you'll come with me Chloe, I'll show you to your room." Ororo said before turning her attention to Clark. "Logan will show you to your room Clark."

"Ok, thanks." The alien teen responded as Ororo and Chloe started to walk off.

Logan turned to Clark and could tell that the teen was nervous. He'd noticed that the young man did not like going into the unknown. In truth he knew that it was something that he'd have to work on with him. "Come on farm boy." He finally said before starting to walk off.

Clark simply nodded and followed Logan.


"So how was the drive with Logan?" Ororo asked Chloe as the pair made their way through the mansion.

"It was quiet. Logan doesn't seem to talk that much." Chloe answered honestly.

Ororo smiled at that knowing that Logan was not that much of a people person. Although she also knew that he was also extremely loyal and protective of those he considered his 'family'. "How has Clark been? I know that he wasn't comfortable around us when he was here last."

"That's just the way Clark is." Chloe responded. "I cant really blame him for it though. Mr and Mrs Kent did everything they could to make sure Clark was never exposed. I think sometimes though, they went a little too far."

Ororo nodded her head in understanding at that. However there was still much that she didn't understand about Clark Kent. "I have to ask, and please don't take this the wrong way. But does he hate himself for being a mutant?"

That question caused Chloe to come to a complete stop. The truth of the matter was that Clark wasn't a Mutant, he was an alien. That aside, his powers did put him in the Mutant category though. She didn't think that Clark hated himself for being what he was. In fact she'd come to the conclusion that what Clark hated, was the isolation that came with being what he was. "He doesn't hate himself for being what he is." She finally said as she started to walk again. "I think it's just the way he's been raised. His whole life he's been different from those around him. His parents taught him to keep that side of himself hidden so that he'd be safe. He just doesn't know how to be who he really is. In truth I don't think he even knows who he really is because he's never been allowed to be just himself. He's always putting on an act so that he doesn't get found out."

Ororo considered Chloe's words carefully and realised that both Logan and the Professor had said pretty much the same thing. Clark Kent's entire life has been about hiding what he truly is. If what she had been told is true, then Clark has had his powers since he was around three years old. The young man had never known a life as a normal human being. She couldn't wrap her head around how isolating it must be for him. "I gather that it will take some time for him to adjust to not having to hide what he is." She finally said.

"Since I found out about Clark's abilities, he has been different to what he used to be." Chloe admitted with a small smile. "I noticed things in his personality that are different from the Clark Kent that he shows people back home. It's taken a bit of getting used to."

"Oh. In what way?" Ororo asked with genuine interest as they came to a stop outside one of the bedrooms.

"The Clark Kent that people see back in Smallville, is shy and almost invisible. But now that I know about him, he's dropped his guard a little." Chloe said as she tried to work out how to describe the changed she's seen in Clark. "Now, he's sometimes hard. I've seen him when he's stopped a Meteor Mutant. He's cold and calculating, almost as if they are beneath him. There's a detached arrogant streak there as well. But then there's also another side there that I never saw before. Really strong emotions that cause him to fixate on things, almost to the point of obsession. He's also very decisive and headstrong, which is something that's completely opposite to the Clark Kent that he allows the people back home to see." As she finished speaking she noticed Ororo nodding her head in understanding. "Why all the interest in Clark anyway?" She asked.

"When Clark was here, he was very distant from the others." Ororo responded. "I am looking for a way to try and make him more comfortable around us."

Chloe smiled a bit at that. "With Clark, it's all about time. If you give him his space, then he'll come around on his own."

Ororo again nodded her head in understanding as she reached towards the door handle of the room they were standing outside of. "This is your room. Since your in the same year as Jean and Scott, the professor has given you your own room. Clark will also have his own room as well." With that she turned the door handle and opened the door.

As the room came into view, Chloe smiled at the sight of the large double bed that she knew would be very comfortable. The size of the room didn't come as a shock to her as she'd already stayed at the mansion before.


"So, where is everyone?" Clark asked as he and Logan entered his new bedroom.

"Cyke and Red took the new kids down for a danger room session." The Wolverine answered. "We've had a few upgrades since you were last here. Might even give you a workout."

Clark just looked at Logan with a raised eyebrow at that. "Really?" He asked sceptically.

Logan just shrugged his shoulders at that. In truth he didn't understand the science behind this whole 'hard-light' thing that the danger room now used. "Don't know kid. But it's pretty impressive, and it takes a lot to impress me."

"So anything interesting happen besides the whole Asteroid M thing?" Clark asked. In truth he was still trying to wrap his head around that.

"No. Magneto's disappeared, so has Mystique. The Professor isn't even sure that they are alive." Logan answered.

"What about these new students?" Clark asked curiously. While he'd met the X-Men the last time, there were now new people around.

"Lets go have a look." The Wolverine responded before turning around and walking out of the room.

Clark looked at Logan's retreating form for a second before shrugging his shoulders and following behind.


A few minutes later Clark found himself in the observation room above the danger room looking down at the X-Men and what Logan had called the New Mutants. They seemed to be trying to make their way through some kind of maze. What amazed Clark however was the fact that the maze itself kept shifting and changing as the teens tried to make their way out. "Well that's new." Clark said with widened eyes.

Logan who now had a cigar in his mouth just nodded his head as he watched the New Mutants and the X-Men try to make their way through the maze. "Those kids need a lot of work." He commented as the first thing he noticed was a complete lack of teamwork on the New Mutants part.

"So what is all this?" Clark asked in reference to the ever changing maze.

"Don't ask me to explain it kid. Forge just calls it Hard-Light." Logan responded while letting out a puff of smoke.

"Hard-Light?" Clark asked with a raised eyebrow before turning his attention back to the group of teens. Activating his x-ray vision he tried to get a closer look at what he was seeing. Much to his amazement the shifting objects of the maze seemed to mirror the effect of what they were supposed to be made of. "You guys have a holodeck." He finally said as what he was seeing began to sink in. "Cool."

"Like i said kid, might even give you a workout." Logan stated with interest in his voice. He did after all want to see what the kid that could go toe to toe with Juggernaut at the age of sixteen could do in a few years. There was no doubt that the kid was going to get stronger as he got older.

Clark didn't answer but simply turned his attention back to the group of mutants running through the maze.


Walking out of the danger room as the simulation ended, Jean and Scott let out a bit of a sigh over the failure of the New Mutants. They had both hoped that the new group of mutants could pull together to work things out. However that had not been the case. Instead of working together they immediately decided that going alone was their best option, it didn't end well for them. "How did we get beaten so badly?" The pair heard Amara ask.

Scott and Jean came to a stop and the red head decided to speak up before Scott could. "The maze is designed to test your team working skills. The moment you all decided to go off alone, you'd already lost. The only way to escape the maze is to work together."

"Either that or you call in the one man wrecking ball to smash everything." The gruff voice of Logan stated causing the group of teens to look towards the source. "Gotta admit red, I really wasn't impressed."

The group of teens stared at Logan for a second before their eyes drifted towards the person who was standing next to the Wolverine. There standing next to him was a teenager around their age who was already taller than Logan himself. The females of the group instantly had a little reaction to his presence as their teenage hormones began to kick in. "So for all you newbie's, this is Clark. He'll be joining you once he gets settled in. We've also got another girl who joined today and she'll be in with you lot as well."

"So everything back to normal around here?" Clark asked while trying not to allow the girls that were staring at him to get in the way of his thinking. He couldn't help but feel like some lab specimen that was being examined.

Both Amara and Tabitha felt their bodies warm as they took in the sight of the newest member of the institute. Both were also not impressed by the fact that Kitty had seriously underplayed how hot he was. "So, are we gonna see what you can do?" Tabitha asked with curiosity.

Clark looked at Logan with a raised eyebrow. "Why is it that it's always the first question out of peoples mouths?"

Logan simply shrugged his shoulders at that one. "They're teenagers." Was the only response that he could give.

Clark himself didn't have a response to that one so he focused his attention on Scott and Jean. "So how's your brother doing?" He asked the X-Men leader.

"He's good, back in Hawaii. He doesn't know if he's gonna come to the institute yet though." Scott answered.

"Where's Chloe?" Jean asked noticing that she wasn't with Clark and Logan.

"She's with Storm having a look around i think." Clark answered.

"Are you gonna answer my question or what?" Tabitha asked with a little frustration in her voice over that fact that Clark had pretty much ignored her.

Clark looked at the blond and give her a small smile. "Where's the fun in that?" He simply asked before turning his attention back to Logan. "So, I'm gonna go back upstairs and check in with the professor." With that the alien teen turned around and began to walk off.

Tabitha for her part just looked at Clark with fury over being ignored. Logan on the other hand just smirked knowing that Clark was deliberately winding the blond up. Although from what he knew of Clark, he didn't like it when people nagged him about what he could do.

"Is he always like that?" Amara asked the group in reference to Clark just walking off without answering anyone.

"Pretty much." Scott answered knowing that Clark wasn't comfortable around them.

Jean just looked at the two girls and give them a small reassuring smile. "Just give him time. He's not used to being open with people."


"Where'd you go?" Clark head Chloe ask as he approached the professor's office.

Turning his head to the left her saw Chloe and Storm walking towards him. "Logan took me down to have a look at the new danger room. They've got a holodeck."

"What?" Chloe asked in confusion as she and Storm came to a stop.

"I believe Clark is referring to the new upgrades the danger room has had." Storm stated cutting in on the conversation. "A mutant friend of ours developed a technology which works in a similar way to what the holodeck does in that Star Trek series. I believe that Forge calls it Hard-Light. Although I do have to admit that I don't really understand the science behind it."

Chloe for her part just stood there in a little shock over what she had just been told. They have a holodeck. That is so cool. "Can we try it out?" She asked with optimism in her voice.

"Perhaps tomorrow. First lets get the two of you settled in." Storm answered before leading the pair into the professor's office.


While Clark and Chloe were in with the professor the other students had finished getting changed after the danger room session and were now out the back of the institute. "So. How are you with Clark being back?" Scott asked Jean who was sitting on a deckchair reading a book. He'd noticed a little tension between them but had left it alone until now.

"I'm alright." Jean answered not really wanting to go into details over why she felt a little awkward around Clark. Things do get strange when you meet your daughter from a thousand years in the future and find out that the father is a man you've only known a few days. On top of that she's also had some very vivid fantasies on how their daughter might have been conceived, that wasn't helping either. "I just feel a little weird around him, that's all." She then admitted.

"Why wont you tell me what happened with you two?" Scott asked lightly trying not to sound as if he was pressuring her.

Jean looked up from her book towards Scott and let out a small sigh. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around things. There's a lot that happened that I'm not ready to talk about."

Scott nodded his head as he took note of the look on Jean's face. It was one that was almost begging him not to push things any further. "Alright, I'll let it go. Just remember that I'll be there to listen when your ready."

Jean give Scott a small smile. "I know. I'm just not ready yet."

With that the two just sat there in comfortable silence as Jean went back to reading her book. Scott however was still wondering what had gone on. However he'd made a promise not to push it and he wouldn't. He knew that Jean would tell him when she was ready.


"So tomorrow you'll both meet with the schools administrative officer. From what i have been told the new principle is also starting tomorrow." The Professor told Clark and Chloe who were sat on the couch in the professor's office.

"What happened to the old principle?" Chloe asked with curiosity in her voice.

"The former principle was in fact a mutant shape-shifter. She has not been seen or heard from since the incident on Asteroid M." The Professor answered.

"Well, that explains that then." Clark stated which got him a look of confusion from both Chloe and the Professor. Clark noticing the look decided to explain. "When i met here before. There was something off about her. Something that was just on the edge of my senses. She literally made my skin crawl."

The Professor took note of Clark's words and wondered if the young man had some subconscious way of detecting Mystique. If so he would have to see if there was a way for Clark to consciously develop that ability. Right now however there were more pressing matters. "Now from what I've learned from both of you. Your class schedule should be the roughly the same as Scott and Jean's." Both Clark and Chloe simply nodded at that piece of information before the Professor continued. "Tomorrow evening, Logan and Storm will put you both through a danger room session." As those words left his mouth he turned all his attention to Clark. "You wont be getting out of it this time, Clark."

"Oh, this is gonna be so much fun." Chloe said with a very happy tone. She'd never seen Clark go through a workout and she couldn't help but wonder just what it would take to even give him a work out.

Clark just shook his head at Chloe's words. "Really. You just wanna see how much damage I can do." He said with a small smirk.

"Who can blame me. I've seen you bench press tractors. I wanna see what you can really do." Chloe responded.

The Professor just shook his head as the pair continued to banter.


Later that evening most of the students at the institute were all hanging out in the very large lounge. Jean was happily reading a book. Kitty was on her laptop doing whatever it is that she does on the thing. Kurt and Tabatha were both just sitting around listening to music and Amara was also reading a book as she was still learning English. Scott however was in his room and nobody knew where Evan and Rogue were.

As for Clark and Chloe they were just sitting on the couch watching TV. "So how are you finding our first day?" Chloe asked quietly.

"Alright I guess." Clark answered honestly. "I'm still not sure about the danger room though."

Chloe smiled at that as she really wanted to see what he was capable of. "I think it's going to be fun. I mean how often do you get to let yourself go?"

"That's what I'm afraid of." Clark answered as he stood up and started to make his way out of the room leaving a confused Chloe Sullivan behind.

Jean for her part was sitting on a chair next to the couch and heard Clark's words. Putting her book down she looked over at Chloe. "Is everything alright?" She asked.

"I don't know." Chloe answered looking really confused by Clark's attitude. "I mean everything was fine until we started talking about the danger room."

Jean got up out of her chair and decided to go and find out what was wrong with Clark. Making her way out of the room she saw Clark walking towards the front door of the mansion. Jogging up to him she got to the door just as he reached the bottom of the steps. "Clark, is everything alright?" She asked.

Clark came to a stop and turned to face the red head. "I'm fine Jean." He simply answered before turning back around.

"No your not." Jean said knowing that something was bothering him. "What's going on?"

Clark let out a deep sigh of frustration as he head Jean walking down the steps. "Since I got here. All I've heard is people going on about what I'll do in the danger room. They all want to see what I'm capable of. They just don't get it."

Jean came to a stop right next to Clark and just looked at him. She could see that he really was troubled by everyone wanting to see what he could do. "Why does that bother you so much? They're just curious."

Clark shook his head and let out another chuckle. "Maybe. But they don't really understand what it is that they want to see." Closing his eyes for a few seconds he took a calming breath before looking back at Jean. "You don't get it. None of you do. You see the powers and think it's cool. You have no idea what it is that your asking me to show you." Not even giving Jean a chance to respond, Clark shifted into super speed and disappeared in a blur.

"I don't get it." Jean said aloud despite now being alone.

"That's the problem red." Logan said as he came up next to Jean. He'd heard the conversation with his enhanced hearing and now had a better understanding of Clark. He now knew why the young man wasn't happy about the danger room session that he knew was coming.

Jean turned to face Logan. "What do you mean?"

"You've seen a little of what he can do." Logan answered. "You saw him when we tested his strength and speed. But that was only lifting a weight and running in a circle. You don't know what he can do when he's using his powers the way we want to see them. He's a force of nature. You didn't see him fighting Juggernaut. You didn't see the damage he did with just his strength."

"I still don't get it." Jean said still not understanding what Logan was trying to say.

Logan let out a sigh of frustration. "He's afraid. Everyone wants to see what he's fully capable of doing, but he doesn't want to know. He doesn't want to know how strong or how fast he is. He doesn't want to go all out because he's never had to. He's afraid that if he starts going all out that he might start to like it." With that he turned around and started to walk towards the mansion. As he got about half way up the steps he turned back to look at Jean. "While you and the others are all pretty powerful in your own way. None of you are anywhere near his level. When he fought Juggernaut, all he used was his strength. If he's used all his other powers, he'd have probably killed him. He could probably take down everyone in the mansion by himself if it ever came down to it." That said Logan left Jean to think over his words.

Jean for her part stood there in complete shock over what Logan had said. But the more she thought about it the more she realised that maybe Logan was right and that Clark was afraid to see what he was truly capable of.


There you go people Part 3 of Chapter 1 is up so let me know what you think.
