Reviews for X-Ville Evolution (THIS STORY IS BEING REWRITTEN 23rd Sep 2017)
GodKal10 chapter 3 . 1/1/2019
It's being over a year and still no rewrite.
This story has the potential to be great so please rewrite or continue it.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
bsm1204 chapter 3 . 11/29/2017
I like this story, is it being rewritten like the title says? by the original author or someone new? I really do like the story and hope it continues
ProfessorNafis chapter 3 . 10/28/2017
One word: AWESOME
Conner63 chapter 3 . 9/25/2017
I hope to see the update soon
Zak saturday 1 chapter 3 . 8/16/2016
Update soon please
Dekei chapter 3 . 10/26/2015
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Gah! This was awesome! It's a shame it was abandoned - but I'll always have it in my bookmarks, just checking every month or so.
ButtonPusherExtraordinaire chapter 3 . 6/21/2015
This is an amazing story please don't discontinue it. Please update
Brizinger1506 chapter 3 . 6/16/2015
Please continue. It's really good. I'm really enjoying the relationships development between everyone.
Superbeau chapter 3 . 12/3/2014
Good stuff here mate. Anything we can use to bribe you into updating more often? :)
GreekOtaku chapter 3 . 8/27/2014
I want more of this awesome story man :):):):) its awesome keep up the good work and try to ubdate more offen if you can man :D
Loresign chapter 3 . 8/1/2014
This is so great. I can't wait for the next chapter.

When I finished this just now, I had the main thought of "NOOOOOO."

I wanted it to continue.

Can't wait to read more.

I know you've had trouble in your life and I hope things work out and you can keep us all reding more and more and more.
Suna-Puppet-Master chapter 3 . 7/22/2014
Keep going man don't leave us in suspense!
delete-account-please 5149757 chapter 3 . 7/19/2014
Marvelous story can’t wait for more so please update when you can cause I want to know what is going to happen.
delete-account-please 4171342 chapter 3 . 7/19/2014
Stunning chapter can’t wait for more so please update as soon as you can please.
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