A/N: Hello everyone. I'm looking for a beta and hope to have one soon. I apologize for anything wrong with the chapter. I'm trying my best. I'm glad that you liked last chapter. I hope to fix it, and hopefully have this chapter be good.

The Popular one


It was early morning when coal black eyes opened on a pale face. Slowly the person sat up, running a hand through raven black hair. Standing up, a shiver ran through their body as the cold air hit them. Their bedroom door opened to reveal a boy, with long brown hair, pale lavender eyes, and pale skin. He sighed looking at the person before walking into the room.

"Sasuke we're going to be late if you don't hurry up." Said the boy. Sasuke glared at him, then moved to his private bathroom. After five minutes he comes out dressed trying to dry his hair. Looking to his friend he sighs again then throws the towel down. Quickly he walked toward the door, his friend stepping out of the way.

"Come on Neji. We are going to be late." He bites out glaring as he walked forward. Neji sighed and quickly followed Sasuke. They make their way down the stairs and out the door toward an awaiting car. Neji slipped into the driver side, while Sasuke got into the other side. Off they sped to school. It didn't take to long to get there. The rest of their group was waiting for them near the parking lot.

As soon as Sasuke stepped out, a red headed girl with red eyes grabbed his arm. She smiled happily up at him, as she clung to his arm. He glared at her trying to free his arm. He heard someone vaguely call her name, Karin. She adjusted the glasses she wore then glared at a boy with shoulder length white hair, and purple eyes. He glared right back at her calling her a bitch.

"Shut it Sugetsu! Why can't you be like Jugo and be quiet!?" She snapped right back at him. Juugo, a tall boy with Orange spiked hair and red-orange eyes stepped up quietly. He was watching the birds in the trees that were near by. Gently he placed a hand on Suigetsu's shoulder to stop him from snapping his own come back at Karin.

Sasuke sighed feeling a headache come on. The only people not annoying him are Jugo and Neji. Karin and Sugetsu's fighting was annoying at the best of times, but today it was worse. He glared at the two of them before finally getting his arm free. Moving quickly he walked toward the front yard of the school to wait at the usual spot for the school to open its doors.

He saw the blonde nerd sitting in the lap of the scary red head. Sighing he rubs his temples a bit more then glares once more at Karin and Suigetsu.

O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O. o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o.O.o

Sasuke was walking down the hall ignoring everyone. He wasn't in the best of saw Naruto alone walking to his locker to put his books away before lunch. He saw the nerd be slammed into the lockers and kicked hard in the gut.

Sasuke heard the gasp. He watched Naruto slowly slide down the lockers once the foot was removed. He watched the boy's foot slam again into his stomach, pressing hard. He doubled over in pain. The small group laughed.

"You are just a waste of space", he heard the boy say. The same one who kicked the nerd before. Then he did it again a third time. Sasuke watched another boy spit on the nerd rather harshly, then watched him step on Naruto's back rather hard.

He saw the blonde turned onto his knees, hands still on his stomach, to try and get up. He saw the boy press hard on his back, making Naruto almost cry out. Naruto was biting his lower lip trying to not cry out.

Sasuke saw the tears were beginning to come to Naruto's eyes. He watched him struggle to get up. Sasuke watched the boy keep his foot on Naruto's back, pressing harder. He watched the foot slam onto Naruto's back and winced a little. He didn't know the bullying was this bad for the nerd. Though he didn't know if he felt bad for Naruto or just didn't like how far this was going. He wasn't really sure.

He watched as the foot kept slamming down on him, Naruto finally cried out. The cry made the boys laugh, but also caught the attention of Gaara and Neji who had been talking around the corner. They rushed around and what they saw had Gaara seeing red, while Neji kept himself calm. Both boys ran over, then there was the sound of skin meeting skin, along with a sickening crack.

Sasuke watched Naruto lean heavily on Neji. Neji Huyga! He could see the nerd freeze. One of the princes of the school was helping him! It had to be a serious shock to him. The red head was on top of the boy who had been stomping Naruto.

"No Gaara! Stop Pleaseā€¦.." came the weak cry of the blonde. He even reached out his hand. As if to grab him, but Neji had him tight. He was trying to soothe him. Trying to tell him to go to the nurse and leave Gaara to it.

He heard the blonde weakly cry out for Gaara to stop. He saw him shaking scared. He watched Gaara stop after hearing the cry. He saw him move to Naruto quickly then looked him over. Sasuke saw Gaara lift Naruto's shirt to see the damage then heard Gaara growl.

Sasuke saw the damage and winced a bit. He could see the pain in the blonde's beautiful blue eyes.


Sasuke was on his way out of the school to head home. He was walking to Neji's car ignoring the calling from Karin. He just wanted to get home and relax. He slipped into Neji's car and waited while Neji started it. Neji slowly backed out of the spot and began to head toward Sasuke's home. He didn't see Karin's pout as she stared at the car that was driving away with him.

Sighing he leans back in the seat and rides to the mansion he called home. No one would be there at this time, so he'd be alone which was good to him. He didn't want to deal with anyone right now. All he wanted was to lay in his bed, and relax. He had a headache from dealing with too many people as it was at school.

He arrived home not to long after he left the school. The mansion was only a few blocks from the school. He slipped out of his car waving to Neji. Going inside he sighs again, then heads to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple, a nice red one. Slowly he made his way up the stairs toward his room.

Once inside his room he laid on his bed eating the apple. He felt at ease as he laid there with no one to bother him. Finishing the apple he tossed it into his trashcan he kept by the bed. Slowly he closed his eyes breathing in deeply through his nose then exhaling through his mouth. He could feel himself slipping into a light sleep.

But it was no restful sleep. He had dreams of a certain blonde nerd being attacked and him coming to rescue.


A/N: Hey everyone...I'm sorry this took a while. I will be slow in updating. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.