A/N: The Sharingan really creeps me out sometimes. So I'm not sure what the inspiration was, other than that.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Genre: General
All you can see is the red.
The color catches your eye and from the corner it spins, and soon your feet fall off the ground and into the air and the color bleeds out to another time and place. The entire scene is methodical and planned, but when the fear subsides your form is still and serene and nothing but blue surrounds you. Then your fall touches land and either you awake to black or fade to blue.
A thick round shadow slides over the red—he's turning his head and his kohai wakes up from the motion, pausing only to hit her head against the nearest tree for studying the genjutsu. Because maybe the eye has a way of making ladies stare. With it now concealed, the woman moves on with him, and they leave nothing behind.
All you can see is the red.
The color is crimson and the eye mimics the hand signs nearly before the caster. Then the culpable vehicle spins, fast and moving, flinging the adversary into utter panic and pandemonium, watching helplessly as the chakra molds into the same jutsu. Stronger. And when the panic subsides and you're lying on the ground from the benefits of your own move, you sleep deeply to remember ninjutsu is overrated anyway.
The copy nin drops his hands and moves his head and his kohai lowers her blade, awaiting direction from her captain. He moves toward another branch and she moves behind, only to see him fumble momentarily. He recovers. It was only because of the eye. The woman stares at him from behind her own mask, "Senpai—" But he ignores her, turning his head so far she sees no mask.
They leave nothing behind.
All you can see is…red.
The megalith advances on a multitude of men, and they are ambushed. The red struggles to stay open. And Leviathan hesitates while fingers clash archaic blades and the man exhausts every trick upon the field. Then the woman falls. The red sees. There's not many more, but now there's one less. And the red has made him weak. Leviathan sees them advance, stepping over the woman toward you and—
She watches him blink a black eye.
The battlefield is empty.
They left nothing behind.
In the fashion of a scythe and farmland, there is nothing left but everything struck down as he turns his head over this madness. Leviathan smiles over his work and the man turns back to the girl, screaming. But Yondaime was dead and the woman had seen nothing. Her voice trembles and cracks, staring at the pair of mis-matched eyes. Kakashi kneels down and takes hold of her shoulders but quickly blocks his eyes with his bloodied wrists, searching for some strand of memory the red concealed before the black. The woman continues looking over him sadly. The eye has a way of making ladies stare.
Surely Obito would have taken advantage of that.
-Caliko, Kariko Emma