I do not own these charecters, names, or places in this story but please do not copy the storyline or the order which things happen. I have taken alot of time and editing on creating this for you all!

Part 1

Chapter 1

It was just another day for Elsa as she stayed confined in her room trying to control her powers. The powers she was born with caused her to turn things to ice. Elsa had light blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

*knock knock*

"Elsa? Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on let's go and play, I never see you anymore come out the door it's like you've gone away! We used to be best buddies but now we're not, I wish you would tell me why. Do you wanna build a snowman, it doesn't have to be a snowman."

"Go away Anna!"

"Ok bye."

I wish I could Anna, she thought. Elsa knew she could hurt Anna like she did when she hit Anna with her powers on Anna's head. Remembering this made her cry.

"I'm just a kid! Why do I have to be afraid of hurting people, I wish there was somone out there that I couldn't hurt." she whispered while she looked at the moon.

Little did Elsa know that The Man In The Moon heard her wish and would grant it, but first he had to find the right person. Somone who was patient and kind, somone who would protect Elsa from harms way, somone that he would save from death beacause that person saved somone's life.

A Few months pass and it was winter, and The Man In The Moon found somone for Elsa. The boy's name was Jack, he was 18 years old. He had light skin and wore a white long sleved shirt with a brown vest and a brown shaw that reached his elbows with long brown pants he also had shaggy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He had a good life exept he was poor. He lived with his mom and younger sister Pippa. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. Jack loved his sister more than anything in the world, but he couldn't spend a whole lot of time with her because he had to work everyday. On the weekends he spent as much time as he could with her. One Friday evening a week before winter turned to spring as Jack was heading home he found the perfect set of ice skates for his sister. He had just enough spending money left to buy them. So Jack walked in the store bought them and had them wrapped for her to open it as soon as she woke up. The next morning Jack woke up before everyone so he did all the chores, even his sisters. He also cooked breakfast for the three of them. Then by early afternoon his sister woke up because of the wonderful smelling breakfast and ran to the kitchen and gave Jack a hug.

"Morning sleepy head!" exclaimed Jack.

"Morning! Yay! You made pancakes!" said Pippa.

Then their mom woke up.

"Wow, this smells deliciouse. Once you finish your chores you two can go play."

"I already did the chores even Pippa's... I have a preasent for you." he told his sister.

Then Jack ran to his room and brought out a large parsel and have it to Pippa.

"All for me?"

"Yep all for you. It's what you've been asking for all winter and I had enough to buy them."

Then she opened the gift. She untied the string that held it together and unwrapped it, exposing the new brown leather ice skates.

"Oh my gosh, Jack I love them!" Then she jumped up and gave him a big hug.

"Mom can we please go to the pond and skate, before the ice melts, please?" she asked their mom.

"Yes, since Jack did all the chores, I will clean up you two go have fun. Don't forget your coats and please be careful." said their mom

"We will!" said Jack and Pippa at the same time.

Then they put on their shoes since it was a little warmer all his sister needed was her brown long sleved dress that had a thick red stripe on the torso and all Jack needed was his brown shaw, while they walked out the door he grabed his staff. It was just a regular stick but it had a curved hook on the end. Then they raced eachother to the pond since it wasn't that far.

When they got to the lake it was in the late afternoon, even though it was warming up this pond usually stays frozen till the middle of spring. Then he helped her put her skates on and then she started to skate.

"Wow you're as grace ful as a swan!" he told her.

Then she giggled, "Thanks, bubba!"

Then she reached the middle of the pond.


"Jack! The ice is melting please help! I'm scared!" she screamed.

"I'm coming!"

Then he took off his shoes so he could walk lightly he also picked up his staff. Then he got five feet from his sister and he put it down.

"Hey, dont be afraid, you'll be ok"

"Ok." she replied shakily.

"Remember that game we used to play over and over again because it was your favorite?"

"Yeah, it was hopscotch."

"Yea, thats it! Were going to play that game now. Act like the cracks are the squares that you're not supposed to step on and just hop over to me. Ok?"


Then she started to hop over but Jack could see that the ice wasn't going to hold much longer. So Jack picked up his staff, kneeled down, and put the hook around her then pulled her over to where the ice was stronger. Then she spun out of the staff safely and Jack smiled at her. When she smiled back the ice broke from under Jack and he fell in. The last thing he saw was the horror of the look on his sisters face.

"Well at least I saved her." he thought

Then The Man in the Moon sent down one of his messangers and put a powder on him that put Jack to sleep. Jack was going to stay this way until it was time for him to learn about his powers so he could help Elsa with hers once she turned 18 and in charge of the kingdom of Arendelle.