A/N: Okay, this isn't really a prologue, just an insert from one of the later chapters. I decided to add a prologue after it was complete, but by that stage, I was so hung over from writing it the thought of adding another word made me want to go fetal. But, hey then I went and wrote a sequel. Go figure. Masochism and me. . .

MWAH xoxo


Bella's POV

"Are you going back to Australia to see her?" Edward asked me delicately after another pause.

I tensed, my heart accelerating in immediate panic. This was what I'd been dreading all along.

"Probably," I mumbled, my eyes dropping to the floor.

There was no response and when I braved Edward's gaze again, he appeared to be lost in thought.

"It-it's ... complicated," I elaborated with rising frustration, shaking my head.

It was clear he didn't understand; his expression only piqued further, before he eventually nodded. "Okay."

"I-I can't talk about it," I insisted, knowing I was sounding irrational again, but I couldn't help it. I wanted him to understand—to understand without mentioning my mother.

"Bella . . . I believe you," he replied, the tone of his voice lightening as a smile ghosted over his lips.

I dropped my forehead to my palm, frustrated at myself and feeling defeated again. "It's hard to explain, Edward, but . . . but," I paused searching for the right words to better explain it, but when it was obvious I had nothing, I reluctantly went with honesty, "I don't want to go back."

Of course, it left more questions than it did answers, but I continued to gaze deep into his eyes, silently pleading with him to understand.

And then he went and asked the million dollar question, "What happened to you in Australia, Bella?"

I froze for a moment, having absolutely no idea how I could answer him. Then taking a heavy, resigned breath, and with my shoulders slumping in defeat, I explained to him the one thing I swore I never would, "My mother . . . d-didn't want me."

Again, I was met by silence. I looked up slowly, reluctantly meeting his gaze, wanting to shy away from the seriousness behind his eyes. It was clear he wanted to ask more questions, but he didn't; instead, he reached up and ran the back of his hand across my cheek so delicately his fingers barely grazed my skin.

It surprised me, and for the first time I became aware of the close proximity I was to him. I was noticing things about him I'd missed before; the flecks of gold in his eyes, his long curling lashes, and the stubble that aligned his jaw—his jaw that he was clenching and unclenching as his gaze lingered on me. Something that made my heart quicken, immediately making me conscious of it.

"Bella . . ." his voice had turned husky, as he continued to stare unfathomably into my eyes, "how the hell could she not want you?"

It was another question I had no answers for. A question I had no intention of debating or analysing, but it was out there now, and I couldn't take it back.

I shrugged, again glancing away from him, feeling my face deepen in shame.

He reached out to me then, his palm finding my chin, before he guided my gaze back to his.

"I'm sorry, Bella," he spoke, his voice dropping to a whisper, before almost appearing to hesitate, he inclined his head towards mine.

I froze.

Was he going to kiss me? Did I even want him to?

I continued to be flooded with this uncertainty, when his face got within an inch of mine and then paused.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

He was so close he was out of focus, and I was beginning to sway. "Yes—no. I mean—shut up!"

And lose my faculties.

He broke immediately into a small amused smile, but I only blinked as his lips closed slowly over mine.

Edward's POV

She only stared at me as if she was trying to read the contents of my freaking soul, before with a sudden surge of impatience she ripped her hand from mine again. "You don't even know me, Edward—so why?"

That, I had no answers for. I only stared into her deep, deep dark brown eyes and tried to find it within them. Why was she so different that I was going near out of my fucking mind over her?

I shook my head slightly, helplessly.

This only seemed to piss her off more, and injure her at the same time. "You don't know?"

"Bella—" I broke off and ran both my hands back through my hair in a fit of frustration, "I've been asking myself that since the moment I met you!"

With her forehead ridged heavily, her eyes slowly welled with tears, and I felt like a bastard!

Jesus, I'd hurt her, but then how could I hurt her if she never really cared…?

"How am I supposed to respond to that? You won't leave me alone, even though you have no idea why you even like me—are you fucking kidding me?" she was angry again; angry and becoming more impatient. I couldn't blame her, but I didn't know how to explain it to her so she'd understand—especially, when I didn't even fucking get it, myself.

"I'm sorry..." I answered softly, shrugging helplessly.

She only shook her head to herself, scoffing humorlessly, before her eyes suddenly zeroed in on me, turning hard. "Fine, Edward. You might not know why you like me, but I sure as hell know why I can't stand you, and why you'd be the last guy in the school I'd ever go out with!"

She was serious, and it was another fucking blow. She sure as hell didn't mince her words.

"I..." I stammered, sounding like a fucking pussy, when she cut me off.

"What a waste of time you are," she spoke quietly, her tone like fucking ice, before she turned around for the second time to leave.

This time I moved to block her path, but undeterred she literally pushed me out of her way. "What!?" she demanded as I struggled to prevent her from seeing how she'd physically hurt me. "What do you want from me? You want to fuck with me—is that it? She raised both her hands, defiantly, her face cold and fucking hard.

I only shook my head, hastily. "Bella—I didn't mean it like that." My tone was serious, pleading. "I ... I just don't understand..."

Fuck it; I just couldn't explain it how I wanted to.

She shook her head, angry, but then ... not, and seeming openly conflicted all of a sudden.

"Either do I..." She scoffed.