TITLE: Tomorrow

AUTHOR: Jillian


ARCHIVE: You know, I always put this here in hopes someone will be interested in archiving this. If you'd like to, drop me an email at [email protected] so I can be proud. By the way, it's got many chapters to come, so it's incomplete as of now. So basically, if you like it and want to archive it, do so when it's finished.

FEEDBACK: GREATLY appreciated. ESCPECIALLY on this story. I've been working on it for quite some time. The first few chapters are slow (which is why they are being posted at the same time), but it gets better, I promise. I just need to build up to what is to come.

SUMMARY: Post-Truth. This is going to be a long, chaptered fic. It's got MSR, angst, action, and the occasional line that's mean to be funny. Basically, it's Mulder and Scully living new lives after The Truth, but history repeats itself… PLEASE READ! (Incomplete)

DISCLAIMER: Don't own em. Later on, I'll own all those unrecognizable characters. The principals name I use later on really is the real principal of that real high school, so I'm using his name too. All The X-Files characters belong to CC, 1013, FOX, and not me : (

AUTHORS NOTES: Okay, people, these are important. This fic is slow at first, I know, but it definitely gets more action packed. All the places they visit or work at in Staten Island are real, I live there. I don't attend that high school, however (bragging time--I go to a school for the gifted.. hehehe--back to notes) I know of it well. Although this will eventually take place in my hometown, it is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT a self-insertion fic. None of the original characters are based on anyone, except the principal, that's his real name. Never met the guy. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this one. I've been working since May to write a post-Truth fic I felt worthy of posting. I hope this is it. ENJOY!

Tomorrow by Jillian


Sunlight flooded the hotel room as Fox Mulder pulled open his blinds. Looking down at her, he quietly woke the redhead laying in the bed. "Dana..." He called. "C'mon, Scully, we have to get going." He said. She mumbled something in her bed, but than she realized where she was. "Mmm... Mulder, what time is it?" She asked, sitting up and brushing hair from in front of her eyes.

"About eleven o'clock." He said.

"I haven't slept in so late in such a long time." She mumbled.

"That's because you haven't had me to keep you up all night." He grinned.

"Where are we going, Mulder?" She asked.

"I, uh, don't really know yet. We need to change our names and get a house somewhere."

"And then we can work to stop this, Mulder. We can't let it happen..." She said quietly.

"Scully, I don't know what to tell you... What can we do to stop it? I told you, I've failed."

"No, I won't accept that." She replied quickly.

"Why not?" He questioned.

"Because all the times I tried to give up, you wouldn't let me. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was certain I would die, but you wouldn't accept that. After the in vitro didn't take, I was certain I would never have children, but you wouldn't let me give up... I'm not going to let you give up. Just because colonization is supposed to happen doesn't mean it will. You've worked you entire life to stop this, how can you give up now?"

He said nothing, he just walked over to her, and took her face in his hands. Looking into his eyes, Scully could swear she saw tears forming but they left before a drop could fall. He pulled her in close and kissed her lips, holding her body against his own. She returned the kiss, but pulled away. She had to know he wouldn't give up. "Mulder, tell me you'll never stop searching... Tell me this isn't too big for you and I to conquer." She pleaded. He said nothing but kissed her again. Angrily she pulled away.

"Stop trying to shut me up with kisses." She muttered.

"Why?" He asked, kissing her chastely again.

"Because it's going to work." She conceded, kissing him. Quickly she pulled away again. "Why can't you just tell me that?" She asked, hurt in her eyes.

"I'm not ready to say that yet. You know I'd never lie to you. When I know that's true, then I can say it." She broke the embrace and walked over to her overnight bag.

"What time is checkout?" She asked flatly.

"Twelve." He replied.

"Where are we going to go?" She asked.

"Well, I had a lot of places in mind. I thought New York would be a good spot... I mean, if we need to get to DC it would be simple, there's three international airports and it's only a four hour car ride, and there are military bases nearby, where we can try and figure this all out."

"The city? Where are you going to get the money for a nice apartment?" She asked.

"Don't worry about money, Dana." He said cryptically. "I was actually thinking someplace a little quieter than the city, maybe a nearby suburb of Manhattan."

"We could go to Staten Island, um, isn't that the borough that's quieter?" She asked.

"You mean the one with the ferry that Lucy and Fred rode to fight sea-sickness when they were in New York?" He asked.

"You've learned your geography from I Love Lucy?" She asked.

"Nick at Nite has taught me many things." He smiled. "Anyway, I did look into that place, and it seems nice. Not too expensive for a moderate home for a couple like ourselves. We could use a different name and live quiet lives as married couple... Nobody would know we were really trying to uncover a government conspiracy."

"It sounds nice... Where did you get this money, though?"

"Um, well, the Gunmen had developed this way to steal money from stock holders and large banking corporations that will never know it's gone.." He began.

"You stole it? Mulder," She began.

"What are they going to do? I'm already wanted for murder, let's add some more to the list. Scully, we're going to have to break rules. Think about it, before we find a house I'm going to falsify documents so we can get new names and job qualifications... You need to understand that laws don't matter anymore."

"It seems a lot of things don't matter anymore." She sighed.

"Dana, I know this isn't how you wanted things to be, but I can't change the way they are. If it'll make you feel better, I'll try not to ever give up. I can't promise you that I'll succeed, but for your sake I'll try."

"Thank you." She said quietly, the tears that had been threatening to fall retreating. "Do you know how soon we can get a house?" She asked.

"Anxious?" He asked.

"Somewhat... I'm sick of sleeping in cheap motels, is all." She said.

"Everything is going to change, Scully, everything. We can rent a place without going through a real-estate agency. I looked at a few townhouses, nothing too expensive. A nice size for you and I, it's actually too big if anything. They're easy to find, a lot of developers have been buying land. We can stay in a hotel in New York until it's all together."

"Okay, Mulder. How soon can you call someone about things?" She asked.

He pulled out his laptop. "As soon as we come up with a fake name." He smiled.