
That night didn't just reshape my own world. It reshaped the arcade as well. Ralph's journey and his emotional growth have been a catalyst for change. I've touched upon the improving lot of bad-guys, but there's more. Visiting other games is a more popular activity than ever now, especially for that little President.

Yeah, President. That's what she's calling herself now. It won't be long before trouble flares up. She means well, but she should have known better than to elect herself without anybody's consent.

Bah! Those guys in the new game are getting to me. Maybe I should send Vanellope over there- but then, she doesn't really listen to me. And besides, I've already tried to suggest it. She claims she's too busy to visit that game for a long while yet. Maybe Rancis'll convince her. He seems to like it.

Ugh, I'm rambling yet again. I should draw this history to a close.

I get ready to set the pen down for the final time, and thoughts overwhelm me. So much has happened in the thirty-three years of this arcade's existence. I've done my best to watch over the place, but I've made more than my share of mistakes. What's done is done, I know. But still, I wonder: what other things have I overlooked?

A faint voice from the shadowy depths of the future seems to be calling me. Its words are hard to discern, but it seems to be telling me that there's a great test I have yet to undergo- one that will cause either my redemption or my downfall. I don't know if I'll succeed. But even if I do, there's one thing I'm certain of:

The past isn't through with us yet.

Another fic ends, and I must deliver my thanks once more. Not that I mind in the least. So, thank you once again for sticking with this fic. I hope you have enjoyed it. As always, any feedback you choose to give me is most welcome. I read every comment/review I receive for every fic I write- including the stories I completed a long time ago.

Addendum- For those curious about the implications of Surge's final thoughts, or about what the future holds for him, I would like to direct you towards my series of post-movie fics ["An Anthology of Wreck-It Ralph Tales", "Pangs of Confusion", "A Dying World", "Search and Rescue"]. Although he is not their main focus, parts of those fics do deal with his premonitions and his further character development. If you're wondering about the monstrous thing he sensed on the internet...well, that's part of a future fic I'll be writing.