Disclaimer: I do not own Middle-earth or any characters conjured up from the brilliant mind of J.R.R. Tolkien. I do, however, own Liate (Lee-a-tay) and a few other unknown characters as the story progresses.

Author's Note: This is my FIRST Fan Fiction, ever! I am open to any suggestions and all I ask is that you be kind with your reviews. Constructive criticism: OK. I'll take 'em all.

Okay, I didn't want to create a Mary Sue, but alas, I suppose my OC is one. Hey, we all can't be perfect at this. I write what I chose to write. If by knowing this fact turns you away from reading this story, then so be it. I don't think she is your everyday MS so at least give her a chance. And, honestly, this story isn't really even about her...it's about Legolas! Anyways, I also tried to be as accurate as I could with the names, events, places, etc.


Chapter 1: News of the Arrival

Legolas looks back at the path they have just traveled. Hooves print with dust rising from the ground from their speed was all that can be seen as Eryn Lasgalen slowly fades into the horizon. His elven eyes could no longer decipher it but to be a mere speck in the landscape. He sighed at the sight then turned his attention back to the road ahead. The long journey to the Golden Wood with his father and escorts would give him time to think—time to think of the things that have been disconcerting him. Matters that could not be comprehended that kept his mind occupied long before heading towards the enchanted forest...


Nature's domain was alive with sound as the nightingales filled its grace with their song. Known only by the race of Men for their melancholy voice, they were more often heard than seen. Unlike the Elves, little did the race know of the true beauty and power the creatures possessed.

The lomelindi of Lórien, like their relatives, were striking except these legendary birds sang of love and enchantment. Many elves enjoyed listening to their song but never got too close for these immortal creatures could bewilder and cause great pain to any being with one strike of a note. Tales have been told as well of their amusement with Men who often did their bidding and then left deep in the woods to wander for all of eternity...


"Wake up, child," Nania swung open her balcony curtains giving the once darkened room light from the rising sun. Liate groaned at the sudden glow on her eyes, blinked, then turned away from it.

"Just a few more minutes, Nania," she groggily replied, trying to fall back into her waking dream.

Nania shook her head. "Oh, no you don't. You must rise with the dawn and bathe at once. Your father is expecting you bright and early this morning. Now up, c'mon," she lightly hit her on her bottom then went into the other room to get her bath started.

Liate groaned again before mustering the energy to start the new day. She stretched her limbs as she made her way to her balcony. The fresh morning air felt good upon her skin and as always, Lórien looked beautiful over the cascade of rising colors. With the lomelindi singing their song outside her window, a smile grew on her lips. She felt at peace every time the birds graced her with their presence. Liate held out her hand and waited for one see her gesture. "And a fine morning to you," she greeted.

"Come, child, your bath is ready." Liate turned around and sighed. She let the bird go and watched it fly away before closing her balcony doors. Nania led her to the other room connected to her bedchamber where a grand tub filled with hot water and wild flowers patiently waited. She leaned her body forward so the old, loyal servant could scrub her back and wash her hair. Listening to Liate start a familiar tune, she smiled to herself. "I must say, your voice is beginning to be as lovely as your mother's was."

"Yes, her voice was very soothing," she answered quietly. The elf-maiden started swirling the petals in the water with her fingers and began reminiscing.

During the last attack on Lórien from Dol Guldur in the Third Age, her mother willingly gave up her life in order to save another from a poisoned Orc arrow aimed in their direction. By the time the healers came to her rescue, the poison had already seeped deep within her and she was lost. For many years, Liate and her father mourned for her loss. Nevertheless, they knew that in order to live their lives to see the End, they could not subdue into grief and so sang a song of lament for the departed and celebrated her life in their hearts. The song that her mother used to sing to her at night as a young elf-child was all she had left of her memory.

And so, after the passing of Lady Manveriel to the halls of Mandos, Nania's role became not only the head servant in the household, but a mother figure, as well, to Liate and Liate grew to love her very dearly. She was slightly short for an elf with plump rosy cheeks and white-blonde hair. Her perceptive grayish-blue eyes could also detect when someone was hiding something from years of experience with Liate.

In Liate's earlier years, in addition, Nania would tell her stories about the birds and about the First Age. "When Middle-earth was still new, Melian, a Maia of the race of the Valar, dwelt in the gardens of Lórien in Valinor and in the midst of all its people, there were none more beautiful or more skilled in the song of enchantment. It was said that she was the one who taught the lomelindi their song," she said.

The elf-maiden smiled at the thought. It was a nice childhood tale that she held on to for many years. When she came of age for an Elf, the legendary birds suddenly appeared outside her window and have been doing so every morning to greet her. The story the old servant told her seems to have some truth in it for no other creature could hold her attention as they could. Turning to Nania, she brought her thoughts back to the present. "Nania, may I ask why my father needs me so early?"

"Today is the day your father's good friend, King Thranduil and his son, Legolas, from the Woodland Realm, are coming to pay us a visit," Nania answered. "Preparations for the feast this evening is already underway."

After the passing of Galadriel over the Sea and with Celeborn's departure to East Lórien, Lórien became largely deserted. Because of Liamen's noble status, Liate's father was assigned to re-gather what was left of their people in Caras Galadhon, the city capital. It consisted of many large telain, or flats, in a walled grove of very large mellyrn, which were the great trees of Lórien. Once that task was accomplished, he became lord of the Golden Wood and befriended King Thranduil during the battle with Dol Guldur.

Liate quickly sat up straight getting Nania wet. "Oh, Elbereth!" Nania shook her head and grabbed a towel. "What has gotten into you, child?"

"Why was I not informed about their arrival? The King and Prince of Eryn Lasgalen, here in Lórien?" she asked hectically.

"Not informed? Child, your father must have told you a thousand times in the passing weeks. But knowing you, you probably did not pay attention being so eager to step out of these walls so you can drift about in the forest following the lomelindi in the shadows," the old servant gave her a knowing look. "You are fortunate they are fond of you and do not fully play their enchantments on you like they do to others, especially the mortals."

She ignored her and continued to speak. "I have heard of the king and how he led his Elven army in the Battle of the Five Armies and how a ferocious battle it was from the elders. Stories of the prince and his quest with the Fellowship to destroy the One Ring have also caught my interest. A few hand servants of the Lady who saw him say that he was greatly skilled in archery. But alas, she kept them hidden from most of our people while they visited. I suppose because she did not want to alarm us of the evil brewing in our land," Liate concluded. "Those were distressing times, especially with the thought of Gandalf's passing in the Mines of Moria. But the Company would have been a sight to see, most of all a Dwarf being able to set foot in this part of Middle-earth."

It was true that not many Elves in the Golden Wood were able to meet the Nine Companions because Galadriel did not permit it. Due to the One Ring being brought to her realm, she felt a need to protect her kindred and to keep it secret from the spies of Sauron. Although she could protect Lórien from the Dark Lord, she knew she couldn't shield the One Ring from him forever. Even she found it tempting when offered to her by Frodo.

"Yes, yes," Nania absent-mindedly agreed. "Come, now. We must get you dressed and looking presentable to your father. You know he does not like to be kept waiting."

"Yes, Nania," she sighed. Something in her bones told her today was going to be very interesting.

Author's Note: So, what'd you think of the first chapter? Sorry, it's kind of short. More to come…