When in doubt, I feel like I head back to happy Sherlolly family stuff. Ezra specifically because the kid is precious and just I love him. Anyways I hope you guys like it.
much love,
Molly woke up immediately feeling the loss of warmth. Sherlock had to have been up for a couple hours. She wasn't used to him not staying in bed even if he was up unless he ran off for a case. He would sometimes go into Ezra's room and wait for him to get up but most of the time he stayed with her. She didn't know why, or why she expected it to be any different but they were at his parents place.
It was a lovely little cottage away from everything. She wouldn't mind staying more than the few days that they were. It was a nice little getaway. Plus Ezra seemed to like it. He liked his grandparents too. Even though he didn't say much. He let them do much of the talking and only spoke when he felt comfortable enough to. The same way he was with anyone who he didn't know well enough yet.
He had smiled quite a bit. Letting his grandad regal him with funny stories about how Sherlock at tried to get them all into being pirates with them. Molly had to admit it had been a rather adorable memory even though Sherlock sat pouting next to her for the longest time. She knew that he didn't mind it really, he just hated being seen as anything less that the enigma that others knew him to be. Molly knew different and so did his parents who only loved him more when he was being childish about lots of things.
Molly didn't worry too much as she rolled over and moved into a standing position. Stretching carefully before reaching for her dressing gown that Sherlock had left out for her this morning. It was considerate things like that that made her love him all the more. Even those who had said bad things about him in the past had little chance of muddling the new image that he had put into her mind.
After slipping on her nightgown she made it across the call to the bathroom to wash her face and make sure her hair wasn't in as much of a disarray as she felt it was. It was sticking up at all ends. With a little water and her hands she managed to comb it down. She'd shower later after going to check on her boys.
Molly padded down the small hallway where the sitting room and kitchen were located. The only one she saw was Mr. Holmes – he told her to call him William (a name shared by Sherlock). There had been a bit of confusion when Sherlock was younger about that. Mrs. Holmes would end up calling her husband Will up until the time when Sherlock was of age and told them that he preferred the name Sherlock. It had been an easy fix after that.
"Morning, uh-William." It felt odd calling him that but she wasn't one to disrespect an elder. Especially one so closely knitted to the man she was sharing space with.
"Ah, Molly. Did you sleep well?" He beckoned for her to have a seat in the chair next to his. Molly thought that that probably belonged to Mrs. Holmes but wouldn't decline the invitation despite her eyes looking around for her. "She's gone out to get groceries for dinner later. She forgot something during our trip last week." He chuckled.
Molly smiled. "I did. Your home is very comforting so it wasn't hard to sleep. Thanks for having us this weekend."
The older man waved it off with the flick of his wrist. "No problem, thanks for finally introducing us to our grandson. I know it's a touchy topic but we are glad that you found him and let Sherlock know him in a way that we feared would never happen."
William smiled kindly. "Perhaps not until we were close to death and in need of aid. He's a bit slow about normal interactions." Molly giggled, he was and she knew it. It was only when Sherlock was faced with a choice that he made any hard decision. That's what made him human she couldn't say that that was something that she wasn't used to but she had worried for quite a while about him. Not just in reference to their relationship but to what could be with Ezra.
"He's gotten better."
He nodded at her before getting an idea, his eyes perked up a bit more when it happened. It was something that she had seen in Sherlock too. For someone who was supposed to be different than the rest of his family William had shared a lot of things with Sherlock, things that Sherlock would probably wave off as nothing.
"C'mon. They're outside." He slowly got to his feet before meeting Molly at the sliding door that was on the opposite side of the room. He opened it just a smidge in order for the morning breeze to stay outside but also give them a nice view of what was unfolding outside.
The silhouettes of two curly haired boys, one tall, one much smaller could be seen. They seemed to be throwing something repeated. The taller one threw with grace and skill while the other merely tossed it not getting the game quite clearly. That's when the taller one crouched down after picking up another piece – a stone and handed it to him. He circled his arms around him, holding the other to guide him in the instruction of how to make it skip.
Molly smiled.
"I used to do that with him when he was a boy. He'd do it for hours." William patted Molly affectionately on the shoulder before saying something about leaving her to make some tea. She watched them for some time smiling. It was rather sweet watching the two of them skipping stones. She ended up drinking one and half cups of tea before Sherlock turned around and saw her standing just inside the door.
He turned Ezra around and he was beaming, excited to see his mum. He took off into a run with Sherlock trailing behind him as he rattled about throwing rocks with Lock.
William met his wife at the door as she came in a few minutes later, sharing a look with her as she watched their son look as if he was physically bursting with love for these two people who he cared about more than anyone else. They had known the reason it had taken him so long to bring them here. Sherlock was a protector even if it hurts other people. He wants to wrap him his world up and keep it safe from harm. The thing that he was still learning, something he hadn't realized yet was that they would protect them too and love them more for giving him the love that they saw splayed out for few to see.
I hadn't realized that I liked Sherlock's dad giving Sherlock his name until I was writing this. It's perfect really. Imagine Sherlock being a preteen and adamantly refuting the name because he wanted to be his own person. I'm sorry for that. I just...feels.