
Firefly Sweet Dance

Atsushi Murasakibara x Oc

Chapter 21

Kuroko had to stare at the female standing next to Murasakibara, smiling shyly at the giant while he held her hand tightly in his.

He had to look at them properly because it was mad in some cute way – if he had a say so. However, the gentle smile the giant gave the girl allowed him to confirm that Murasakibara indeed cared about the girl probably even liked her more than friends.

Kuroko smiled before he moved back to his team, allowing Murasakibara his space.

It seemed things, people, were slowly changing. Now, he only has to deal with Akashi.

It was all for the best, for everyone.

Hiyori wasn't sure why or where all this started? Why her dislike for the tall black haired girl never seemed to disappear.

Wasn't it from seeing the girl throw herself to some powerful Yakuza all throughout middle school, but now…she was all over the best basketball player in Yōsen. How she was lying through her teeth and acting all innocent?

It just made her blood boil.

So she smiled sweetly.

"Hiya Mai-chan… I was wondering if we can speak… you know… I want to make amends and start all over."

Yes, be surprised.

Smiled innocently.

Accept the deal and let this be done.

"I know a good café not far from here, let's go there."

Araki Masako was growing anxious. Not only was her ward not answering her phone, the hotel manager has recently told her she had not been seen at all in the hotel, because who could miss a tall Japanese girl, with short black hair and green eyes?

Tapping her foot, she pressed the dial button once more, allowing it to ring before she heard the voicemail.

She frown.

Where Mai could have gone to? She remembers nothing from her time living in Tokyo unless…

Damn her cursed luck.

She leaves the room, running.

Dialling the police.

The one person who would be able to recognize her and be able to bring her back to her mother and has no restraining order against them is none other than Iwao Shigeo.

Iwao Shigeo was sure of himself that no harm would come to Mai until she was able to choose. The little girl was just another child with big dreams.

Glad that he was able to buy her time, away from the filthy animals that Yasu was intending on selling her. But the time when Hiraku came into the picture, he was no longer able to protect her.

Going and telling Takumi was the best idea, especially when he explain he could no longer protect her when Yasu sells her to another person instead of him.

It was anger, anger of a father. The betrayal. The grief.

He then went to court.

Then the accident happens, now Mai doesn't remember… it's for the best, right? Then why is he driving the unconscious girl to him?

Gritting his teeth, he looked at his mirror before back at the road.

Would she remember? But why does he want her to remember? Is it worth for her to remember? Would it help locking up Yasu?

Satoshi Kiyomi was beyond worry.

Not only has she not heard from her friends, but Hiyori was standing in front of her.

Her face was twisted in disbelief and guilt.

"Hotaru Mai … she is may not be coming back."


"What do you mean?" Satoshi whispered.

"I… I might have brought her to someone to take her to her mom."


"Don't worry. That's where she belongs. You don't know the horrible things she has done in the past. It's for the best, I guess."

"You don't know that!" She didn't… neither did she but she knew she had some sort of amnesia and it was all linked with her family.

"What? Of course, I do! She had a Yakuza as a boyfriend back then! She threw herself to older men!"

No… it's a lie!

"No…no you're lying."

"It's not."

"Where did you take her?"

"She is long gone."

Shaking her head, Satoshi ran away from her, leaving Hiyori confused with anger and guilt.

Did she do the right thing in the end?

Satoshi was running, running somewhere.


Yes, she's Mai's guardian. She can help.

"Hotaru-chan, she's missing!"

"Don't worry, I know where she might be taken to. The police are now searching for her too."

That's good.

Please be okay, please let what Hiyori said be a lie. Don't let it be true.


Author's Note: And we go back once more the plot! Now Mai is missing, Iwao is not taking her to Yasu, instead he is taking her to someone else, hoping it can help take Yasu to court. Hiyori reveals Mai's somewhat secret, Satoshi doesn't want to believe it and Murasakibara doesn't know any of this... at the moment.

But please review and tell me what you think. Also, this story is almost coming to an end, so please be prepared for its finally and maybe another story involving Mura-kun.

Bye, Lucy.