Reviews for Firefly Sweet Dance
HinataUchiha73 chapter 13 . 8/24
ah I am jealous...170 cm or more is my dream height...i am only 165 cm lol...nice chapter...her mom is witch
HinataUchiha73 chapter 12 . 8/24
nice chapter...
HinataUchiha73 chapter 10 . 8/24
aww...this fic kinda remind me of Yumeiro
HinataUchiha73 chapter 8 . 8/24
HinataUchiha73 chapter 5 . 8/24
lol Murasakibara is childish and cute...I thought he will be frightening but he is child at heart
HinataUchiha73 chapter 4 . 8/24
wow Yosen is cool but my fav HS in Kuroko is Shutoku lol...nice chapter
HinataUchiha73 chapter 3 . 8/24
um what secret?
HinataUchiha73 chapter 2 . 8/24
aww so cute...that girl is me in nutshell lol
HinataUchiha73 chapter 1 . 8/1
woah...I love shy sweet quite anime girl...this is amazing!
PhantomSeekerz255 chapter 21 . 9/16/2018
I hope this isn't annoying, and this doesn't come off as pressuring you, but are you going to update this?
iblamemikegreen chapter 21 . 6/12/2018
I hope you haven't abandoned this! I really like it and want to know what happens next haha :)
Darknees Queen chapter 21 . 12/25/2017
I loved the story, please continue it is very good, and the characters are getting better ... until the next one.
707 Cx chapter 21 . 7/6/2017
someone needs to kill Hiyori plz. Why must u leave it there just when she was 'missing'. Man Murasakibara needs to crush ppl like now.
Bisque-Ware chapter 21 . 6/13/2017
This is too sad...
Probably A Geek or Nerd chapter 21 . 5/29/2017
I am so glad that I found your fanfic again, I forgot to bookmark your fanfic and I started leaving the KNB fandom since the manga already ended. But now I know that The Last/Next Game movie is coming, I've started joining in the fandom again and decided to reread your glorious fanfic, but sad to know that the last update was 2015, I was looking forward for more chapters but hey, I get that you might be busy and doesn't have a lot of time. I'm still looking forward for an update this year (2017) and hope that I could find more Atsushi x OC as good as this one

Until then
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