Hello to all my readers,

In case you all were wondering, I am not in fact dead, and I have not forgotten about It Doesn't Always Go According to Plan.

I know it's been basically a year since I've last updated and there's no explanation or excuse for that other than life happened, and for me, this past year has been something out of hell that I've never experienced and was learning to deal with.

I also have to apologize for not getting back to any emails of PMs you all have sent me... and there were quite a few in the few months, but I never once forgot about you guys! Though it might seem that way. Thank you to all of those who have stuck by me throughout the process.

I hope to very soon start writing again for this site and in the new year, hopefully finish IDAGATP in a timely manner. Granted, I recently read through what is up there so far and discovered many many many errors in my writing (plot holes, careless errors, spelling mistakes, grammar, etc.) so I'm hoping to re-vamp Rose and Dimitri's story here having improved my writing significantly.

I thought I would let you all know that IDAGATP is in the works to be completed but it will take some time. I am currently working on a project of my own that I hope to get published in the next two years or so. If you'd like to check out any of that work, feel free to follow me on my Instagram account [insert at sign] maniacreader.

Anyways, I think I'll finish off for now...

I can't thank you all for sticking with me thus far, it really warms my heart and makes me cry at the thought that people actually enjoy my work, and hope you will continue to stick by me in the new year!

Love you all,
