I would like to dedicate this oneshot to two people, me and Sophie WolfHeart. It was their birthday yesterday and today it's mine. We both are now 21! I hope the reader and you, Sophie enjoy this story. Happy Birthday again! :)

"Today's the day! Today is the day my human turns twenty-one!" Toothless thought as he ran frantically down the steps and into the kitchen. The dragon knew that Hiccup was going to be home from Dragon Academy in a few hours and that was more than enough time for him to prepare. Thanks to Astrid the dragon learned how to bake a cake. The female teen offered to help but Toothless wanted to make it on his own. He searched through the cabinets for the right ingredients and utensils. After a few minutes of searching he found everything he needed, placing them on the table.

Once he got everything he needed, he walked over to the fireplace and shot a small plasma blast, engulfing the log in a blue flame. Placing all the ingredients into a bowl and using his paw, Toothless mixed them together until it was a thick paste. Then, every carefully he picked up the bowl and poured the paste into a pan. Just like he did with the bowl the Night Fury picked up the pan and slowly walked to the fire, resting the pan over the flame. "Now it's time to play the waiting game." Toothless thought. While waiting, the dragon decided that now would be a perfect time to get Hiccup's other gift ready. He made his way to the entrance of the house and resting by the door was a shield. He grabbed it and ran to a corner of the house and went to work.

As he put the finishing touches on his second gift the dragon's head shot up "The cake!" He screamed. He ran to the fireplace and looked his eyes wide. In front of his was a perfectly baked cake. Being immune to his fire Toothless reached in and removed the pan from the fire. He turned it over and out came the cake. Too the dragon's surprise this was a lot easier than he thought. He expected to be on his third try but instead he got it perfect on his first go.

"Now we add the frosting. I hope he likes chocolate?" Toothless said as he rubbed it onto the cake. "Oh I almost forgot," he said "A birthday cake wouldn't be complete without letting people know how old you are." Toothless than got two candles, one shaped like the number two and the other as number one. He placed both candles onto of the cake so it read twenty-one, just than the front door opened. Wanting this to be a surprise the dragon ran to his rider and greeted his with a lick on the face. "Thanks bud" Hiccup said. He tried to walk ti the kitchen put a black wing stopped him. "Toothless, what's up? I just need a drink." The red head was replied with a grunt. "Why can't I go into the kitchen?" Toothless put his front paws over his eyes than back down. "You want me to cover my eyes?" the dragon nodded. "Okay… but I don't get why" he said. With his eyes covered Hiccup could hear his dragon running around the house.

He felt a nudge and took this has a sign that he can put his hands down. He wasn't ready for what he saw. In front of him was Toothless sitting on his hindquarters giving his toothless smile, holding a cake. "You made that for me?" the dragon nodded. "i- I don't know what to say… thanks bud." Toothless put the cake down and opened his arms. Hiccup quickly ran over and gave his a hug. Toothless purred deeply. After several seconds the hug ended. Toothless reached from behind and presented Hiccup with a shield but no ordinary shield. The front of this one was covered in black scales. Now Hiccup's eyes were full of excitement. His mouth hung slightly open and he was at a loss of words. Toothless simply watched his human as he knew he made him happy and gave him a birthday neither of them will forget.