DISCLAIMER: I do not own the movie Captain America: The First Avenger or any of its characters, nor those of MARVEL'S The Avengers – I am just borrowing them for play.
Cementing Heritage
Chapter Eleven: Wounded
Even as he squeezed his eyes shut, hunched back leaning against the closed door, the image of Peggy's pleading, tear-stained face remained vivid in his mind. Steve attempted to breathe, but his chest kept catching at the thought of what she had to go through – what they had all (except for him) gone through at the end of the war. He leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes as he struggled to compose himself.
The sounds of the disc were muffled sufficiently that he could not hear anything distinct while he actively blocked the noise from his mind, but he blinked out of his fretfulness at the reverberation of the elevator. 'Was it over?' he wondered. His head lolled to the side so an ear faced the door, and then the two Asgardians were arguing on the other side of it. His entire body tensed at Loki's words, at Thor wanting to talk to him. His hands trembled. He jerked abruptly and swiftly snapped his wrist to turn the lock before wincing. 'What am I doing?'
Thankfully, Thor yielded to Loki's urgings and Steve was not at all confronted. He inhaled deeply, and then gustily exhaled. As he stood he grit his teeth in frustration, before moving further into his rooms. He clumsily stripped off his clothing and changed into looser attire for sleep, thinking, 'I could have just told him that I didn't want to talk, if he had knocked. Instead I locked the door- What am I even afraid of?
'I do have to adjust- live here, in this time. I'm going to have to talk to them all. But not really about this… Most of them knew the story, and now they've all seen it. It's in the past.' He paused, pursing his lips. 'Everything is.'
He shook his head, clenched his fists, and then purposefully tried to relax. Slipping into the bed, Steve lay on his side though his muscles remained tense. He closed his eyes and resolutely pushed the reawakened, persistent memories down, clearing his mind for sleep.
"G-Give me your coordinates – I'll find you a safe landing site."
"There's not gonna be a safe landing."
Peggy's voice caught as she pleaded, eyes glistening, "Please, don't do this. W-We have time- We can work it out."
"Peggy," he comforted earnestly, "this is my choice."
She closed her eyes, moving to shake her head in an act of silent protest as she pressed her lips together.
His eyes never wavered from the encroaching land as he resolutely tilted the yoke down, and the aircraft dove sharply. The icy shoreline drew closer in the spread of windowpanes. The wind howled as the plane hurtled through the air, his breathing shaky as his wide eyes stared at the ground growing more detailed with every second.
Then, between one and the next, the sound of rent metal ripped through his ears as the force of the impact threw him forward and over the controls. "Steve?"he imagined he heard faintly, sounding distressed as biting cold swept into the space and the plane was thrown sideways, half of the craft submerged quickly. Landing roughly on his back, he gasped as he arched in pain before choking on water, the ocean waves crashing in and filling the interior.
He felt his muscles attempt to thrash as the blinding white of the snow was eclipsed by the shadows the ceiling cast into the water, but the cold numbed everything. His muscles seized as he was suspended in the freezing water, unable to feel anything as blue tinged his skin. His eyes were forced shut as he emit a final, full-body tremor, lips stained violet and closed over the liquid in his lungs as ice crept in rivulets through the flooded plane.
Steve woke abruptly, wrenching himself through the sheets and off of the bed to land hard on all fours and vomit on the floor. Retching as his unfocused eyes darted around the room, he spit and then inhaled shakily at realising he was not drowning – and then again at recognising the room.
"Mr. Rogers?" JARVIS inquired tentatively, Steve scrambling to throw his back against a wall and crouch defensively. He blinked, and then collapsed with his knees up.
"I'm fine," he gasped, before clutching at his chest and stomach and inhaling deeply. He insisted, stronger, "I'm fine, really." He looked to the clock, 3:27am, forcefully stilling his trembling. "Don't wake anyone. I don't need anyone."
His breathing became shallow in the silence that followed, half in remembrance of the water and half in fear of JARVIS' response. Then the AI said, "…As you wish, sir."
He exhaled heavily, closing his eyes and breathing for a moment before the internal chill felt urged him to stand and move into the bathroom. Turning on the tap, he rubbed his hands under the scalding water before splashing his face. He gripped the edges of the counter, leaning back and staring at the floor, as the droplets smattered the counter and fell from his chin. He basked in the fire-like heat on his skin and prayed that between it and the steam from the running faucet he would regain fire instead of ice in his core.
Hunching his shoulders and lowering his head further in reluctance, he gazed back at the floor he had spewed all over. Fingers clamping around the edge of marble he righted himself and grabbed a cloth from under the sink. Dampening it, Steve walked back into the bedroom and dropped to his knees to begin scrubbing at the hardwood.
Thor blinked, levering himself up from where he was lying on the couch. He cast his gaze to the large, curtained, floor-to-ceiling windows before standing to walk over to them. He pushed the material aside to view the night sky, and then drew the other away from the center so that the city lights could better shine in and illuminate the space. At the sound of a door cautiously opening, he turned, and met the wary expression of Steve as he peeked out of his room.
"What're you doing up?" he questioned, averting his gaze from Thor for a second before seeming to straighten and open the door so to fully exit.
The god offered in reply, "I awoke not long ago – I am merely troubled by your sorrows." Before Steve's embarrassment could fully manifest, he cast his eyes out the window again, and said, "The stars are different here."
He blinked, approaching the other slowly, and conceded, "I guess they must be." He joined him at the window. "You can barely see them anymore, though… I think it's odd every time I look up – there weren't nearly as many buildings and lights before."
"Asgard is the opposite," Thor began. "She is quiet at night, the stars and dust bright, and by day the structures gleam in the sunlight."
They stood in silence for a moment, and then Thor found himself presented with a small smile. "Since you're up," he started, moving away, "I was going down to work out."
"We shall spar!" he exclaimed in agreement, and Steve chortled before shushing the god and warning him about his volume.
Early morning dawned with Steve and Thor serenely, if a bit awkwardly due to avoiding the obvious topic of conversation at hand, eating breakfast. Somewhat abruptly, a silence having fallen with the lull in conversation, JARVIS called their attention with an announcement.
"Sir has gathered everyone for an outing to supply those lacking clothing with articles more appropriate." As Thor furrowed his brow and looked down at his ensemble in consideration and Steve blinked up at the ceiling in surprise, the A.I. continued to inform, "He and Ms. Potts are with Agents Barton and Romanov in the underground parking. Dr. Banner and the Sorcerer are descending to your floor now."
Both blonds hastily consumed the last of their meals while they lifted the used dishware and cutlery to the sink, the elevator doors opening. Bruce meekly stepped out of the lift, rubbing his hands together in front of him as he cast a glance between the two for a brief moment before asking, "Are you ready to go?"
"Just heard about it," Steve answered in consternation as he moved forward, but Loki allied his disgruntlement when he commented swiftly,
"We were not awarded any great forewarning either." His sharp eyes scrutinised the other Æsir and his usual dress of leather in contrast to the borrowed cotton T-shirt and slacks he himself wore. "You will not easily be able to constantly change into Midgardian clothing from that."
Thor crossed his arms defensively and opened his mouth to retort, but Steve smiled slightly and uttered a 'Come on,' as he doubled back to guide him to his half and lend him an alternative outfit for the day.
With him now sporting a flannel shirt over khakis, the four entered the elevator and were brought down to the basement levels of the building.
"-taking him? Why?"
"Because we aren't all going to fit in one car so we have to split up anyway-" Tony stopped and turned his head as they approached, but Pepper's narrowed eyes remained on him. "Good news, super-soldier, you get to ride with me," he crowed with a grin, looking at Steve over his dark sunglasses. "Everyone else is with Pepper."
"I still don't see why I can't drive," Natasha countered.
"Cause I bet I'd have to pay for it – at least Pep's on the insurance."
"That seems like an odd split," Steve said leadingly, jumping back to the division and concurring with Pepper's suspicion about the decision.
"It's not like anyone'll be crowded," he argued with a raised brow, already moving to one of his Corvettes as if the matter was not up for discussion, "They're taking the Lincoln."
Pepper played with the keys in her hand as she watched Tony get into the streamlined car and then worriedly looked to Steve. He masked his discomfort with a small smile and expression that he hoped conveyed how he could take care of himself to reassure her, and then walked to the same car as the rest climbed into the other vehicle.
He did not know what ulterior motive Tony had for getting him alone, but knew that he would not have to wait long for him to reveal it if it was to be resolved before they got to the nearby mall. What he had not expected was for Tony to loop around the block he had heard Pepper mention only to neatly Parallel Park and pull out his cell. Steve's shoulders tensed as he quickly dialed a number.
"Hey – could I get Peggy for a sec? Yeah, I'll hold."
The colours of the advertisements on the buildings outside faded, the noises blending together as Steve inhaled sharply and stared through the windshield with glazed eyes and pulse beating in his ears. He tried to breathe out only to slowly gather in another breath, a voice chiding harshly, "Don't be a coward."
He turned, eyes wide, to Tony, who was holding out the phone.
He stared at it, hearing the call of 'Steve!' in his mind from a control center so very far away.
He lifted a shaking hand to grasp the cell and put it to his ear. "Hello?" a husky female voice greeted, accent lilting and familiar and forcing his eyes to shut.
"Hey, Pegs," he answered softly, and he heard a raspy gasp.
"Yeah, it's me."
"Y-You're alive?" she choked out. "Y-You're back?"
He chuckled hoarsely, keeping his eyes shut as he pictured her. She was lying comfortably on a bed, shock showing on her aged features – proving she had lived a long, full life. "I'm sorry- that I left you. That I didn't come."
"Oh, Steve…" she sighed. 'Was she crying?' "What happened?"
"Was frozen for a while," he explained haltingly, blinking at the daylight and traffic lights and headlights as he continued, "a long while." He could always talk to her, and he knew, on some level, that she understood what this meant for him. Before she could compose a return filled with compassion and sympathy, though, that would make him tear up further, he said, "I'm glad for you. And you should be proud of yourself. You founded S.H.I.E.L.D., married, and lived a life."
"Yes… but what of you, now?"
"It's not the same, is it?"
"No," he responded. "I'm with S.H.I.E.L.D., but…I'm not quite sure I know what I'm supposed to be doing anymore."
"Live," she urged. "You saved the world. It may have changed, and you might not be able to go back, but you can start over. You don't have a responsibility to anyone of the past. It wasn't you that ruined what became of the present. Look to those around you.
"Look to the future. L-Live your life now-" She was cut off by a fit of coughs that tapered into wheezes, Steve suddenly pulled back from absentmindedly musing to sit straighter in his seat.
The seatbelt was tight over his chest as he clenched the phone to his ear, calling, "Peggy?"
She gasped, "Steve."
His brow furrowed, and he uttering a confused, "Yeah?"
"Y-You're alive," she said, again. "Y-You're- You're back."
Cold flashed through his limbs as he answered dully, "Yeah." He clawed the seatbelt's release to the strap quickly retracting, and then was out of the car and stumbling through the crowded sidewalks. 'Get away,' his thoughts chanted. But he kept the phone pressed tight to his ear.
"Oh, Steve."
"I'm sorry," he said, ducking around a corner so he stood in one of the slim alleys between shops. "I'm so sorry." He lowered his head as his blue eyes swam in anguish, swallowing loudly.
"It's been so long," she whined, and Steve's expression again morphed into one of desolation. "So long."
He croaked, "Well, I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance." His smile was fleeting. "I'm going to visit."
"Oh, oh, Steve…"
'I can't-'
He whipped the cell away and it smashed against the opposite wall.
Breathing hard, he leaned back against the brick behind him and stared, wondering why. 'Why did this have to happen? I had my time – I should have DIED. And now I can't- I can't even comfort the loved one who was left alone to deal with it all? Because, no matter what, she won't remember it?'
A hand landed on his shoulder. He snarled, twisting to punch Tony and denting the metal of the gauntlet held to guard his face. Steve pulled his fist back, but stepped forward to lean over the brunet as he asked, "Why?"
"Because you need to deal with it."
Steve shook his head, averting his eyes as he clenched his fists and jaw, and strode away. Tony retracted the gauntlet of the Mark V and pulled another cellphone out of his pocket. He shot off a text before following him.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I apologise for the lateness and shortness of the chapter, but I honestly have had no time ;/ - had meant to write this up months ago. This one was a bit rough in terms of Steve's coping, anyhow, even on me, so perhaps the briefness of it helped lessen your emotional turmoil (I say to assuage my guilt).
Drop a review and let me know what you think!