Disclaimer: Kuroko no Basuke and it's characters belong to their rightful owner, Tadatoshi Fujimaki. I only own the fan fictions and oc characters.

Author's Note: Hey guys, I know its been a while 'while' and I'll really sorry for that but I've a lot of things going on these few months like for example; my laptop went nuts and decided to die on me so I took it for repairs. Thankfully though, I was able to write quite a lot every now and then. I did mention it was going to be a super long chapter and it has quite the events going on in there so there you have it. I hope you're ready, the story ends with this~

Enjoy Reading!

English is not my first language, so excuse me if there were any mistakes!

Chapter 32

Akashi Seijuuro's P.O.V

After we left the amusement park, I dropped Nori to the hospital and returned home. I wasn't planning on confronting father though, it's the opposite. I didn't go with Nori because I expected to get back home earlier than father. That way I can pretend to be asleep when he's back home; then this happened. What a lowly old man he turned out to be, the worst.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt my phone vibrate. I sat up and grabbed the phone from the night stand near my bed and sighed.

Who's calling me at this time?

My eyes slightly widened when I read the name of the caller, "Nori." I took a deep breath and answered the phone.


I felt my heart beat faster the second I heard his voice. "Heh, so you're back home already?"

[Yeah, I came back a few minutes ago. Are you at home too?]

I slowly laid back on bed and held back a sigh.

"Yeah. I'm in bed," I replied.

Nori was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again, [Dad said he's looking forward to seeing you again soon! So let's visit him together tomorrow, okay?]

I stared at the ceiling and pressed my lips into a thin line.

I really don't want him to find out about this whole marriage thing. But isn't it better if I tell him about it than having him accidentally find out about it? I don't want him to misunderstand, I won't let anyone get in our way and that's for sure. So should I tell him?


I snapped out of my thoughts and cleared my throat.

"Yeah, we'll go tomorrow."

[Umm- are you okay?]

I furrowed my brows at that.

"I'm fine. Why are you asking?" He was quiet again.

Did I sound weird?

[I don't know. It's just that, is there anything bothering you? If there's anything you want to talk about, you can tell me you know. I may not be useful but I'll do my best to help you!]

I bit my lower lip and sighed.

No, what was I thinking? There's no way I can tell him. I haven't even decided on what to do about it yet. If I tell him what happened with father, Nori will end up crying all night and he won't be able to sleep at all. So all I can do now is...

"I love you," I muttered loud enough for Nori to hear it.

Silent again huh? Heh- so cute. I can see his reaction all the way from here.

"What? You don't love me too? How mean, and here I was-" Nori interrupted me with a loud reply.

[I love you! I really love you more than anything else Seijuuro. And hearing you say it today made me so happy that I felt as though my heart would stop any second,] He chuckled softly after the last sentence.

"What are you laughing about?" I asked slightly embarrassed.

[To be honest, I wanted you to come with me to the hospital today.]

I raised an eyebrow, "Why so? Weren't you going there to introduce your friends to your father?"

He paused then let out a sigh, [Yeah but that's not what I meant.]

I waited for him to continue as I shifted my body to the right.

[I wanted to spend more time with you. And I thought that after leaving the hospital, we could... have dinner somewhere together or something?]

I was astonished by what I heard that I was almost gaping; though I couldn't help but smirk at his words.

"Do you realize that you just asked me out on a date?"

He gasped and stuttered, [I-It's not...]

'It's not like that' is what he's probably going to say. Can't he be more honest for once?

"It's not what?" I let out a sigh when he took too long to reply but he caught my attention when he spoke again.

[I am.]


[I'm saying yes, I am asking you out on a date. S-So let's go together after school tomorrow!]

I blinked a few times with astonishment but I brushed it off with a snicker before replying, "You're quite bold today Nori. First the kisses in the morning, then your confession at the ferris wheel and now this."

I take that back, he's been more than honest today.

"Okay then, I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how you'll be taking the lead," I said with a grin.


I held back a laugh and replied, "Yeah. Aren't you the one who invited me for dinner? Ah, I wonder what kind of place you'll pick. You know I'm quite picky when it comes to food so I hope you choose well."

I won't really mind it if he took me anywhere, it's just so amusing to tease him. I can't wait to see his frustrated expression tomorrow.

"Hm? Nori?"

[O-Of course! Don't worry about that, I'll be sure to pick a good place! I know a lot of restaurants that make good food! You're in for a surprise!]

I held another chuckle in.

He's so obvious.

"Really now? I'll be looking forward to that surprise then. Oh but let me tell you this," my lips curved into a sly smile before I continued.

"I'm the type that won't tolerate ones who give me high expectations only to disappoint me. Disappoint me and I'll punish you, understood?"

Nori gulped and replied in a soft quiet voice, [Understood.]

This is bad. His reactions are way too cute.

"I'll see you tomorrow then. Oh and there's no meeting at 7 so you can rest a little longer tomorrow, okay?"

[Okay, umm- goodnight.]

I closed my eyes and smiled, "Goodnight my little seaweed." With that, I ended the phone call and tightened my grip on the phone.

Seriously, it was only a few minutes ago that I felt like I wanted to kill someone. How can he change my mood so easily?

I was about to place my phone on the nightstand but stopped when the phone vibrated in my hand, a message. I looked at the phone and opened the message.

Sender: Onodera Nori (4/10/2014) 10:30pm

- You closed before I could say it but umm anyways... I love you. See you tomorrow, good night Seijuuro.

My lips curved into a smile as I closed the message, "You even stutter when you write a message?"

He's so adorable I just feel like I want to tease him even more. I wonder what kind of thoughts he'll have if I didn't reply. He'll probably be really anxious. Well, he kind of deserves it. I've been frustrated with thoughts of him lately. A little teasing won't hurt him.

I placed my phone on the nightstand and laid back on bed.

More importantly, what do I do about father? There's no way I'm giving up Nori, so what do I do?

Onodera Nori's P.O.V.

Why did he close the phone so quickly? I didn't get the chance to tell him I love him before we close. I mean, yes I said it while we were talking but I really wanted to say it again, 'sweet dreams, I love you.' Something like that. I was worried that he'd be bothered if I called him again just for that so I sent him a message. And yet...

I frowned and sighed as I stared at the phone while I laid down on bed.

"It's been 2 hours already, why hasn't he replied?!"

I sent the message only a minute after we closed the phone, there's no way he could have fallen asleep that fast. Maybe he was too tired? Yeah, that must be it! Another sigh escaped my mouth as I snuggled my head into the pillow.

I guess I'll sleep for now.

I was about to doze off but a gasp escaped my mouth the second I recalled the rest of the conversation I had with Seijuuro on the phone.

THE DATE, I almost forgot about that! Where am I supposed to take him?! 'I know a lot of restaurants that make good food! You're in for a surprise!' Where in god's name did that come from?! The only restaurants I know are the fast food restaurants, as if I'd ever take him to those kind of places! But what am I supposed to do? The restaurants that Seijuuro goes to are too fancy. And since I'm the one who asked him out, I have to pay for the both of us. How much money do I even have?

I got out of bed and pulled my wallet out of my bag. I took a deep breath and inwardly prayed as I opened the wallet. My jaw dropped the second I saw the amount of money I had.

3000 YEN?! That's barely enough to buy us cheap food from the fast food restaurant! No way, I definitely won't take him there. I'll ask granny for money, I'm sure she can lend me some if I ask her to, right?

"15,000 YEN?! What do you want to do with all that money?!"

I lowered my head and frowned as granny crossed her arms and scolded me.

"W-We're going on a field trip," I lied.

Granny sighed loudly and pinched my cheek a little too hard, "Ouch! It hurts!"

"That's for lying to your own grandmother! Now tell me, what do you want to do with that money?" I pouted my lips at her.

It's too embarrassing to say that it's for my date with Seijuuro! But if I tell her, she might give me the money without arguing. She does like Seijuuro quite a lot so-

"Umm- date," I muttered.

"Speak louder Nori-chan; I can't hear you," she said raising an eyebrow.

I blushed and explained to her what happened in the phone call.


When I was done explaining, she grinned widely. "So you're going on a date with handsome-chan?! Why didn't you just say so?!"

She rushed out of the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with her wallet in her hand. She took the money out and placed it in my hand, "Be sure to make my future handsome grandson in law happy! Okay?"

I felt my face heat up at her words, "S-Stop it granny!"

I glanced at the money in my hand and furrowed my brows.

I feel bad for taking this much from her.

"Thank you granny. I'll give you back the money I borrowed soon," I said, smiling softly at her. Huffing, she affectionately ruffled my hair and pinched my cheeks.

"You don't need to! Just be sure to make handsome-chan happy! Got it?"

Slightly exasperated, my mouth twitched as I nodded. "I'm off to school now, I'll see you tonight at the hospital. You'll be there to visit dad, right?"

"Yup! Of course I'm visiting Shiro-chan! I'll see you there with your grandfather! So just make sure you have a good time!"

It was about time to leave, I noted.

"See you granny!"

She grinned and waved back cheerfully, "Take care Nori-chan! And be good in school!"

I grabbed my bag and started heading to school.

Thank god, at least the money issue is solved. As for the place, I really don't know what kind of place to choose! I've never been to fancy places before, I wonder if Kousuke or Nami would know any good places? After all, they do come from upper class families like everyone else in this school. I'll ask them when I see them in a while.

When I reached school, it was still a little too early for classes. I went to the student council room and sat on the couch.


I couldn't really sleep all night since I was over thinking about many things that happened yesterday like in the morning when I woke up next to Seijuuro, then Mibuchi-senpai and the others saw me when Seijuuro was doing embarrassing things to me! Then later the date at the amusement part, I really didn't expect Seijuuro to tell me that he loves me when I told him how I felt about him. It was super embarrassing but I was really happy. Last but not least, my lack of sleep mostly came from getting worried about the date. I just hope everything works out today.

Anyways since I arrived too early, I'll finish hanging the posters now so I can spend some time with Seijuuro at lunch break and we can go to our date right after school instead of wasting time hanging the posters. Perfect!

And so, I got off the couch and grabbed the posters that were placed on the table then left the room to start hanging them around other parts of the school. I started from the 3rd years hallway then continued to the 2nd years hallway. I felt shivers run down my spine as I hung up the last poster on the 2nd years hallway. This poster is placed near the old photography clubs' classroom; meaning, the yakuza room.

I shook my head rapidly and focused on hanging the poster, "There's no one here right now. It's still to early for him to show up," I muttered to myself.

"Ahh? It's too early for who to show up?" I held my breath at the husky voice that suddenly came from behind me.

No way, he's here?!

I flinched causing the poster to drop when he slammed his hand on the wall near my face, "It's been a while Onodera."

I was still facing the wall so I couldn't see him.

Why is Inagawa here so early?!

"Oi, turn around."

Gulping nervously, I slowly turned around against my will. I just simply didn't want him to attack me, the school is empty right now so there's no one here to stop him. Although I was facing him, I avoided looking at him.

"Tch! You really piss me off. No matter how I think about it, I hate your fucking guts to no end. Why does Kousuke insist on hanging around with trash like you?! Even though I keep asking him to be mine already, he always brushes me off like I'm some sort of fucking insect! What's so damned special about you?!"

Eh? Did he just say 'mine'? He means as his underling, right?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Inagawa grabbed me from the collar of my shirt and grit his teeth before speaking.

"Give me Kousuke, he doesn't belong with a pitiful weakling like you. Someone like him belongs with me, the 8th successor of the Inagawa-kai group. I won't accept anyone but him as my personal bodyguard so give me Kousuke!" I furrowed my brows and looked away.

What does he mean by 'give me Kousuke'? I can never understand what this guy is thinking. Besides...

"Even if you say so... Kousuke is the one who decides that. I can't do anything about it."

He clicked his tongue and glared at me.

"Then fucking convince him! It pisses me off but he always listens to you, right?! Do something about it!" I flinched again at his loud voice.

Why is he being so desperate?! I mean, I get that Kousuke is really strong but still! Also, I would never want Kousuke to be involved with the yakuza.

"Why does it have to be Kousuke? There are a lot of strong guys around, right? I'm sure you can find any other guy to be your-" I was interrupted when he pushed me backwards roughly.

"What the fuck would someone like you know?! Don't talk as if you understand anything! It has to be Kousuke. The one I want is-"

My eyes grew wide when Inagawa was interrupted by a punch on his face. The impact was so strong that he ended up falling backwards. Completely baffled, I turned my attention to the person who punched him and gasped.


What is he doing here?! Why is everyone showing up early today?! No, more importantly- this is bad! His eyes are just like that time!

He walked past me and bent down on one knee then grabbed Inagawa by his shirt.

"How dare you?" Kousuke muttered in a cold tone.

"All this time, you've been hurting Nori behind my back. Even though he never did anything to you, you just kept bullying someone weaker than you. How pathetic."

The gaze full of loathing Kousuke sent to Inagawa made me shudder with fear, and I was uncomfortably reminded of the time when Nami was attacked by those guys.

I have to stop him before he loses it.

Just when I was about to stop him, Kousuke let go of Inagawa's shirt and stood up while still glaring at him.

"There's no way in hell I'll ever even consider the thought of 'joining' you so stop trying. Just the sight of you disgusts me; trash," he hissed in anger. My eyes widened slightly as I glanced at Inagawa.


Kousuke took hold of my wrist and started heading towards the staircase. Before walking away, he glanced sideways at Inagawa who was still on the floor.

"If you ever come near Nori again, you won't get away with just a punch."

He clicked his tongue and stalked off with me in tow. Before leaving, I took one last glance at Inagawa's face and frowned when I saw his expression.

That's odd. For some reason, Inagawa looks as if he's about to... cry?

Kousuke ended up taking me to the classroom. And right now, I was getting scolded by him.

"What were you thinking?!"

I laughed awkwardly at Kousuke who was yelling his lungs out.

"It's not funny! What were you doing near that room?! You know well that Inagawa and his friends hang out there all the time!"

"I was hanging up the posters for the movie event," I explained.

Kousuke frowned, "Are you out of your mind? What would have happened if I didn't show up?"

I rubbed the nape of my neck and looked away.

"Well he didn't really attack me. In fact, he didn't seem like he was going to hurt me." Kousuke raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yet you mean; he didn't attack you yet. He was obviously threatening you." I shook my head at that.

"Whenever Inagawa attempts to hit me, I could feel it the moment he shows up. But today, it felt different. He was irritated but he didn't seem like he was going to hurt me. So..."

Kousuke sighed, "Can you just try to be more careful next time?"

I nodded with a smile, "Don't worry Kousuke. I'll be more careful next time."

I'm really surprised though.

"What is it?" He asked.

"For a moment, I thought you would lose it again like last time."

A faint smile grew on his face as he ruffled my hair, "I made a promise to you and Nami that I wouldn't do anything like that again didn't I?" I smiled back at him and nodded.

Honestly though? It wasn't Kousuke's scary face that surprised me, it was Inagawa. For a second, it seemed as if there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. But I'm probably just seeing things, right? This is Inagawa Masaru we're talking about.

"Are you done with the posters?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded.

"Ah! But there's still the one that fell when Inagawa showed up."

Kousuke sighed and stood up, "I'll take care of it. You just stay here and rest for now, you look like you didn't get enough sleep last night."

I blinked at him in confusion as he left the classroom.

How did he know? But he's right, I should rest a little before everyone shows up to class.

With that said, I placed both of my hands on the desk then rested my head on them. Slowly shutting my eyes, I drifted off to sleep.

"Nori," a familiar voice called.

"Nori," the voice called again.

My eyes slowly fluttered open to meet a pair of heterochromatic eyes, "Wake up lazy head; class is about to start."

With my eyes snapped open, my head shot up as soon as I realized that I was in class.


A smirk formed on the corner of his mouth as he brushed my lower lip with his thumb, "You're drooling."

My cheeks reddened in a split second as I pushed his hand away and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Thank you," I muttered quietly.

Just how long did I sleep that I actually ended up drooling?! Ugh, I feel so embarrassed. Huh? But wait, the class is still empty.

"What time is it?"

Seijuuro glanced at his watch and replied, "Almost 7:40. When did you reach here?"

Oh, thats why the class is empty. But what do I tell him? I don't have to mention anything about Inagawa, do I? I don't want to worry him when nothing really happened.

"I got here at 6:30. Also, I had a lot of time so I hung up all the posters!"

Seijuuro furrowed his brows at me, "Didn't I tell you that you didn't have to show up early today?!"

"I know but I woke up super early and didn't want to lie around in bed doing nothing. Besides, this way we can spend more time together today so..."

Seijuuro raised an eyebrow, "Spend more time together?"

My blush grew darker at that, "I mean I don't have to hang up posters in lunch break or after school today now that I'm done."

His eyes slightly widened for a second but that disappeared when he started snickering.

What's with his reaction? It's making me feel more awkward!

"You really love me that much, eh?"

Still blushing, I looked away and pouted my lips.

"Stop making fun of me," I mumbled.

I turned my attention back to Seijuuro when he leaned down towards me with an amused smile on his face.

"You're so cute Nori. Won't you let me eat you up already?"

My eyes widened as my face turned into different hues of red and I could swear I could hear my rapid beats at the sudden seductive tone that he used. I was about to speak but stopped when several students entered the classroom. Seijuuro probably noticed this before they entered which is why he stood up properly then went over to his desk.

Phew, that was close. He really surprised me, his tone was really different from before! I can still hear my heart beats even now.

I glanced sideways at him and frowned when I noticed that he seemed to be lost in thoughts already; just like yesterday.


I was interrupted by a loud Nami, "Ri-chan~ Good morning!" She greeted cheerfully.

Waving a hand at her, I greeted Nami back with a smile. "Mornin'!"

She made her way to where I was sitting and spoke, "Hey guess what!"

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

Right before she could finish her sentence, Kousuke appeared.

"Ah, Kou-chan! You came in time too! I was just about to tell Nori-chan about it then tell you later since I thought you'd be late!"

Okay, now I'm curious. What is she so excited about?

"Remember the senpai I told you about before, Sato-senpai?"

I nervously gulped when I noticed Kousuke's eyebrow cock at the name of that senpai.

I looked back at her and asked, "What about him?"

She leaned in closed toward me and Kousuke then whispered, "I confessed to him just now!"

My eyes widened but not as wide Kousuke's eyes did.

Don't tell me... her happy reaction means that-

"And he said yes! Senpai said he likes me too! So starting today, I'm going out with Sato-senpai! I'm so happy I could actually die!"

I was desperately praying for someone to break up the conversation right now because I could feel a scary aura coming from Kousuke!

"Eh? What's with you guys? Aren't you happy for me?"

I shook my head and smiled, "We are, of course we are! Ne Kousuke?" I looked at him and started to freak out when he said nothing at all.

Come on Kousuke, snap out of it for now!

"Kousuke?" Nami called.

I was about to make up an excuse and get Kousuke out of the classroom but paused when he lifted his head and smiled.

"Of course we're happy for you. Congratulations Nami, you finally did it."

She grinned as he ruffled her hair, "You guys are the best! Don't worry, I'll always love you guys no matter what! The two of you are special to me after all!"

Still faking a smile, Kousuke slowly nodded his head.

"Anyways lets get back to our seats before the teacher comes in!" Nami said before she walked back to her seat while humming her favorite game's song.

I turned my gaze from her to Kousuke who was standing still.


"Good for her," he muttered before he made his way to his desk.

I frowned as I watched his back, "This is the worst."

I can't believe this is happening. I just don't understand, Kousuke loved Nami for a long time. Why didn't he ever tell her how he felt about her all this time?

A loud sigh escaped my mouth at this. Just when I thought things were bad enough, I took another glance at Seijuuro and clenched my fist when I saw that he still seemed to be lost in thoughts.

After he took me to the amusement park yesterday, I thought things were fine again. But he's been like that since yesterday too, what is going on with him?!

"Good morning my wonderful students. Please open your books to page 212 so we can start today's lesson," the teacher said. I grabbed my book from the bag and opened it to that page.

All I can do is wait for lunch break, I hope he answers me properly when I ask him about it. Ah, but then there's Nami and Kousuke. I was going to ask them about a place for the date! But there's no way I can ask them in a situation like this! This is hopeless. I should just focus in class for now.


When class ended, I didn't realize it until Nami had called for me. I couldn't concentrate much at the end of the class because I was worried about Kousuke, Seijuuro and the date! But first, I have to know what's wrong with Seijuuro. I turned my head around to call for Seijuuro but stopped when I realized that he wasn't there.

When did he leave the classroom?! He disappeared again just like yesterday! Even though I finished the posters in the morning so I could spend more time with him. I'm not letting him get away this time, I'll go look for him.

I grabbed both of our bentos that granny had prepared for us this morning and headed outside.

What is this?

My eyes watched in disbelief as I saw a girl wrap her hands around Seijuuro. She wasn't wearing the school uniform, she was wearing an elegant dress. I felt my hand shiver as I took a closer look at her as she let go of Seijuuro and noticed that she was that same girl from last time, the one with the golden hair.

What's... going on?

They were standing near the school gates and I was hiding behind a wall. Seijuuro was talking but I couldn't hear what he was saying at all, I pursed my lips before I took a few steps closer towards them and stopped when I was close enough to make out a few words of their conversation.

"What's wrong Seijuuro-kun?" She asked.

He sighed and knit his eyebrows, "Don't just pop out of nowhere and act so casual with me, It's bothersome."

I couldn't help but smile with relief when he said that.

"Heh~? But what's wrong with embracing the person who's going to be my husband soon? Besides, I'm already considered your fiancee' since the marriage date has already been set."

My eyes widened immensely at this. Her words hit me hard enough that I felt as though the air was being sucked out of me.

What? Marriage? Fiancee? Husband? Who- no, what is she talking about?

Without me realizing it, I had accidentally dropped the bento boxes catching the attention of the two who were now looking at me. Seijuuro's eyes widened with surprise when he saw me.

The girl turned her gaze from me back to Seijuuro and raised an eyebrow, "Seijuuro-kun?"

I have to get out of here. I have to, but my legs aren't moving at all.

The girl held Seijuuro's hand causing him to look back at her, "Seijuuro-kun?"

Don't touch him or call his name so casually. Seijuuro is mine.

"Hey, let's go somewhere else. I don't want people interrupting our conversation."

I pursed my lips when I felt tears threatening to fall from the corners of my eyes. Seijuuro looked back at me and frowned.

Move Nori, get out of here already. I have to go before-

Seijuuro's eyes grew wider when tears began to trickle down my cheeks, the girl seemed surprised too.

"EH?! Why is he crying all of a sudden?!"

I bit my lower lip and immediately wiped my tears away with my wrist.


When I finally gained control over my legs, I turned around to run the opposite way as fast as I could. Just as I thought I could finally run away from here, a firm hand grabbed my wrist to stop me. I turned around and sniffed when I saw that it was Seijuuro. He took me back to where they were standing while still holding my hand.

"Seijuuro-kun?! What's going on?!"

Seijuuro clicked his tongue before he pulled me in front of him then placed a hand on one cheek and wiped my tears away.

"I don't think words will get through to you Kyoko, so I'll put it to you this way."

She blinked in confusion at him, "Eh? What are you saying?"

Just then, my eyes grew wide as Seijuuro leaned towards me and slammed his lips against mine causing me to gasp in shock.


I stood helpless as he bit my lower lip then slipped his tongue into my mouth and kissed me for what lasted for a whole minute. I couldn't react at all as I was shocked by the sudden kiss but I'm a hundred percent sure that the girl was a lot more dumbfounded than I am right now. When Seijuuro pulled away from the kiss, he lifted my hand that he was still holding and gripped it tightly.

"I'm in love with him. Recently he's all I think about, and when father told me that he had arranged an omiai (A/N: Arranged marriage, a marriage date.), I lost it. He said that if I get married to you, then he won't hurt Nori. And that if I decide to stay with Nori, he'll find a way to get rid of him. All I could think about was how I could find a way to convince father to stop this nonsense, to stop him from hurting the only person I care about. I couldn't sleep the night because I had to come up with a decision. The decision was either you or him."

What is he talking about? When? When did all of this happen?

"By this morning, you were my final decision. Since I couldn't risk hurting Nori at all, I would get married to you; at least that's what I thought."

I felt my heart sink at his words as Seijuuro stopped to take a short breath before he continued.

"When Nori cried just now, I came to realize that even if I get married to you I would end up hurting him; and I couldn't stand the thought of it. That's why, I won't get married to you; I choose Nori. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with is him. So if it's possible, can you please cancel the date?"

Both the girl and I were taken back when Seijuuro bowed his head.


I pressed my lips together and tightened my grip on Seijuuro's hand then bowed the same way he did.

"Please... I want to be with Seijuuro. Don't take him away from me," I mumbled.

The awkward silence lasted for a while before she let out a loud sigh, "Just lift your heads already. This is getting annoyingly embarrassing!"

Seijuuro and I did as she said and waited for her to continue. She lowered her eyes and clenched her dress on both sides with her hands gently before speaking.

"Is it really okay to go against your father?"

Seijuuro knit his eyebrows and nodded, "Even if he's my father, I won't let him interfere with my personal life anymore. And I definitely won't let him hurt Nori, I'll simply protect him even if it kills me."

Kill him?! That's going too far!

My thoughts were interrupted when the girl spoke again, "So it's really okay to fight for the one you love? Even if it's against dad?"

Seijuuro sighed, "I already told you that-" He cut his own words and raised an eyebrow at her.

Wait, she's talking about herself?

Seijuuro cleared his throat and spoke again, "Yeah. It's okay to fight for the one you love, no matter who it is."

All of a sudden, the girl had the biggest smile I've ever seen. The smile caught both Seijuuro and I off guard. A few seconds later, I felt a sweat drop form on the back of my head as she started to take off her heels.

What is she trying to do? Ahh- don't tell me!

I let go of Seijuuro's hand and stood in front of him to protect him, "Y-You can't hurt him! If you really want to hit someone then you can do whatever you want to me!" She paused for a moment then bursted out laughing the next second.

"Right, so I can do whatever I want to you as long as I don't hurt Seijuuro-kun?" I bit my lower lip and nodded.

"Alright then! Give me your hands."

I nervously gulped and held my hands out in front of her while closing my eyes.

What is she going to do? Anyways its fine as long as she doesn't hurt Seijuuro.



I opened my eyes and blinked in confusion when I noticed that the heels were strapped to my wrists.

"There, take care of my heels for now. I'll come and get them back later."

Seijuuro sighed and shook his head, "And just where are you running off to while you're barefoot?"

She grinned and turned around, "To tell a certain idiot that I love him!"

Seijuuro looked at her with astonishment as she started running off. My face reddened at the embarrassment.

I can't believe I thought she was going to hurt Seijuuro with her shoes, I feel really embarrassed of myself right now. Anyhow, so even she has someone she's in love with. But still, taking off her shoes so she can run to that person and tell him she loves him? I never expected her to do that since she doesn't look like the type who would do something crazy. Looks can be deceiving.

"Heh, looks can be deceiving indeed."

I turned to look at Seijuuro and blushed, "How did you know what I was thinking?!"

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "I told you you're obvious."

I looked away to hide my embarrassment. With a teasing smirk, Seijuuro leaned down to my ear.

"Thank you for protecting me Mr. you can do anything to me as long as you don't hurt Seijuuro." I gaped at him when he started laughing.

He's making fun of me again!

When he finally stopped laughing, Seijuuro patted my head gently and smiled.

"Sorry," he said softly.

I pressed my lips together as Seijuuro wrapped his arms around me, "Thank you Nori."

I could feel my face heat up as I hugged him back.

"Oi, can you guys flirt somewhere else? It's pissing me off." I gasped and let go of Seijuuro when I heard a very disturbing familiar voice.


"Tch, I can't believe you Akashi! You just let a beauty go for this boring midget!"

Who are you calling 'Midget'?! Ugh, I still dislike him!

Seijuuro who seemed unfazed by Senpai's appearance, held my hand and started walking.

"Let's go before class starts Nori."

Senpai growled, "Don't ignore your senpai when he's talking to you!"

Seijuuro stopped dead in his tracks and turned around while glaring at him, "Are you telling me what to do Akihiko?!"

He just hates it when people order him around, doesn't he?

Senpai gulped then laughed awkwardly, "I was kidding! Sheesh can't you be less scarier when someone's talking to you?!" I glared at him.

Can't you be less offensive when you're talking to someone?! Stupid senpai!

"Don't glare at me midget!" I flinched at his loud voice.

Seijuuro rolled his eyes, "What do you want Akihiko? And what are you doing here exactly?"

Senpai sighed depressingly and covered his face with his hand.

"I saw this beauty standing at the gates right before lunch break started and fell in love with her at first sight. So I ended up running towards her in no time! But then I saw Nori hiding behind a wall while you were talking to her, so it seemed really fishy. Then I went closer and ended up seeing the whole thing."

He was here the whole time?! Wait, he fell in love with her at first sight? I don't usually believe in this but maybe it's true?

"So I was actually routing for you two because I wanted her to fall in love with me! But it turned out she had someone she's in love with," he said in a solemn voice.

"Ha~ there goes another one," he continued. I frowned in worry at this.

Another one? Did senpai have someone he loved before? S-Should I say something to cheer him up? I mean, senpai is good looking. I'm sure he can find someone easily.

"There goes those beautiful D-cups of hers, how I wanted to feel their softness right now. Such a shame." I felt shivers run down my spine at his words.

That PERVERT! I can't believe I felt sorry for him for a second!

"Pffft- hopeless case, isn't he?" Another familiar voice said.

Ah, tennis-senpai!

He placed a hand on top of pervert-senpai's head and grinned, "Hey there chibusuke, Akashi!"

Ugh, I have a feeling I should blame Mibuchi-senpai for my endless nicknames!

"Who the hell are you calling hopeless case you stupid fuck?! And don't pat my head like that, it's annoying!"

Tennis-senpai laughed as if he wasn't offended at all, "Don't be rude to someone who's trying to comfort your broken heart Aki-chan~"

"Just how exactly were you trying to comfort my heart?! And for the hundredth time, stop calling me by that shitty name!"

"That's because I didn't comfort you yet. Here, you can have my first kiss Aki-chan~"

Pervert-senpai punched him in the stomach and stormed off with an angry scowl on his face, "Who the fuck would want to kiss a lunatic like you?!"

Senpai chuckled while rubbing his stomach, "Isn't he adorable?" I felt a sweat drop form on the back of my head.

Still holding my hand, Seijuuro sighed and started heading towards the school's building.

"Let's go back Nori."

Am I the only one dumbfounded here? And who in their right minds would call the person who punched them 'adorable'?! Never mind, I'm better off just ignoring these crazy senpais of mine. I have more important things to worry about, like the date! I still don't know what place to decide! There's also Kousuke too, I wonder if he's going to be okay? Even though he never said anything to me, it was obvious how special Nami is to him. I just hope things go well for him. I'll talk to him after school.

In between class, I decided to ask Nami if she knew any good restaurants that were classy but not too expensive. In the end, she figured out that I was going on a date with Seijuuro so she teased me about it but ended up telling me about a specific restaurant that is suitable to what I was looking for.

Thank god, at least I'm done worrying about the place. Apparently it's not too far from here, but we still need transportation to get there. If it was just me I wouldn't mind taking the bus, but would Seijuuro be okay with it? I mean, he's always been dropped to places by luxurious cars. Ah, now I have to worry about transportation too?! But I can't do anything about it anyways, there's only the bus.

Please god, just let this date go well!

Classes ended and everyone had already left the classroom except for Seijuuro and I. I was planning to talk to Kousuke now but he was the first to walk out of the room as soon as the bell rung.

He's in a bad mood after all.

"Oi, who are you thinking about while making that face?!"

I turned my gaze from Kousuke's desk to Seijuuro and blinked in confusion, "Kousuke. And what face are you talking about?"

Seijuuro's eyebrow twitched as he replied, "Heh~? So you're thinking about another man even though you have a date with me right now?" I paused.

The date!

"You seem pretty confident about it. I wonder where you'll be taking me? Somehow, I'm expecting a lot from you. I just hope I don't get disappointed. If you disappoint me, be prepared for the worst punishment you could ever imagine."

Expecting a lot? Punishment?! Did he have to add even more pressure?! Ahh- don't lose to him Nori!

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed! In fact, you'll be extremely awed that you'll have the widest smile on your face by the end of the day!" I said confidently.

When I realized what I had blurted out, I quickly covered my face with my hands to cover my blush. Seijuuro who seemed a little taken back by my words, started snickering without even trying to hold back. Before turning the other way, I sent him a glare.

"I told you to stop making fun of me!"

As Seijuuro finally stopped laughing, he let out a long sigh.

"Heh, I'll have the widest smile on my face at the end of the day?" He said as he stepped behind me and leaned in to my right ear. "I'm looking forward to it, my little Nori~"

My face flushed when I felt his breath brush against my ear.

It tickles!

Grabbing both of our bags, Seijuuro made his way towards the door.

"Let's go."

God, I really am nervous! Please Kami-sama, just let me get through this date without ruining anything!

We were now standing at the bus stop waiting for the bus to arrive. I glanced sideways at Seijuuro who has been quiet since we walked out of the school.

Maybe he really doesn't like taking the bus? Did I already disappoint him?

"Umm- if you don't want to take the bus-" before I could finish my sentence, Seijuuro stepped towards the bus that had stopped in front of us.

Huh? When did the bus get here?

A soft gasp escaped my mouth when Seijuuro took my hand in his and gently pulled me into the bus. As we made our way to the back seats, I felt my cheeks heat up when I noticed people stare at our hands. Seijuuro who didn't seem to care about our surrounding, tightened his grip on my hand as the both of us sat down.

Why is Seijuuro still holding my hand anyways? He can let go now! I want to pull my hand away but I feel that if I do, he'll get upset. This is so embarrassing. Do people have to stare so much?!

"So? What are your plans for today's date after the restaurant?"

I paused at that.

"After the restaurant?" I asked nervously.

Seijuuro turned his gaze from the window to me raising an eyebrow, "Yes. When two people go out on a date, they obviously spend the whole day together doing various things."

What? Really?! But I didn't know that, I only thought of a restaurant for some reason since our conversation yesterday turned into this!

"What is it? Don't tell me you were actually planning on spending 4 to 5 hours at a restaurant?"

I faked a smile and waved a hand at him, "Of course not! I have lots of things planned for us today! You'll see!"

What do I mean by `you'll see`?! When will I have time to plan what to do after dinner?! Besides, I'm not sure if the money will be enough since the restaurant we're going to is kind of expensive. Damn it, I can't believe I'm already failing at this.

"Hm~ It's amazing how confident you are. I wonder if you've taken someone on a date before?"

I instantly shook my head at his words, "N-Never! It's only you!"

Otherwise I wouldn't be suffering and trying so hard for this date!

Ah, he's laughing again. That's strange, Seijuuro's been smiling and laughing a lot today. I'm not used to it but it feels really good to see this side of him. I'm not sure if my heart can handle it though. I don't care, it just feels so good.

"What are you staring at? Is my face so attractive that you can't help but stare and blush like a girl in love?"

I immediately looked away from him to hide my flushed face the moment he finished his sentence.

How mean! No, it's more embarrassing than mean! Also, I may not be a 'girl' in love but I'm definitely in love. So when the person I love laughs or smiles at me like that, of course I'd end up staring.

"So cute," he muttered in low toned voice causing me to blush even more than I already was.

I was about to reply but stopped when I noticed that we arrived to the bus stop near the restaurant.

"We're here," I noted as I stood up and let go of Seijuuro's hand.

A smirk tugged at the corner of Seijuuro's lips before standing up.

"Lead on. Let's see what you have planned out for the date," he said in a teasing tone.

Is it just me or does he seem like he's enjoying seeing me freak out?

At that, Seijuuro and I got off the bus and walked over to that restaurant.

"Hm? Alforno?" Seijuuro asked raising an eyebrow at me as we entered the restaurant.

"Yeah. It's an Italian cuisine, their pastas are exceptionally tasty!"

Not like I know how it tastes but Nami told me to pretend as if I've been here before.

"Hm~ I never knew you go to these types of restaurants," he eyed me suspiciously.

Did I already get caught?!

"Anyways let's look at the menu! W-Waiter," I called nervously to the waiter who was standing near the counter.

The waiter approached us with a smile and gave each of us a menu.

"Good evening gentlemen, my name is Odaga and I will be your waiter for today. Here are your menus," he said while placing a menu in front of me then in front of Seijuuro.

"If you'd like to try our special dish of the day, you'll find it on a separate page inside the menu. Call for me when you've decided your orders."

The waiter left to attend other customers as soon as he was done speaking. I slowly opened the menu and glanced at Seijuuro who happened to be staring at me with a scary smile on his face.

"Aren't you going to open the menu?" I asked trying to avoid his gaze.

"No. I've decided to let you pick for me," he answered.



Still staring at me, he shrugged his shoulders before replying.

"You're the one who asked me out on a date, so you have to do what I tell you obviously. Now pick my food, let me see how well you know my taste."

Know your taste? All I know is that you don't like seaweed! Fine, I'll order something that doesn't have seaweed. Ugh, why is he making this so hard?!

I opened the pasta section of the menu and went through the page about 3 times.

"Umm- is this one fine?" I pointed at the first option on the menu while looking at Seijuuro.

"I don't know, you're the one making the order. Besides, haven't you already been here before? I'm sure you know what's good."

He's still smiling evilly! I knew it, he's enjoying this!

I sighed and called for the waiter. As soon as the waiter came, I gave him the order.

"We'll have two Baked Pasta with Tomato, cream and five cheese. As for the drinks, two sprite with grenadine and a slice of lemon please?"

Sprite with grenadine and sliced lemon is my favorite drink, but granny usually makes it for me at home. I hope Seijuuro likes it. As for the pasta, I just pray that it tastes as good as Nami said it would.

"As you wish. I'll be back with your orders as soon as they're ready. Thank you," the waiter bowed his head and walked back to the counter. I bit my lips as I could still feel Seijuuro's gaze stuck on me.

It's not that I don't like it, I just end up feeling nervous whenever he stares for long. It's like he can always see right through me and tell what I'm thinking, I'm sure anyone would feel nervous in this case.

"So? Not planning to tell me where we're going after the restaurant?"

I looked at him and gulped, "Um-"

Where do people usually go for dates? I'm not sure! I've watched a few romantic movies before but for some reason I can't remember much about the dates. If I remember correctly, something like... a park? But what would we do there? Wouldn't he get bored? Then an Aquarium? That would bore him to death too! Damn it, why can't I think of- AHH! Movies! I'm such an idiot, how did it not come to my mind? We could go for a movie!

"What exactly is going on in that head of yours right now? That pause was too long. Did you really have something planned or was it a lie? "

I shook my head at his words, "I did! I was just thinking whether I should tell you or keep it a surprise."

Nice save!

"Right, so are you going to tell me or not?"

I slowly nodded and replied, "I was thinking that we could go to the movies?"

A sigh escaped Seijuuro's mouth as he turned his gaze to the window, "And here I thought it was going to be an interesting surprise."

He doesn't like the movies? Oh no, he's disappointed! What do I do?! Think of something Nori, think!

"J-Joke!" I stuttered.

Seijuuro turned his gaze back to me raising an eyebrow, "Huh?"

"It was a joke. I'm keeping it a surprise so I lied, sorry."

Seijuuro eyed me quietly before smirking, "Heh~ and here I was starting to think what a disappointment that surprise of yours was. So you have something up your sleeve, eh?"

Ah, I knew it! He was disappointed!

"Do you dislike watching movies?"

He shrugged, "Not really. I just don't find it that appropriate for a date. If I'm on a date with someone, I'd rather spend my time staring at the person I'm with instead of a movie. Don't you think so too?" Flustered by his words, I looked away elsewhere to hide my embarrassment.

So cunning, his words made my heart skip a beat. But he's right, why did I think of a movie? Stupid me! Still, where could we go? I really don't know where couples to when they're on a date. I should've asked Nami about that.

Oh! Why didn't I think of that? I'll text her!

Seijuuro looked at me in confusion when I stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back soon!"

I headed to the bathroom as fast as possible and took out my phone to send Nami a message.

Sender: Onodera Nori (5/10/2014) 4:32pm

- Nami~ Help! Please don't make fun of me but... where do couples usually go to on dates? Seijuuro asked what plans I had after the restaurant and I told him its a surprise. Then when I said something about watching movies, he was super disappointed! So movies is out of the question! So...?

I hope she doesn't make fun of me.

Only a minute later, Nami replied immediately and I didn't hesitate to open the message.

Sender: Akiyama Nami (5/10/2014) 4:33pm

- Pfft-hahaha! You're so freaking cute Ri-chan! You're seriously the best! Ah I wish I could just hug you right now! Ahem- anyhow, man he's so stingy! Normal couples enjoy going to the movies, why would anyone be disappointed? But oh well, there are other places for dates of course! I'll list some down for you and you choose wisely!

1. Inokashira Park.

2. TR Bowling centre.

3. Chiharu Karaoke.

PS. I totally recommend the park since you two can have a romantic walk in that beautiful park and gaze at the sunset together~ It's a famous place for dates so just go there! Besides, you won't have to pay for anything but ice-cream if you go there! Good luck Ri-chan! Don't forget to kiss him with all your might!

I blushed at the last part of the message.

She's totally enjoying this! Anyways, Inokashira Park? It sounds really nice. I heard a lot about it before. I just hope he doesn't get disappointed. Now let me get back to Seijuuro before he gets suspicious.

I walked out of the bathroom and nervously made my way to our table. Seijuuro eyed me as I took a seat and tried to avoid his gaze.

"Oi, why are you blushing even though you came out of the bathroom?"

I AM?!

"I'm not!"

He clicked his tongue, "You totally are."

It's all Nami's fault! The last bit of that message was so... ugh NAMI!

"Give me your phone."

I was a little taken back by his stern voice.


He knit his eyebrows and reached his hand out in front of me, "Give me the phone now."

Why does he want my phone? Did he find out that I was texting Nami? No way! I can't give it to him, he'll find out about me lying about the date plan thing! I have to figure something out.

"I was just texting Nami about something. It's a private conversation because it has her secret in it, so I... can't show it to you."

That's the only thing I could think of but its a good plan, right?

Seijuuro's sharp glare made me flinch. He was about to say something but was interrupted when the waiter came by with our dishes.

"Here are your orders gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the meal. If there's anything else you need, call me."

I nodded my head to the waiter and thanked him before he walked away. I turned my attention back to Seijuuro and frowned.

Did I make him angry? I didn't mean to, but I can't let him see the message, right? It'll ruin everything. So what can I say to lighten up the mood?

I watched as Seijuuro picked up his fork and quietly ate his food. Not knowing what else to say or do at the moment, I also started eating.

It's fine, his mood will lighten up soon.

At least that's what I hoped for, but we're done with lunch and he still hasn't said a word at all. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to tell him that I was texting Nami to ask her about dating spots, he'll be disappointed. I just hope his mood gets better by the time we reach the park.

"Done with your meals gentlemen?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded to the waiter. I looked back at Seijuuro as the waiter started to clean up the table.

"Would you like to have some dessert? I recommend the choco-" the waiter was interrupted by Seijuuro who suddenly placed money on the table.

"You may keep the change, we're leaving."

My eyes widened at that, even the waiter was taken back by his action.

Even if he doesn't want to have desserts, interrupting the guy just now was rude. And what's with 'You may keep the change, we're leaving'?! Did he forget that I'm the one who asked him out?

I took the money that was placed on the table and gave it back to Seijuuro.

"What are you doing?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Thank you Odaga-san, I'll pay at the counter in a minute."

The waiter nodded his head and walked to the counter. I took my bag and stepped towards the counter but stopped when I felt Seijuuro grab my wrist.

"I asked you a question," he muttered.

"Please let me pay, I'm the one who asked you out today so..."

His eyes slightly widened for a second before he released my hand, "Fine. I'll be waiting outside."

I sighed in relief and continued making my way to the counter to pay.

Still, why did he suddenly decide that we're leaving? Does he not like dessert? No, I don't think that's the issue. His mood has gotten worse. I still don't know what to do to get his mood back to how it was earlier. Is it only because I didn't give him the phone? Does he have to be this annoyed for something so trivial?

Once I was done paying, I walked out of the restaurant and saw Seijuuro scrolling through his phone the same way he did yesterday at the amusement park when he was in a bad mood. I pursed my lips at that thought before I called out to him.


"What do you want?" He answered while still looking at his phone.

It's fine, I'm sure it'll all be fine when we go to the park.

"N-Next location, let's go?"

Seijuuro put his phone back in his pocket and sighed, "No. I don't feel like it anymore, I'm going home. I'll see you later."


I blinked in confusion at Seijuuro who started walking the opposite way without even glancing at me.

Why? What did I do? The message thing wasn't really a big deal, was it? Then why? What happened? I just wanted this date to work. I wanted to do something for Seijuuro, I wanted to make him smile. So why did it turn out this way?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I grit my teeth and turned around to catch up with Seijuuro. When I caught up to him, he continued walking silently and didn't even glance at me. I couldn't help but frown at the silent treatment I received from him. Pressing my lips together, I turned my gaze from his face down to his hand.

Will his mood change if I hold his hand? Even though it's embarrassing because we're in public, it always made me happy whenever Seijuuro held mine. Then... if I hold his hand, will Seijuuro be happy too?

I cut my own thoughts when I noticed that Seijuuro had finally decided to look at me; well technically it was a glance but it still made me happy. My lips curved into a soft smile before slowly reaching out my hand to hold his.

I'm glad, he finally looked at me. So its fine if I hold his hand. I have a feeling this will-

My eyes grew wide when my hand that held Seijuuro's hand was immediately shoved away. I stood still with an unsettled feeling in the pit of my stomach as Seijuuro clicked his tongue in irritation and continued walking.

Wait, don't go.

I could feel tears well up in the corners of my eyes as I ran after Seijuuro and stopped him by wrapping my arms around him from the back.

"Oi, what are you doing?"

Trying to stop you.

"Tch, what are you crying for you idiotic seaweed?"

Because you're being mean.

"I'm sorry, I lied."

He turned his head a little and furrowed his brows, "Lied?" I answered with a silent nod.

"About what?"

About everything.

"I don't know anything," I started. "I don't know anything about dates. That Italian restaurant, I've never been there before. I didn't know any good restaurants that you would like so I asked Nami since she knows a lot of good restaurants. I pretended that I've been to that place before because I wanted to impress you. Then when I went to the bathroom, I texted Nami to ask her about dating spots because you were disappointed when I mentioned the movies. And I didn't want to show you the phone because I was worried you would be disappointed when you find out that I lied about everything. I only did this because I wanted to see you smile so... please don't be angry."

I just don't want this day to be ruined because of my stupidity.

After a whole minute filled with silence, Seijuuro let out a loud sigh then moved my hands away and turned around to face me. He cupped my cheeks with his hands and wiped away my tears making me feel all flustered at the gentleness of his touch.

"Are you really an idiot?" He asked while looking at me.


Another sigh escaped his mouth before he pulled me into a hug, "I already knew everything. It was so obvious that you've never been to that restaurant before, and it's as clear as the night and day that you have no experience whatsoever when it comes to dating. As if I would fall for that horrible act of yours."

He knew everything?!

"Then why?" I asked in a muffled voice.

Why was he so angry?

Seijuuro released me from the hug and placed his hands on my shoulders before replying.

"Its because you came out of the bathroom blushing like that and then said that you were texting that bothersome friend of yours. You're not allowed to look like that unless its because of me, understood?!"

Huh?! But-

"But that was only because she said not to forget to kiss you!"


AH! What did I just say?!

"Hm~ so that's why you were blushing. Heh, I'm starting to change my mind about your friend. I actually like the way she thinks."

Why do I feel like he has something evil planned behind that smirk of his right now?

"So? Aren't you going to kiss me my little seaweed?"

I felt my face heat up like crazy when I realized that his face was a few inches away from mine.

"H-Here?!" I stuttered while looking around nervously.

There are people everywhere and they're already staring!

Seijuuro chuckled while ruffling my hair, "Pffft- so cute, that's enough teasing you for now. But you're still giving me that kiss today." My cheeks reddened even more at his soft laughter.

I feel all weird whenever I see him smile or laugh like that, but I really like that weird feeling.

"So where are you taking me next?"

Thank god, we can go on with the date. I wonder what he thinks about the park?

"Umm- Inokashira Park. But if you don't like it then we'll go somewhere else!"

I shut my eyes and prayed that he won't mind going to the park. After all, I really wanted to watch the sunset with him.

"Let's go then," he said as he took hold of my hand. I opened my eyes to meet with his, "And... sorry about earlier. You can hold my hand whenever you want to. I won't slap it away anymore, okay?"

I turned my attention to our intertwined hands and nodded with a satisfied smile, "Okay."

My face flushed with embarrassment when Seijuuro smiled back.

"Good. Now let's go to-" Seijuuro was interrupted by the phone. "Tch, who's calling now?"

Seijuuro's expression darkened the moment he saw the caller's name. He seemed to hesitate before answering the phone.

Could it be that the one calling is his father?

"What do you want?"

[You ungrateful fool, how dare you? I agreed to give you time to decide and this is the choice you make?!]

"Ah, I'm assuming you were contacted by Kitajima? Then he saved me the trouble of explaining things to you."

Who's Kitajima? Are they talking about work?

[You, you can't be serious!]

Wow, I can't really hear what his father is saying clearly but he sounds really angry.

"Yes, I've already made my decision. I chose to be with Nori, that's my decision."

Eh? Wait, Kitajima as in Kyoko? Then...

[I see, so that's how it is.]

"Yes, that's how it is."

[Well now that you've made your decision, I've made mine Seijuuro. Don't come begging to me when that boy you claim to love disappears from your sight for good, I've already warned you. Say your goodbyes to him since this is the last time you'll ever see him.]

Seijuuro's eyes widened for a moment before he tightened his grip on the phone and smashed it on to the ground causing me to gasp in shock.

"S-Seijuuro? What's wrong?"

He grit his teeth so hard I thought his jaw would break any second. I frowned when I saw his eyes, they were so dark that it scared me. I've never seen him this angry before, even Kousuke's eyes weren't that scary back when Nami was hurt. Not knowing what else to do to calm him down, I cupped his cheeks with both of my hands and forced him to look at me.


To my surprise, his eyes actually softened the second they met with mine.

"What's wrong?" I asked still frowning.

There was no reply.

"Seijuuro?" I called again.

No reply again.

I was about to speak but stopped when Seijuuro placed a hand over my right hand that was still cupping his cheek and held it tightly.

"I won't let him."

'Won't let him?' What is he talking about?

"Let's go," he muttered, still holding my hand.

"Go where?" I asked in confusion as Seijuuro started walking in a fast pace.

"To put an end to my father," he hissed.

EH? Wait!


who's going to put an end to him?!

"Seijuuro!" I called again desperately. I mentally cried when he pretended not to hear me.

I don't want to meet your father, he's too scary!

T-Too scary indeed!

Seijuuro and I stood in silence as his father who's currently sitting behind the desk was sending us what I would truly define as a 'death glare'. The aura surrounding us is too much for me to handle to the point where I could feel my whole body shaking like a leaf.

I don't know how much time passed by since we've been standing this way but it feels like we've been like this for hours. Will someone speak before I break down? The air feels so heavy that I can barely breathe.

"Did you come here to say that you've changed your decision? If not then take your trash with you and leave immediately."

I stiffened at his cold words.

Trash? Is he referring to me?

Seijuuro who was still glaring at his father, tightened his grip on my hand and stepped closer towards the desk.

"Father, I came here to make something clear to you."

The older man raised an eyebrow at his son and smirked, "And what exactly is it that you want to make clear?"

I was too scared to even look at his father so I was only glancing sideways at Seijuuro's face the whole time. His heterochromatic eyes softened as he focused on a family picture that was placed on the desk.

It was a beautiful family picture with three people in it. A man with red hair that was slightly darker and longer than Seijuuro's with slanted hazel coloured eyes. Next to him is a woman with long honey colored wavy hair that reaches down to her waist with wide red-coloured eyes that looked exactly like Seijuuro's right eye. In between the two was a little boy about 4 years old. He had short red hair and eyes that matched his mother's.

The man in the picture is Seijuuro's father, I'm assuming the lady beside him is his mother. Then the little boy in the picture is... Seijuuro? When did Seijuuro's eye color change? More importantly, they all looked really happy in this picture.

I turned my gaze away from the picture towards Seijuuro's eyes. Frowning, he grabbed the frame with his other hand and threw it towards the wall with all of his strength causing it to break. Both his father and I looked at him with widened eyes at his sudden action.

"You, what do you think you're-"

"Don't pretend like you care, it makes me sick to my stomach. Wether its mother or me, you threw us away a long time go. You chose your work, your company over mother and I. The only reason I've been putting up with everything you forced me to do so far is because I made a promise to mother before she died."

Seijuuro's mother?

"But I can't keep that promise anymore, I'm sick of this. I'll never understand what she saw in a man like you, she never deserved to live this way."

Seijuuro's father grit his teeth and stood from his chair with anger in his eyes.

"I told you not to speak as if you understand anything Seijuuro, know your place!"

Compared to his father's angry face, Seijuuro's face was scary-calm. His silence was soon replaced with a mocking smirk, "My place? Ah, about that... I don't want to be part of this family anymore, you can disown me if you like. Let one of those useless relatives of yours take over your company."

What? What is he saying?!

"Oi, what are you talking about?! Do you know what you're saying?!"

"I know exactly what I'm saying. And I'll say this once so listen well my so-called father. This house, your company, your money, I don't need any of it. I don't need you either, so stay out of my life."


"Also, you don't have to try so hard to make Nori disappear anymore because I'll disappear from your life along with him; not that you care anyway. Now that I'm not the one taking over your business, you won't have to worry about the company's reputation anymore. My eldest cousin Kai has a pretty good reputation, he won't disappoint you; I recommend him as the new heir."

No, that's not right.

The old man looked at Seijuuro like he couldn't believe a word he was hearing. Seijuuro breathed in and out before turning to me.

"Let's go Nori, it's over."

No. Where exactly do you want to go? I don't like this.

I slowly glanced at Seijuuro's father then back at Seijuuro and frowned.

I don't like this at all.

"Nori, I said let's go."

When Seijuuro tried to pull me along with him, I stood still.

"Nori!" I flinched at his loud voice.

"I don't want to! Because... both of you look really sad, I don't want things to end this way!"

Even though his father looked angry at first, it feels like he's really sad on the inside. I'm saying this because no matter how you look at it, Seijuuro and his father are exactly the same.

Both of them looked at me with astonishment.

"What?" Seijuuro muttered in a low voice.

Ah, I have to say something before this gets worse.

"Umm- I'm not really in a place where I could say this but... Seijuuro, your father is your only family right now. No matter what sort of misunderstanding happens, you shouldn't say things like you don't need your family. Your parents gave birth to you and they both raised you together. Do you think that your mother would have wanted to see the both of you this way? I think that family is something everyone should treasure. No matter what happens between you two, you can't cut ties with each other. That's because you're connected by blood. Right?"

I swallowed with nervousness when they said nothing at all.

I'm too scared to continue but I have to! If I don't say anything, things won't end good. I don't want Seijuuro to let go of his only family member that's left, it's not right at all.

I turned my gaze to Seijuuro's father and gulped again before speaking.

"And A-Akashi-san, I know that I'm probably not the most suitable person to stand by Seijuuro's side. I'm a guy, I'm not from an upper family but I'm not that poor either and my family members consist of my grandfather, grandmother and father who recently woke up from a 12 year coma. The only thing I can really be proud of is my academic standards, even though Seijuuro has already beaten me with... that. Eh? Wait, that means I'm completely useless!"

The old man raised an eyebrow as I blinked a few times to realize what I just said.

AHHH! Where exactly was I even going with all of this?!

"W-What I'm trying to say is... Seijuuro is amazing. He's more amazing than you can imagine! At school, everyone admires him and looks up to him. They all respect him. But more than anyone else, I've always admired him; always wanting to catch up to him. Then when I was finally able to walk beside him, I realized how important he is to me."

That's right. I...

"I love Seijuuro. I love Seijuuro more than anyone else can and I'm confident that I can make Seijuuro happier than any other woman could so please give me a chance to prove it to you!"

I covered my mouth with my hand when I realized what I just blurted out. My face was burning up with embarrassment as I noticed the expressions on Seijuuro and his father's faces.

Kami-sama, please save me from this embarrassment!

I turned around to avoid seeing their dumbfounded expressions but only a second later, I heard Seijuuro smirk.

"Heh~ so you'll love me and make me happier than any other woman could? I'm surprised by how straightforward you've been recently Nori."

I felt my face heat up even more when he placed a hand over my head and ruffled my hair gently. I turned to Seijuuro to say something but stopped when I saw him stare into his father's eyes.

"You probably don't know about this but... Mother once told me that you were the happiness in her life that she always treasured."

"What?" Asked the father in confusion.

"I never understood how she could call the man who always chose work over her, happiness. She said; when you find your own happiness you'll understand, so make sure you treasure it well. To me, Nori is that happiness that mother always told me about and now that I found him, I'll treasure him no matter what. I definitely won't let anyone lay a finger on the person I care about the most."

Seijuuro's happiness? Me?

I subconsciously smiled at this.

To me, Seijuuro is my happiness too. If he's not there, I don't know what I would do.

"Whether its excelling at everything or succeeding the company, I always did what you wanted me to do without complaining about it. I never asked you for anything," he paused and shifted his gaze to me for a moment then back to his father.

"Just this one time, I'll never ask for anything else. I'll succeed your company and make it grow into something much bigger than it already is. I'll become an heir you can be proud of no matter what, so please accept my relationship with Nori."

He bowed his head sincerely as he tightened his grip on my hand. I couldn't help but frown at his shaking hand.

He bowed his head this way to Kyoko-san earlier, and now he's doing it again... just for me. I want to do something for him too.

With that in mind, I let go of his hand and bowed down on both knees.

"Oi, Nori!"

I ignored Seijuuro and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Even though I'm not that useful now, I'll study a lot harder to surpass Seijuuro. I'll become someone who can walk beside him on equal terms. I won't get in the way of his work and succeeding your company. Like I said, I'm confident when it comes to my academic standards. Rather than getting in the way, I'll work harder and help Seijuuro with succeeding the company. So please let me stay beside him!"

I clenched my fists before I continued, "And if I fail to accomplish that, then I'll disappear myself."

Uwah, that was so hard to say. I hope it got through to his father, this was my last resort. I'm too nervous to even look up at him right now.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Seijuuro's hand lift me up so that I was standing again. He smiled at me before looking back at his father.


The silence right now is even more tense than it was when we first got here! I can't even tell what sort of face his father is making right now. His eyes were covered by his long bangs so I can't tell what he's thinking at all.

After what felt like forever, a long sigh escaped the old man's mouth. He lifted his head and looked at us with a calm face that actually took me by surprise.

"Do whatever you want," he muttered in a low voice but loud enough for the both of us to hear.

Seijuuro's eyes widened but that was soon replaced with a sigh of relief as he looked back at me. His father stepped towards the door to exit the room. Before leaving, he glanced back at us with furrowed brows.

"But that doesn't mean that I accept this relationship, you still have a long way to go before convincing me."

I blinked in confusion as I still did not understand what just happened. Seijuuro nodded to his father before he exited the room leaving the both of us alone.

So we did it? We really did it? No one is trying to separate us anymore?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt warm lips brush against mine.

"S-Seijuuro?!" I stuttered at the sudden kiss.

"Heh, yeah. No one will try to get in our way anymore."

"Don't read my thoug-ah! W-What are you doing?!" My cheeks grew darker as he leaned down to my neck and started licking a specific area.

Is he crazy?! His father might come in any second!

"S-Stop it, what if someone comes in?! We're in your father's office!"

To my surprise, Seijuuro actually stopped. He pulled away then looked at me silently before smirking.

"What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"So you don't mind continuing if it's somewhere more private?"

I gasped and instantly shook my head.

"That's not what I meant!" I desperately explained with a flustered face.

He leaned in and whispered to my ear, "Say it; I want you to eat me up Seijuuro~"

My face flushed like crazy at this. I pushed him backwards and turned the other way.

"Don't make a pervert out of me!" I nervously yelled trying to defend myself.

I can't believe he said that! As if I would ever utter such words, so embarrassing! He's really too crazy!

"Hey, let's go."

I glanced at Seijuuro and was about to ask him 'go where' but was interrupted when he took my hand and started dragging me somewhere.

Where is he taking me? Anyways I just hope that we don't run into his father again, I don't want to have to face him; its too scary!

"We're here," Seijuuro said as we entered a room. He let go of my hand and made his way towards a closet.

'Here' where exactly?

"Look around and you'll know."

Can he really read my thoughts?!

"No, you're just too easy to read."

I'm not!

Ignoring his words, I turned around and gazed at the room with awe. The colours consisted of different shades of red, bringing out an intimidating feel to it. Not only that but everything was kingsized; his desk, his wardrobe, even his walls were intimidating as they let off a dangerous glow. My eyes glanced around the room some more before finally landing on the largest thing in the room, his bed. It was enormous, the covers were crimson just like Akashi's eyes and hair. My face became bright red matching the room as I noticed that I was currently standing in Seijuuro's bedroom.

"Why are you extremely nervous all of a sudden?"

When I looked back at Seijuuro, the blush on my face grew even darker with embarrassment as my eyes focused on his bare chest.

When did he take off his shirt?!


Swallowing down the sudden nervousness I felt, I averted my eyes when he started approaching me.

Last time Seijuuro approached me shirtless, he ended up doing 'that' to me. Its not that I dislike it or anything, I just feel really really nervous whenever he touches me! And my heart starts beating like crazy too, then it feels like its so hard to breathe. I don't like feeling this way because it feels like I don't understand what's happening to me!

"Hmm~ hey Nori, you started having dirty thoughts when you saw me shirtless just now didn't you?"

"Eh?! No!" Flapping my hands in the air, I shook my head rapidly and stepped backwards as he started getting closer to where I was standing.

"But you're blushing while staring at my chest. Are you perhaps fantasizing about the time I kissed you 'here and there' in the student council room yesterday?"

Here and there?! Wait- isn't he getting super close?!

Seijuuro kept getting closer and closer forcing me to keep stepping backwards. It felt as though a lion was getting ready to attack it's prey.

Why is he approaching me with a scary look in his eyes?! I'm really getting worried, what's going on in his mind?!

A yelp escaped my mouth when my body fell back on to the bed. I held on to Seijuuro to stop my self from falling but ended up pulling him with me instead and I shut my eyes at the impact.


"Who are you calling heavy you impudent little seaweed?"

"I didn't say anything!" I lied.

"Aside from that," he said bringing his face closer until his lips were a few inches away from mine, "I can't believe how daring you've been lately. Are you tempting me on purpose?"

"No, I'm not doing that!"

"Heh, lying to me now are we? Someone's asking for a punishment."


"Its time to finally eat you up, I'll make sure to taste every little part of you tonight."

Eat and taste... I'm not your food!

"Umm I think I have to go home," I replied nervously while averting my eyes away from him.

Otherwise my heart will stop beating!

"Who's going to go home? You're sleeping over tonight and that's an order."

I looked back at Seijuuro with a puzzled expression, "Sleep over?"

"Yes, sleep over. It's an order," he repeated.

"But... granny will get worried about me."

A long sigh escaped Seijuuro's mouth and I shivered when his breath grazed my lips.

"Nori Nori Nori, please don't talk about your grandmother. It's such a turn off."

Turn... off?

My face flushed in an instant when I realized what he actually meant.

"You're sleeping over. I won't repeat myself because my orders are absolute," he said before closing the gap between us.

My lips trembled at the warmth of Seijuuro's mouth against mine and I shut my eyes tightly when he bit my upper lip a little too hard. Clenching my teeth, I swallowed nervously as he started to nibble on my lower lip repeatedly.

"Open your mouth Nori," Seijuuro murmured into the kiss.

God, please help me.

I let out a soft whimper as I parted my lips giving him entrance. Seijuuro smirked before he slid his tongue past my lips and into my mouth.

What's happening to me?

I couldn't help but moan when I felt Seijuuro's hand move down to my waist while the other hand cupped my cheek as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth dominantly.

I want him to stop but at the same time I...

I could feel my whole body heat up like crazy as he deepened the kiss even further.

"Nori," Seijuuro muttered as he pulled away from the kiss. I opened my eyes to meet with mismatched ones and was taken back when I noticed his flushed face.


"Ah!" I yelped when he suddenly slipped a hand under my shirt catching me off guard.

His hand... cold.

"I won't stop," he murmured.


"I won't stop no matter what," he repeated.

Wont... stop?

Ah, b-but if he does any more I'll probably die from embarrassment. I have to get out of here!

With that thought in mind, I pushed his hand away and turned my whole body around then got on all fours and tried to crawl away from Seijuuro. But of course, it was a failed attempt. I was immediately stopped when a ticked off Seijuuro grabbed my right leg and let out a loud sigh before pulling me back beneath him causing me to fall flat on my stomach.

"I've already decided that today will be the day you become mine. So don't even think you'll be able to runaway because I won't allow it."

Before I could protest or say anything at all, Seijuuro leaned down to my neck and kissed it softly making me shiver at the gentleness of his kiss. I clenched the duvet and buried my face into it as he started kissing different spots on the nape of my neck.

"So good," he muttered to himself.

"A-Ah," I covered my mouth with my hand when he softly bit down into my neck.

Making weird noises... I feel so embarrassed. I'm not sure I can-


My head shot up and the blush on my face darkened when I realized that Seijuuro was currently removing my shirt. I wanted to stop him but my body wasn't listening to me at the moment, so it was useless. Before I knew it, my shirt was tossed across the other side of the room.

"Heh- look at you blushing all the way up to your ears, it just makes me want to eat you more."

Stop calling me cute! And stop saying you want to 'eat' me, its not normal!

"You're so good at this Nori," he whispered softly.

Good at what?

"Nhn," another moan came out as Seijuuro interrupted my thoughts when he leaned in again and started sucking on the lower part of my neck.

"So good at seducing me," he explained.

I'm... not doing that!

I bit my lip in order to stop myself from moaning hoping it would work but more embarrassing sounds came out from me as Seijuuro's mouth moved from the nape of my neck down to my spiral leaving a trail of wet kisses and bites all over that area.

"Nori, don't hold your voice back."

Still covering my mouth with my hand, I shook my head.

"I want to hear it," he mumbled against my back while his hand moved mine away from my mouth.

As his trails of bites and kisses continued, he placed his other hand against my bare chest making me gasp. Just when I thought this couldn't get more embarrassing, Seijuuro's hand slowly slid from my chest down to my stomach.

W-Wha-? Where is he touching?!

"S-Sei... please s-sto-ahh!"

I was interrupted when he roughly bit on my skin causing me to let out yet another moan; an extremely embarrassing loud moan.

When is he going to stop? I can't believe the sounds I'm making, I could really die of embarrassment.

"Turn around Nori. I want to see your face," he ordered.

I shook my head into the duvet.

No, I don't want to look at him. My face probably looks really weird right now.

"Tch, stubbron seaweed!"

Seijuuro clicked his tongue before he grabbed my arm and forcefully turned me around to face him.

"How many times have I told you that when I give you an order, you should alw-"

I'm not sure why he stopped midway but I wasn't ready at all to look at him so I kept my eyes closed and bit my lower lip in nervousness.

I knew it. I'm making a weird face after all, aren't I? That's why he's quiet.

After a few more seconds of silence passed by, I was curious to know why he suddenly stopped. I reluctantly opened my eyes and was taken back when I saw Seijuuro's face. His cheeks were so red that they could actually surpass mine.

I've never seen him look like this before. I want to look away to avoid his gaze but I don't think I can.

I felt helpless as Seijuuro's hand gently caressed my cheek before he slowly started to lean in towards me. His heterochromatic eyes softened as he leaned in even closer brushing his lips against mine.

Ah, someone please help me. If he continues doing more... I won't be able to hold back any longer.

I subconsciously raised my hands to wrap my arms around his neck and shyly kissed him back. My lips were trembling as I kissed his upper lip before I awkwardly started to nibble on his lower lip.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. All I know is that it feels so good that I'm starting to lose my mind.

I could feel Seijuuro smile as he deepened the kiss even further and I couldn't help but smile in return.

Doing this feels embarrassing but if its with Seijuuro, I don't mind being embarrassed.

A moment later, he pulled away from the kiss and stared into my eyes with a heated gaze causing me to swallow with nervousness. Then he leaned his face in a little closer so that our noses were touching. He pecked my nose before leaning down to my ear.

"Nori," he whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. I could feel my face heat up the second his warm breath brushed against my ear.

"Can I continue?" He asked in a quite demanding voice.


"I want to make you mine tonight," he said while nibbling softly on my earlobe.

But, thats...

I somehow managed to nod my head giving him permission to continue.

I really don't know whats happening to me. I think I'm really going crazy.

"Heh, how cute."

I gasped softly when I felt Seijuuro's lips leave my ears and move down to my neck. I could feel my heart beat faster as he kissed and nibbled on different spots of my neck and then continued leaving trails of kisses and bites down to my chest causing me to moan a lot... louder than earlier. I placed a hand on his shoulder and tried to push him back a little but he wouldn't budge.

"Stop," I whimpered quietly hoping he heard me.

I don't think I can handle any more than this, it's too much. I feel like my heart's about to burst out of my chest.

"Sei...juuro," I called in a pleading tone.

I pushed my hands on his bare chest once more to try and stop him. Then I felt his heat transfer to mine sending burning sensations throughout my body and I couldn't help but stare. When I realized what I was touching I quickly pulled away my hands.

"What do you want Nori?" He asked in an irritated tone.

I gulped and looked away nervously before replying, "Please stop."

Because if you go on, I'll really faint.

Its not like he'll listen to me though. I just- eh?

I blinked in confusion when Seijuuro stopped what he was doing and sat up.

He... stopped? Why did he stop?

O-Oh, I told him to.

I looked back at him and felt my face redden when I realized that he was staring at me. I didn't know how I should react now because even though he stopped, he was still sitting on top of me saying nothing at all.

The silence was interrupted with a loud sigh, "What is it? Weren't you the one who asked me to stop? Stupid seaweed."

I know I did, but...

"H-How can you look so composed while doing embarrassing things?"

It doesn't seem as if he's embarrassed at all while doing stuff to me.

"Huh? You think I'm composed?"

I nodded eagerly in reply to his question. "Because... you don't seem nervous at all."

Seijuuro paused for a moment before smirking. I furrowed my brows in confusion when he took my hand and held it to his heart. My eyes slightly widened when I felt strong rapid heartbeats pounding like crazy.

"Do you still think I'm composed Nori?"

When I didn't reply, Seijuuro smiled and brought his face closer to mine.

Is he going to kiss me?

At that thought, I shut my eyes since it feels less embarrassing that way. My face flushed when I felt his breath getting closer and closer with each second and I gulped as I waited for his lips to land on mine. At least that's what I thought would happen, but a whole minute passed by and I didn't feel anything at all.

What is he-

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Seijuuro smirked, "If you want me to continue then you'll have to beg me for it in the cutest way possible. Something like 'please make me yours Seijuuro'."

My eyes snapped open at his words. Our eyes met and the blush on my face grew darker as I noticed Seijuuro grin evilly which confirmed to me how much he's enjoying doing this to me.

"So Nori, start begging if you want me to go on."

My whole body shivered when he intentionally blew his warm breath on my lips causing me to shut my eyes and swallow my nervousness down. I clenched the bed sheets with both of my hands and turned my head to the right.

I feel weird. What is happening to me? It's like I want him to touch me more. To be honest... I don't want him to stop. Doing this with Seijuuro feels really good. Rather than stopping, I want him to do more. But still, I can't even begin to imagine how embarrassing it is to beg him for that.


What should I do?

"Tch, ruining the mood."


I opened my eyes again when I felt him lift his body off of me and adjusted himself into a sitting position. I frowned when Seijuuro turned around and seemed as though he was preparing to get off the bed. But right before he could step out of the bed, I immediately grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Don't go," I murmured in a low tone.

"Huh? What is it? I can't hear you."

I looked at him with pleading eyes and repeated, "Please don't go."

He knit his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders before speaking, "I still can't hear you. When people beg, they have to be loud and clear otherwise they won't get what they want now will they?"

W-Why is he being so mean? I'm trying...

"If you don't speak soon then I'm really going to leave," he said in an irked voice.

Tightening my grip on his arm, I shook my head. Then I bit my lower lip and pressed my lips together. Seijuuro sighed in frustration and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"I'm getting tired of waiting Nori. This is your la-"

"Y-Yours..." I muttered quietly interrupting him.

"What?" Seijuuro asked raising an eyebrow.

Even though it took me all the courage I have to say it, he didn't hear me?

I lowered my eyes and tried to hide my burning cheeks before repeating myself.

"Please t-touch me more and... make me yours, Seijuuro."

I can't believe I said it. I really don't think I can manage to look at him right now. If I did then I- huh?

He's... laughing? He's laughing at me? How could he?! I was really-

I slowly looked up at Seijuuro and my eyes grew wide with bewilderment the moment I saw his face, it was something I've never seen before. I could feel my heart beat pound faster and faster as I realized that he wasn't laughing at me, Seijuuro was laughing from the bottom of his heart; and it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard in my entire lifetime. His face was extremely flushed and it made me feel all flustered because I could never get used to seeing him this way. His eyes were what surprised me the most though...

Am I imagining things? His mismatched eyes were now... matched?

I cut my own thoughts when the laughter stopped. Still staring at him with a puzzled expression, Seijuuro cupped my cheek with his other hand and smiled.

"You're already mine Nori," he said before he kissed my forehead.

"You'll always be mine," he continued while kissing the tip of my nose.

Seijuuro chuckled as he slid down to my mouth and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"I love you Nori, more than you could ever imagine."

As I felt Seijuuro's lips take mine, tears well up in the corners of my eyes. And before I knew it, I was laying on my back again with Seijuuro on top of me. I groaned into the kiss as he slid his tongue past my lips and explored the insides of my mouth. His hand that was on my cheek slid down to the back of my neck and he pulled me in to deepen the kiss further.


I can't breathe. Still, I don't want him to stop.

With the attempt of trying to kiss him back, I shyly moved my tongue around in his mouth and kissed him the way he usually does to me. I bit his lower lip a little hard and continued to kiss him. Then, I was taken by surprise when I heard Seijuuro moan. I pulled away from the kiss and furrowed my brows.

No way, that's not possible. I... made Seijuuro moan? So that means, I made him feel good?

I couldn't help but grin in victory at that thought. Then out of nowhere, I felt a flick on my forehead.


"What are you grinning about stupid seaweed?!"



"I made you... feel good? I think."

Seijuuro smirked, "And?"

What does he mean by 'and'? Causing 'Akashi Seijuuro' to make a sound like that, it feels like one of the biggest accomplishments I've ever achieved in my entire lifetime. Of course I'd feel happy about it. I mean, I don't want to be the only one feeling good. I want to make Seijuuro feel good too.

A soft gasp escaped my mouth when he started to nibble hard on my chin.

"Nhn... Seijuuro."

He licked the spot he bit then moved back to my mouth and kissed me once more. I put my arms around his back and hugged him tightly as he kissed me harder. Soon, Seijuuro pulled away allowing me to gasp for air and the both of us were panting, breathing hard with flushed faces.

"Nori," he called as he looked at me with a heated gaze.

"I can't hold back anymore, I want to do it." he muttered into my mouth.

I felt my face redden more than ever and I could swear that my heart beats were so loud to the point where even Seijuuro could hear them clearly at the moment.

"Trust me Nori, I'll make you feel good so... can I do it?"

Even though he said that, he's already been making me feel good this whole time. Its true that I'm a little bit worried and nervous about this but its just as I thought, if its with Seijuuro then I... no, not 'if'. Its 'because' I'm doing this with Seijuuro that I love it. If its not with him then I don't want it with anyone else.

"Nori?" Seijuuro called while cupping my cheeks with both of his hands. My eyes softened as I looked back at him.

I admit it, I've officially lost it.

With my arms still around him, I pulled him in towards me and kissed the bridge of his nose. Then, I cupped Seijuuro's cheeks and slowly nodded my head. At that, he smiled and planted another kiss on my lips.

"Finally, I'm going to make your body mine."

Don't say it out loud, its embarrassing!

"Nori, don't ever let anyone else touch you. You're mine, only mine."

I meekly nodded my head before he continued kissing me.

Then you too.

"You too... m-mine," I mumbled into the kiss.

I'll never let anyone take Seijuuro away, he's mine.

"Pfft- I can't believe how cute it sounded coming from you."

"Don't make fun of me," I said with a frown. He chuckled and pecked my lips.

"Yes Nori, I'm yours and yours alone. Now, stop talking and let me take you already. Are you ready?"

If my cheeks could turn redder than they already are then they would. I hesitated but nodded my head giving him permission to continue.

"I love you Nori," he said while staring into my eyes.

No matter how many times I hear it, my heart flutters the same way it did when he first said it. I wonder if his heart flutters too when I say it?

"I love you Seijuuro," I said with a smile. "I really love you."

[Next morning]

My eyes slowly fluttered open and it took a few seconds for them to focus. A smile crept up on my lips when I took notice of Seijuuro's sleeping face. Just like last time, it was peaceful and beautiful; a sight and moment reserved only for me.

Just thinking about how I'm the only one who gets to see him like this makes my heart flutter insanely.

Suddenly, my cheeks flushed bright red as flashbacks from last night ran through my mind.

Oh Kami-sama, I can't believe that we actually did that last night. I'm so embarrassed I don't know how to face him when he wakes up.

I shook my head rapidly and gazed back at his face. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I listened to his steady breathing.

Still, even though it was more embarrassing than anything I've ever experienced in my whole life; it felt good. I mean- it did hurt a little but it felt... amazing.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Seijuuro's hand wrap around my waist and I gasped quietly at the cold touch of his skin. Then he pulled me in closer towards him and tightened his hold on me. I felt my heart race faster at the closeness of our faces and I pursed my lips when I noticed his lips curve into a smile.

He's smiling? Is he having a good dream?

I ended up smiling myself as I started to run my fingers up and down his cheek carefully so he wouldn't wake up. I furrowed my brows when Seijuuro's smile got a little bigger as I did so and I couldn't help giggle softly at the way he was reacting to my touch as he slept. As I continued to admire his smile while still brushing his cheek with my finger, out of no where, he took hold of my hand.

"Seijuuro?" I called his name still frozen from the sudden touch. Leaning in to take a closer look at his face, I saw that he was still sound asleep. I gazed at our hands and I smiled at the way he kept reacting to every touch so I let him continue to hold my hand.

As he held my hand, Seijuuro began to rub across my face mumbling something I couldn't hear. I moved even closer to make out what he was saying but I couldn't hear anything so I frowned.

I wonder what he's dreaming about? It seems like a good dream since he's smiling so... cutely. I'm just glad I'm the only who can see him like this, it makes me feel special. I never imagined I could fall in love with someone this much. I don't want to ever let him go. He'll always be mine... right?

I buried my head into Seijuuro's neck and sniffed at it.

It smells so good... I could just fall asleep again because of this.

I was about to doze off but I paused when I felt like I forgot something.


"School, I forgot about school! What time is it?!"

I quickly sat up so I could look around the room to check the time and then I winced as I felt a sharp pain in the lower part of my body.

It hurts!

Before I knew it, I let out a loud yelp as I fell off the bed and ended up flat on my face on the floor. Trying to sit up, I rubbed my nose and groaned since it hurt more than I thought it would. Just then, I heard a chuckle that took me by surprise.

"Seijuuro?" I called out in confusion as I saw that he was sitting there laughing at me.

"I can't believe you actually fell off the bed," he said still chuckling.

"Its not funny!" I said with a pout.

He smirked and tapped his hand on the bed, "Get back up here you oblivious seaweed."

Oblivious? Anyways I have to try to get up for now.

I knit my eyebrows as I made another attempt to get up by using the bed for support. The moment I was finally able to stand up, my face turned deep red with embarrassment as I realized that I was fully naked. At that, I quickly jumped back to bed and covered myself with the blanket.

"Heh, what are you so shy about? I already saw every part of you last night, there's nothing you can hide you know."

I know that... but it feels so much more embarrassing in daylight! And how can he say lines like that so easily?!

"Because your reactions are just way too cute so I can't resist teasing you," he said while pulling the blanket away from my face making me feel flustered all over again.

I swallowed with nervousness as he leaned down closer until his lips met mine. Seijuuro smirked into the kiss as he slid his tongue into my mouth and deepened the kiss. He nibbled on my lips and then moved down to my ears.

"I've decided, I'm going to have you for breakfast."

"What?" I asked with a blush.

"In other words, you won't be able to walk properly for the week."

The blush on my face grew darker in an instant at his words and I felt speechless.

But... it still hurts! And-

"W-We have school!"

"I've already taken care of that," he said.

He what?

"I called the school and told them that you've got a sick leave. And regarding your grandmother, I called her last night after you fell asleep and told her that you would be sleeping over for a few days, she said 'You can keep him forever if you want to, enjoy your time!' and then she hung up the phone."

I mentally cried as granny's part sunk into my mind.

"Now then, come here and let me have my breakfast already."

This will be the end of me, I know it.

[One month later]

"Nori, you stay here while I go get the food. Do you want the same as usual?"

I nodded my head to Seijuuro and smiled, "Yeah. A plain burger with only cheese!"

Seijuuro chuckled, "I still don't understand how you eat a plain burger; its tasteless."

"But its not plain 'plain', it has cheese!" I explained.

"Same thing," he said before walking away. I smiled to myself as I watched him make his way to the counter.

I can't believe a whole month passed by since everything happened. Just a month ago, all I did was admire Seijuuro from afar and I kept working so hard just so I could catch up to him and get him to notice me. I never thought things would go the way they did.

When Seijuuro first talked to me, I was so happy I could die! But then he did scary things and I ended up getting nervous around him. Then bit by bit, the way he treated me started to change. I thought he hated me but then he kissed me. I was very confused at first because it really happened out of nowhere, but I think thats how I ended up realizing my feelings for him.

I was really happy whenever Seijuuro was around and everything was great, until that day when Inoue-chan confessed to me. Somehow Seijuuro misunderstood and turned into someone extremely scary, it felt like he was someone different. After I got back home later on that day, I woke up to find Kousuke and Nami in my room because granny was worried about me. Then a few minutes later, Seijuuro came into my room catching us all off guard. I was happy but at the same time I was still nervous because of what happened.

Before he could say anything, Seijuuro had an argument with Nami and said something rude to her. I ended up yelling at him and asked him to get out of the house. I remember feeling horrible and guilty after that.

And even though I thought that what happened was bad enough, I saw Seijuuro with that pretty girl the next day. It actually felt a lot worse than what Seijuuro did to me in the storage room because when I saw him with that girl, it felt like everything between Seijuuro and I had come to an end. Those thoughts were gone right away when he called me as soon as I got home and told me that he's coming over.

I was really anxious because I didn't know what he was coming over for. Turns out he wanted to explain the situation with the girl, then he ended up apologizing about what he did the day before. I was so happy because Seijuuro still cared about me. That meant that Seijuuro didn't want me out of his life and for me, that was enough. It was then that I ended up confessing my feelings to Seijuuro.

Later on that night, things went wrong when I eavesdropped on my grandparents and found out that dad was alive and that they've been keeping it from me this whole time. I was so angry to the point where I said things I didn't mean to say to grandfather without knowing what he's gone through and how he's been blaming himself for what happened to mom and dad. Next day I apologized to grandfather before we headed out to visit dad in the hospital.

The most unbelievable thing happened as we got a phone call from the hospital saying that dad had woken up from his coma. We rushed to the hospital and then... I met dad. It was like a dream come true, thats all I can say. I always tried to imagine how dad was like behind that one picture I had of him and mom. In my mind, he was the type of father who tried to be strict but then fails at it because he's too clumsy and nice to play the strict-dad part. And hilariously enough, I couldn't have guessed any better.

When I came back home, I felt my phone vibrate and then... all hell broke loose. 13 missed calls and 8 messages, all from Seijuuro. I didn't know what to do so I told him to meet me up at the hospital at night so I could explain what happened. When I reached the hospital before him, I talked to dad a while until he came into the room with a scary look on his face. Apparently, he misunderstood my relationship with dad. Once I was done explaining everything to him, Seijuuro and I told dad about our relationship. I was really worried about how dad will react to it. Thankfully, he accepted it just like granny did.

A few minutes after that, Mibuchi-senpai and the others suddenly came barging into the room catching us by surprise. It was surprising to see them there but then they ended up confessing that they were worried when they saw Seijuuro rushing to the hospital and so they followed him to make sure everything was okay. After leaving the hospital, we all stood by the gates. Thats when the craziest thing happened as Seijuuro kissed me in front of everyone making me super embarrassed.

To add to my embarrassment, when Seijuuro dropped me home... granny invited him in for dinner then casually asked him to sleep over. I still remember how nervous I was about sleeping on the same bed with him that day, but I ended up dozing off as soon as I got in bed. The next morning felt great as I got a chance to see his sleeping face for the first time, I can't even find a word to describe how it felt like.

After school on that day, Seijuuro saw me with Inoue-chan and I freaked out because I thought he would misunderstand again. He dragged me to the car and was silence for a while, which is why I started having negative thoughts. I was taken back when he told me that we were going on a date to the amusement park.

Ah, the amusement park. What can I say about that day? Things didn't go well at first when we bumped into Mibuchi and Ogawa-senpai, Seijuuro's mood changed and he ended up not trying any rides with us. Worst part is, I had to ride the roller coaster. I got sick because of it and stayed in the bathroom for about 30 minutes. Right after I stepped out of the bathroom, I met up with Seijuuro. He was worried because he thought I was lost. Again, seeing how much he worried for me made me happy.

After taking a short rest, he asked if I was up for one more ride; the ferris wheel. I remember every detail of that day, there's no way I could forget it. Because that was the day when Seijuuro told me he loved me for the first time. Another feeling I can't describe in words.

The day after it was quite busy. Where do I start? Inagawa's clash with Kousuke, the marriage incident, the date that went wrong, then the worst part; meeting Seijuuro's father. Meeting his father was a lot scarier than the time where Seijuuro held a scissor against my neck, that scary. I don't know how things worked out eventually but I felt as though I had survived a horrible storm.

After all that mess, the one thing I didn't expect to happen yet was... my first time with Seijuuro. Oh god, it really was the most embarrassing thing I've had to experience. Then the next morning, he did it a lot of times, then the next day too, and the one after it... ugh, he really meant it when he said I wouldn't be able to walk for the rest of the week. Still... it felt good. Ahhh- enough with the embarrassing thoughts!

Moving on, things got a lot better after that day. Dad got out from the hospital and is finally with us at home. Granny is still the same as ever, a crazy old lady. With the help of dad and granny, grandfather finally accepted Seijuuro. He even plays chess with him from time to time, and he always loses too. As for Seijuuro's father, we're still working on convincing him. In fact, dad invited him over for dinner a few days ago. Seijuuro and I were so nervous about it but things turned out better than we thought, thanks to granny that is.

Oh and as to the reason why grandfather seemed as though he really despises Seijuuro's father, I finally got to know what happened between them. Apparently, grandfather used to be one of the most trusted employees at Seijuuro's father's company. After the accident happened, grandfather made one mistake at work because he was out of it and so Seijuuro's father fired him saying ''People like you are unwanted in this company. You cant even look after your own family, pathetic.''

Grandfather was angry because even though he's been a loyal employee for years, he was discarded just like that. But most of all, he felt like he was being blamed for mom's death. But it wasn't like that. I know now because Seijuuro's butler told us about that incident. He said that after mom's death, grandfather became so engrossed in work that he rarely came back home and left me and granny alone for a lot of time. Seijuuro's father noticed that and was angry at him because he reminded him of himself when his wife died. For that reason, Seijuuro's father fired him so he could look after me and granny. When I explained that to grandfather and granny, they're the ones who decided to invite him over for dinner to clear things up.

And right now, Seijuuro and I are having lunch at Magi burger. Its a weekend and we came here after a two hour drive because Seijuuro said there was someone he's meeting up with after lunch for business.


I snapped out of my thoughts when Seijuuro called my name, "You're back."

He let out a sigh as he sat down, "How many times have I told you not to make me call your name over and over? Just what were you thinking about anyway?"

"Ummm- thats a secre-" I cut my own words when I received a death glare from him.

"About you," I confessed.

"Oh really? What about me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"About... everything that happened every since we met," I said while taking a bite of my burger.

I definitely won't mention the embarrassing thoughts, the rest is fine though.

"Heh, so you were thinking about the perverted things we did together?"

My face flushed and I chocked on the bite I ate just now, "What are you saying?! Of course not! And don't say such things in public!" I yelled in whispers but loud enough for him to hear.

"AH! Akashi-chii?!" An loud unfamiliar voice interrupted. I blinked at the nickname.


I turned to the right and saw a guy with a blond medium-long hair and golden eyes. Beside him stood a shorter guy who had this honey colored messy, medium length hairstyle and wide blue eyes; this one looks a bit irritated for some reason.

"What are you doing here?!" He asked with a grin.

Seijuuro knit his brows and sighed before speaking, "I'm on a business trip."

"Eh? Business trip? For your father's company you mean?" The guy asked as he sat down next to Seijuuro. The other one clicked his tongue as he awkwardly sat down beside the blond guy.

Seijuuro was about to reply but stopped when the blond guy gasped and pointed at someone, "Aomine-chii, Rei-chii!"

What's with the '-chii'? Is that some sort of habit he has when calling someone's name?

I glanced sideways at the two unfamiliar faces. The first guy was a dark-skinned tall guy with short navy blue hair who had quite a scary glare on. The guy next to him had a fairly pale skin with light brown hair and hazel-colored eyes; unlike the scary guy, this one was smiling back at the blond guy.

"Hello Kise-kun; everyone," he greeted while slightly bowing his head.

"Tch, whatever. Let's just go Rei," the scary guy said while grabbing Rei's arm.

Wow, he's really annoyed.

"Ehhhh! Aomine-chii please sit with us, it's been a while since we've all seen each other!"

Aomine kept walking away and was obviously ignoring Kise until Rei stopped him.

"Daiki, lets just join them for a while okay? Please?"

"Tch, fine! Fucking pain in the ass," he muttered under his breath as they both sat next to me. Thankfully, it wasn't the scary one who sat next to me, it was that Rei guy.

Then again if I'm talking about scary then Seijuuro...

"So Akashi-chii, what were you saying about the business trip?" He asked while taking some fries from Seijuuro's plate.

"That's none of your-"

"Ah, Aka-chin? Mine-chin and Kise-chin too? What are you guys doing here?" Another new unfamiliar voice interrupted.

-Chin? What's with the nicknames? And just how many friends of Seijuuro are going to show up randomly?! I don't think this table can handle more people.

I turned my head slightly to take a look at the guy and I yelped the moment I saw him.

T-TALL! No like, super tall to the point where Kousuke looks like a midget if he stood next to him! Just how tall is he?!

"Murasakibara-chii~ your'e here too! We all met by coincidence! I saw Akashi-chi earlier and joined him! Then Aomine-chii and Rei-chii showed up and joined us too!"

"Who the hell joined in?! You're the one who dragged me along!"

The super-tall guy slipped a few cookie chips into his mouth as he grabbed a chair from the other table and sat on the side of the table between me and Seijuuro.

This is crazy.

"Hmm~ Aka-chin, you didn't tell me you were coming. How long are you staying here?"

I looked back at Seijuuro and felt a sweat drop appear on the back of my head as I noticed his frown.

Oh boy, he doesn't look pleased at all.

"I'm leaving as soon as I'm done with that business meeting I came for, now would you kindly get up and find your own table? I'm busy at the moment."

Still munching on his cookie chips, the tall guy hummed and turned his attention to me. For some reason, I flinched the moment our eyes met.

"Business meeting? You mean with this scrawny guy?"


"Ne Aka-chin, he's been looking at me like I'm some sort of freak. Can I crush him?"

I immediately lowered my head and gulped down in nervousness when he glared at me.

Crush me?! I didn't mean to look at him in any way, I was just surprised by how tall he was the same way I was the day I met Kousuke. That's all, I swear!

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I-I was just-"

"Tch- stop talking, its annoying. I'll really crush you." He said with a bored tone.

Ah... this is awkward. I hope Seijuuro doesn't get upset for ruining his friend's mood. M-Maybe I should go? His friends mentioned that they haven't seen each other in a while so... I don't want to get in their way.

I was about to stand up but I stopped the moment I noticed the sudden silence. I glanced back up and gasped when I saw Seijuuro pointing a knife to Murasakibara's face. His eyes sent a dangerous feel before he spoke in a stern voice.

"If you dare to lay one finger on him, I'll be the one to crush you."

Everyone on the table including me looked at him with widened eyes and were too dumbfounded to even move let alone blink. Murasakibara was really shocked too but he soon snapped out of it and rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you Aka-chin."

The atmosphere was tense for a few minutes but then Kise broke the silence.

"So Akashi-chii, who's this person you're with? He doesn't seem like the person your'e meeting up with for business. Is he your friend? Ah but its rude of me to ask without introducing you to the person next to me first!"

He grinned and turned his gaze towards the shorter boy sitting next to him.

"Everyone, this is Kuroki Ren. He's my classmate and a really close friend of mine! The way we met was crazy since all we did was fight about everything but then with time, we became closer and closer and now we're super close. Haha- you should see when he blushes though, its so-ouchhh!"

He was interrupted when he received a jab in the stomach by Kuroki.

"Don't mention weird details, baka!"

He's really blushing.

Kise chuckled as he ruffled Kuroki's hair and smiled before he continued, "Sorry about that Ren. Anyway remember the generation of miracles team I told you about? Not all of them are here but this is Akashi Seijuuro, the grumpy one over there is Aomine Daiki and then there's Murasakibara Atsushi."

"It's nice to meet you guys," Kuroki replied with an awkward smile.

Generation of miracles? Wait, these guys are Seijuuro's old teammates?

"Who the fuck are you calling grumpy you stupid model?"

But you are grumpy and its scary!

"Oh and next to Aomine-chii is Kurosaki Rei. But introducing him is Aomine-chii's job so start talking Aomine-chii~"

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Aomine ruffled his own hair before he started speaking.

"What a pain in the ass, its the same shit. This is Kurosaki Rei, a Kohai in the same school and my slave. Rei, you already heard the introduction the stupid model gave about the generation of miracles so there you have it."

"S-Stop calling me that! I'm not your-"

"Yeah you are, I told you it's gonna stay that way forever whether you like or not."

D-Did he just say slave?! He said it as if its the most normal thing to say! Oh god, how does Kurosaki put up with him? Is he always this way?

"Sorry about him, he's in a bad mood because of something that happened in school. Its a pleasure to meet all of you, I hope we all get along."

So there 'is' something bothering him.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Seijuuro sighed in frustration. Since everyone went quiet, I'll take this chance to introduce myself too!

"I-Its nice to meet you guys too. My name is Onodera Nori and I'm-"

I was interrupted when Seijuuro slammed a hand on the table and looked at me.

"My lover," he muttered in a husky voice.

What did he just...?

"D-Did you say something Akashi-chii?"

I held my breath in nervousness as he stared at me with a deep gaze that sent shivers down my spine.

"He's my lover. And if I see any of you laying a hand on him, I'll break you with no mercy. Understood?"

Please Kami-sama, I really need you to give me the power to bury myself into a hole right now.

Everyone stared at me in disbelief and my face flushed like crazy in an instant that, I wanted to run right then but I was too tense to move a muscle in my body. All I could do was mentally cry to myself.

Did he have to say that? Couldn't he give me the chance to introduce myself like a normal person? Now everyone is too shocked to say anything at all.

Seijuuro looked back at his plate and continued eating as if nothing had happened. Everyone seemed to be drowned in their own thoughts except for that tall guy, he was still eating those cookie chips that weren't ending for god knows what reason.

"You have a weird taste in people Aka-chin," he said straightforwardly.

Seijuuro ignored him and continued to eat.

Kuroki, Kise and Kurosaki all looked flustered. Aomine on the other hand still had an irked frown on his face. Just then, Kise breathed in and out before he cleared his throat.

"Phew- that made me feel like an idiot," said Kise.

Huh? Why would he feel like an idiot?

"Akashi-chii was so straightforward about it so I was thinking I should be the same too."

Just then, Kuroki's muscles tensed as he turned his attention to Kise. He looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted when Kise spoke first.

"Ren and I are... dating. So there you have it, I was a little nervous to say it but yeah!"

They are?! And why am I the only one who seems to be surprised by this?!

Kuroki covered his face with one hand and tried to look anywhere but here. Kise looked at Aomine and smirked.

"And since I know Aomine-chii won't say it, I'll tell you guys myself."

A vein popped in Aomine's head as he glared at Kise, "Don't you dare-"

"Aomine-chii and Rei-chii are dating too!"

Aomine face palmed himself and Kurosaki lowered his head to hide his embarrassment.

What? For real?! The scary guy and the extremely nice guy?! Again, why am I the only one who finds this surprising?! They looked pretty shocked when Seijuuro said that I was his lover. Ugh, I bet its because I'm so plain-looking compared to everyone else.

Murasakibara who was busy with his cookies stopped eating and grabbed my coke then started to drink from it.

Don't just take people's coke away!

"Anyhow I feel sorry for you guys," he said as he got the last sip of my coke.

"Feel sorry for us?" Kise asked. Murasakibara nodded away.

"I pity you because you don't have Naru-chin," he said as he took out a small box from his bag.

"Huh? Naru-chin?"

Murasakibara opened the box to reveal a small vanilla cake filled with strawberries on top; which by the way looked really tasty. Kise shook his head and sighed.

"Murasakibara-chii, did you start naming your food?"

"Are you an idiot? Naru-chin is the one who made this cake. No one in the world can make a cake taste this good, I guarantee it. And this one was especially made for me, aren't you jealous?"

"Ha, why would I be jealous? I can ask my Ren to bake me a cake and I bet it'll taste a whole lot better!"

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Murasakibara stood up and slammed his hand on the desk with anger.

"No one makes better cake than Naru-chin, he's the best!"

He? I thought he was talking about a girl.

Kise stood up as well and glared at him, "Wanna bet?"

"Tch, you're on."

Kuroki scratched the back of his head and tugged Kise's shirt lightly making him look back at him.

"Are you ready to kick that guy's butt Ren?"

"Uhh- yeah about that... I can't do it."

"What? But you always cook for me and your food tastes the best!"

"That's because cooking is easy for me but... I'm not so good with sweets," Kuroki replied with a flushed face.

"Ha, I win. I told you Naru-chin was the best," he smirked in victory as he sat down and went back to eating his cake.

Rolling his eyes, Kise took a seat and shrugged.

"Whatever, you're still the best for me Ren!"

"Stop it you idiot," Kuroki answered nervously.

I'm glad the argument finally ended but seriously, are they kids?!

Seijuuro suddenly stood up breaking my thoughts.

Ah, I hope he's not too angry.

"We're leaving Nori, let's go."

We are?

I hesitated but stood up anyway.

"You're leaving already Akashi-chii?" Kise asked with a frown.

"I told you I have a business meeting, I don't have time for this."

"Let me know when you come here again Aka-chin," Murasakibara said as he got up. "I'm going too, gotta meet up with Naru-chin. See ya," he waved a hand before walking away.

Heh, he must really like that Naru-chin person. Even though he's really tall and is a bit scary, he acts like a kid.

"Okay then Akashi-chii, make sure to contact us when you come back again. You sort of disappeared after the winter cup, don't go forgetting about us!"

That said, Kise put an arm around Kuroki's shoulder and waved a hand before they left. Clearing his throat, Aomine got up along with Kurosaki and glanced at Seijuuro before turning around.

"What he said," he muttered under his breath but it was loud enough for the both of us to hear. With that, Kurosaki and Aomine both walked away.

Phew, its finally just Seijuuro and I again. That sure was a bit nerve-wrecking. His friends are quite... rowdy. It was shocking to know about their 'relationships' though. But it was nice, they seemed to treasure each other. Pfft- especially Murasakibara, I wonder if that Naru-chin he mentioned is his lover? He really seemed to like him.


I looked at Seijuuro and asked, "Yeah?"

"Let's take a walk, there's still time until the meeting starts."

I nodded and headed out with him.

I know he said we should take a walk, but I didn't think it would be this quiet. He hasn't said a word since we stepped out of that place, is he upset? Ah, maybe its because I was a mess when his friends showed up? I should have done better than stutter while introducing myself. I also pissed off Murasakibara, he was offended by the way I looked at him. I really didn't mean to!

I looked at Seijuuro and he seemed to be deep in thoughts. Not knowing what else to do, I grabbed on to his shirt from the back to stop him. He turned around raising an eyebrow and I lowered my head before I could speak.

"S-Sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Huh? What for?"

"For being a disappointment in front of your friends," I explained.

He paused for a moment before asking, "What are you talking about?"

"I ruined your friend's mood when I was startled by his height. I really didn't mean to look at him in any way, he just came out of nowhere and I... just didn't mean to offend him. Also, I should've done better with introducing myself. I don't know why I felt nervous... maybe because they were important friends so I-"

I was interrupted when Seijuuro suddenly took hold of my wrist and started dragging me around. I looked at him with confusion when I realized that we were walking in to an alley-way. Once we reached the end of the alley-way, he shoved me to a wall and trapped me when he leaned both of his arms on the wall with me in between.

"You irksome seaweed-headed idiot!"

I flinched at his loud voice.

What did I do?!

"How did you possibly come to the conclusion that I was upset with you for something like that?! Did you not see how I held a damned knife to Atsushi's face and threatened him with it to defend you?! Did you not hear anything I said to all of them when I introduced you as my lover?! When I told them I'd break them if they laid a hand on you?!"

My eyes grew wide at his words. I was startled by the way he was yelling and even though I know I wasn't supposed to cry, I felt tears well up in the corners of my eyes.

I know that, I know because I felt happy when he defended me. I felt so happy when he introduced me as his lover... if he introduced me just as a friend, I would understand but I'm sure it would still hurt. That's why... I wanted to...

I did my best to hold them back but the tears that were welling up had started streaming down my face as I tried to speak.

"B-Because... I wanted to d-do something to... i-impress your friends. You're... Akashi Seijuuro, I-I don't want them to think lowly of you because of me. I'm awkard around new people, and I'm plain-looking compared to others... I don't want that to affect you or your reputation. Murasakibara said it too... you have bad taste in people, I-mpphh"

I was cut off when Seijuuro slammed his lips against mine taking me by surprise. My cheeks reddened and my lips trembled as he nibbled on them repeatedly. Placing one hand on my waist and the other one on my right cheek, Seijuuro pulled me in closer deepening the kiss further. He wiped away my tears with the thumb of his fingers and rubbed my cheek gently. A moment later, he pulled away and we were both panting from lack of oxygen because of the kiss.

"Nori," his breath grazed my lips and it sent chills down my spine.

I pursed my lips as his hand caressed my face before he slowly removed my glasses.

"Do you know what was the first thing that made me fall in love with you?"

I couldn't think at all at the moment so I meekly shook my head. His eyes softened and a smile tugged on the corner of his mouth as he leaned in towards my face and gently kissed my eye.

"Your eyes," he murmured into my ear and then smirked.

My eyes?

"It was when someone accidentally bumped into you from the back and you ended up leaning on me to stop yourself from falling, your glasses fell of and when I saw you without glasses for the first time I was... mesmerized by them."


Seijuuro brushed my bangs away with his right hand and chuckled softly.

"But more than that, I fell in love with your cuteness. The way you react to everything I do is extremely cute, it just makes me want to bully you. That aside, I'm going to tell you this now and I won't repeat myself so make sure you listen well. Understood?"

I nodded.

"I don't care what others think or say. Whether its my family or my friends, I'll kill them if they hurt you in any way. The only one I want in my life is you, no- I need you. If you ever disappear from my life, I can't imagine what I would do. I've never felt this way Nori so please... no matter what anyone says, ignore it. Just think of what I'm telling you now and... know that I love you. Do you understand what I'm saying you frustrating little seaweed of mine?"

I could feel the blush on my face reach up to my ears at what he said. Slowly wrapping my arms around his chest, I buried my head into his neck and nodded my head shyly.

"Mhm... I understand."

"Heh- good enough," he said while holding me with one hand and ruffling my hair with the other.

I love him. I really love him more than anything else.

"I love you Seijuuro, you're the only one I want in my life too. I love you," I said in a muffled voice.

"I love you too," he replied.

"I love you," I repeated.

Seijuuro chuckled and tightened his hold on me.

"Yeah yeah, I heard you."

Thank you god. Thank you for sending Seijuuro into my life, thank you for letting me meet him, thank you for letting me admire him, thank you for letting me rank one mark lower than him on that honor roll, thank you for letting him take notice of me, thank you for letting me bump into him that day and lose my first kiss to him. I still have many things I should thank you for but most of all, thank you for making me fall in love with the one I admire.

The End.

Oh my word, that was the longest chapter I've written so far! I feel so proud that I'm finally able to end this story, it was a lot longer than I planned for it but I'm happy that it turned out the way it did. And for that, I have to thank my precious readers, followers and reviewers. If it weren't for all of you, I wouldn't have been able to do this. This story did end but of course, in case you guys were still interested; I'll be working on the oc characters side-stories and will definitely post them up as soon as they're done.

PS. In case you guys were confused about Aomine and Kise's appearance with the oc characters, they're from my previous stories. This was just a little surprise for the readers who enjoyed 'Im not your slave' and 'It started with a fight'. As for Murasakibara and his obsession with that Naru-chin of his, its a little heads up for my upcoming story! It'll take a while since I'm working on the side stories first but I hope you guys look forward to it!

PSS. To all the fan fic lovers, If you're into the prince of tennis then you should check out NatsuLuvsKyota's stories because she has a bunch of interesting one shots for lots of our favorite characters. If you're into KnB stories which you are since you're reading this story :3 check out waremono . Iv's account cuz she has several lovely stories that should definitely be read! And for the best brother's conflict male oc romance story with a certain sly brother ever written, you should check out Syo's conflict by Liveforanime.

Anyhow, there are a few friends I wanna thank personally for helping me out with this story and I hope I'm not forgetting anyone:

Thank you waremono . Iv as you are my first reviewer and friend since I started out on fanfiction and you've helped me a lot throughout my stories. You're awesome and I still read your reviews every now and then because they make me really happy!

Thank you Pecha Pichu for helping with beta-reading, especially with this long crazy chapter! And thank you so much for helping me with the format, it really does look easier to read now.

Thank you xPoisonedBlueRose13x for helping with beta-reading, I'm really greateful.

Thank you NeitherSaneNorInsane for helping with the plot and characters.

Thank you nymphomaniac for drawing an adorable fan art of Nori :3 It made me feel really happy so thank you!

Thank you Jack's Ace for offering to help with that lovey dovey Nori x Akashi scene in this chapter. I did my best for you and I hope you liked it!

Thank you NatsuLuvsKyota because you actually wrote an Atobe x oc one shot for me when I requested it, which by the way I loved!

Most of all:

Thank you Liveforanime for simply clicking on this story because I got to meet a best friend and my twin on the other side of the world x3 I don't know what to say to thank you but I know you'll kill me because you don't like me thanking you so I'll just say it once, thank you for helping me throughout the rest of this story. You inspired me to write better and thanks to english being your first language, my stories are getting easier to read :3 Your ideas too, they're so brilliant and they helped a lot! Ah I'm just grateful for your existence, I love you sweetness! x3 Gosh I'm so into my personality right now ;D

That's all for now, thanks again everyone!