Ch.26: A Leason learnd; Awake at Last:

Raph, Donnie, and a few of his men are with him in an abandon building waiting on Kento. Raph told him to come alone and if he comes with anyone they'll kill Jasmine. Raph doesn't want to kill but he'll do anything to get what he wanted and get his reveange agasint Shredder.

Jasmine has brusies all over her face and body, some burn marks, and is bleeding a bit but not enough to kill her. She's whimpering a bit in pain but everyone igonores her as they wait.

"Kento has 5 more minutes...if he ain't here after that...put her down and send her to him." Raph said in a cold voice that made Jasmine shake in fear.

"P-P-Please Raphie I-"

Jasmine got cut off when Raph slapped her. She yelled in pain from her other brusies on her cheek.

"Don't ya dare call me that ya bitch. There's only one person allowed ta call me that and it sure as hell isn't you! He's in a COMA THANKS TA YER STUPID ASS!" Raph yelled which made Jasmine whimper in fear.

Raph turned around to watch the front door for Kento. He's already angry enough.

"I-I-I'm s-s-sorry...I-I-If y-you l-let me g-go...I w-won't bother y-y-you or L-Leo a-again." Jasmine said in fear and despration.

"I could care less about yer aplogizie! Ya just better pray yer man get's here soon cause he has 4 minutes left." Raph said in a cold voice not looking at Jasmine at all.

Jasmine began shaking in fear, closed her eyes and began to cry a little bit.

The door cracked opend and two RayGunz dragged Kento toward Raph and pushed him to the ground near his feet.

Kento grined his teeth in anger and pain. Raph can tell his men gave him a few brusies before they brought him to him.

"Well Kento, we didn't think ya were ever gonna make it. Ya had us worried fer a bit. Jasmine is just itching ta see ya." Raph said with a smirk on his face that made all his team laugh.

Kento looked up at Raph and Raph moved his head to left to indicate where Jasmine is.

Kento looked to his right and saw Jasmine black and blue head to toe. She's tied up and she gave him a little smile but it was a painful smile.

Kento growled in anger and tried punching Raph but he grabbed his fist and moved Kento's arm behind his back and tighten it which made Kento groan in pain.

"I suggest ya play nice. I could of done a lot wrose. At least I didn't get one of my guys ta run her over with a car." Raph said in an angry tight voice that made Kento stop struggling.

Raph let him go which almost made Kento fall but he caught himself as he turned around rubbing his sore right arm.

"Do ya have what I want. If I find any funny business going and Jasmine are in deep shit...ya get me." Raph said making sure he understood him.

Kento nodded with a fear look in his eyes. Raph could tell he hasn't told anyone but he has to let him know he means business.

Kento hands over the suitcase of the items Raphael's been wanting.

Raph takes the suitcase and sits it on the table and opened it. In the suitcase contains all the secrets on The Foot Gang. Everyone believes Oroku Saki is a good man but with this Raph's gonna destory Oroku's image.

"Good job Kento. I was begin' ta think ya didn't bring me what I wanted." Raph said with a smirk as he put some of the papers back into the suitcase while looking at Kento.

"I-I ain't stupid Ray a-annd I wasn't about to let you kill Jasmine." Kento said trying his best not to stutter which made Raph and his men laugh.

"Yeah, but ya were stupid when ya attacked Leo...Bad move on ya there. So...I think this is the only time ya been smart." Raph said with a smirk and cocky voice that made Kento angry and Raph's men laugh.

"I already know that Ray! I screwed up! Like I promised...Jasmine and I will leave, we won't tell no one." Kento said looking at Raph with a serious voice.

"Pfft. Yeah ya sure did. Get'cher woman and go. But if I find out yer back here...I'll finish both ya off...ya get me Oroku?" Raph asked in a menacing look that could make any man scared.

"Y-Y-Yeah Ray...I gotch'a. We won't be back." Kento said in a scared voice.

Raph looked at his men and gave them a signal to untie Jasmine. They nodded to their boss and made their way to Jasmine and untied her.

Jasmine fell to the grond not having the streangth to stand up. Kento was by her side the seconded she fell. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and helped her up. Jasmine kept her head down fearing Raph or his men will hurt her again. She's learned her leasson. She's never messing wtih Raph and Leo ever again.

"Take a flight outta New York...and don't ever let me see ya two ever again. Now leave before I change my mind." Raph said in anger that made everyone shiver in fear.

"Y-Yeah...Ya got it Ray...W-We're leaving." Kento said in fear as he helped Jasmine leave the building.

"Max, Johnny...I want ya two ta follow them. Make sure they head my warning if not ya know what ta do." Raph said as he looked at the two with a firm look.

"Ya got it boss." Johnny said as he and Max walked out of the building to follow them.

"Rocko I want ya ta make copies of these documents and send them out ta every news caster. They'll be thrilled ta hear about tha famous Oroku Saki, care giver ta all." Raph said with a smirk that had all his men laughing.

"It'll be a pleasure boss." Rocko said as he took the documents.

"Aight everyone time ta head out. If ya need me...ya know where ta find me." Raph said as he walked out of the building. He wants to be with Leo.

*With Leo*

'It's dark...Why is it so dark? I hate darkness...makes me nervous...' Leo thought looking around him but only seeing darkness. Ever since he lost his mother he doesn't like being around the dark...makes him think about his mother.

Leo groan's in pain and opens his eyes but had to close them quickly because it was too bright. He slowly opens them again to look at a white cileiling. Where in the world was he? The last thing he remebered was leaving the cementary with April...then a...a CAR!

"APRIL!" Leo yelled and sat up so quickly that he fell back down on his back wincing in pain.

"Babe calm down!" Raph yelled in fear after he saw Leo raise up so quickly. That was the seconded time he's been scared and frankly he does not like it one bit.

"R-Raph..? Groan...W-What happened?! I-Is April okay? Did I get h-her out of the way?!" Leo asked in a panic voice that made Raph upset. He hated seeing Leo like this.

Raph rubbed Leo's face to calm him down. Leo calm down a little but he still showed signs of worry.

"Babe calm down. April is perfectly fine. Ya saved her from being hurt. She only got a few scratches on her that's it. Nothing life threating. So calm down. Ya need ta relax. Yer still pretty hurt." Raph said as he grabbed Leo's hand to give it a firm squeeze.

"Sigh...Thank goodness she's alright...That everyone is alright. How are you Raph? You seem to have some bags underneath your eyes." Leo said in a worried voice as he lifted his free hand to rub Raph's cheek.

Raph gave him a small smile and kissed the hand he's holding.

"Ya don't worry yer pretty head over me Leo. Ya focus on yerself right now. I'll be just fine." Raph said with a small smile on his face that made Leo smile a little bit.

"Okay Raphie...By the long have I been here?" Leo asked looking around the room. He see's some flowers and a stuffed teddy bear on his bedside table.

"Ya been in a coma for 3 weeks babe almost 4. I'm so glad ta see yer beautiful eyes again." Raph said with a sincere smile that made Leo blush and give him a shy smile.

"Wow...It's hard to believe I was in a coma for almost 4 weeks. Feel's like it's been only be a days sleep." Leo said wipping his eyes. He still feel's sleeping even after sleeping 4 weeks.

"Heh. I bet babe. Ya had all of us worried. I'm just so happy ta see ya awake." Raph said as he hovered over Leo and gave him a chaste kiss that made Leo blush. It feels like forever since they kissed.

They broke apart to look at each other showing love in their eyes.

"I missed ya so much Leo. I thought you were never gonna wake up." Raph said in a sad voice that made Leo sad.

"I'm sorry Raphie...I heard all your voice. Everyone's voice. Your voice helped me through the darkness. Thank you." Leo said teary up a bit.

"No prob. Ya helped me out when ya squeezed my hand letting me know yer alright. Even in a coma ya were helpin' me." Raph said with a smile as he crassed Leo's face.

"Well someone has to keep an eye on Raphie." Leo said with a small smile on his face.

"Hehe. Ya right. Let me get everyone so they can see ya. I'll be right back babe." Raph said with a smile as he kissed Leo's forehead and headed for the door to tell everyone the good news about Leo.