Reviews for Pain
FlameShadowFireDragon chapter 2 . 11/1/2019
Mmmm... Leo’s bi? Is this going to turn into one of those LeoxRaph things? I’m not sure I like this... Well, let’s just see where this goes for now..
Donnie?! In a gang?! Did not see that one coming! XD Shouldn’t have said anything April! Big brother mode is going to go shifting into top gear!
FlameShadowFireDragon chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
Aaaaw! So cute! I am so curious to know what’s going to happen! So, is this like a parallel dimension where mutants are accepted into every day culture? I can’t wait till we get to the part where April gets a guy! XD protective older brother Leo will be awesome!
Jasmine-Fox chapter 27 . 7/27/2019
I am so happy things ended well for Raph and Leo... But when will another chapter be up?
Guest chapter 27 . 6/28/2019
This was a really great story! I LOVE ITT XD and I can't wait for any chapter that will show Leo being a badass xD his not a master of his katana for nothing xD
kbear100 chapter 27 . 3/11/2019
please update really soon I want to know what happens next
Neko vocaloid chapter 27 . 9/1/2018
Pls update soon!
Stargirl667 chapter 27 . 7/25/2018
continue the story please
SnowFlakeWrites chapter 27 . 7/12/2018
Hope you update soon! :D
TheSilentShadow1 chapter 27 . 3/21/2018
pls pls pls update!
Equellia queen chapter 27 . 3/3/2018
Update it pleaseeeeeeeqe
Mika chapter 27 . 10/18/2017
Awesome! I need more of this fic.
Guest chapter 27 . 8/4/2017
Why haven't I seen chapter 27?
roniturtle chapter 27 . 6/1/2017
please update!
Jasmine-Fox chapter 20 . 12/3/2016
someone on wattpad named TheFREAKonThescreen wrote a story named The change and the chapter 10 is fully copied to the second chapter 19 here! I hate it and something must be done!
sarsorabrunette chapter 27 . 11/5/2016
the best story I ever read please update soon I got tired of waiting
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