AN: Well this is it, last chapter. Thank you everyone for coming on this journey with me once again! I'd love to know if you'd like it to continue, I have two ideas, one is life during the and around the tour and one is five-ish years in the future so the question is do you want the year of the tour?

Songs in this chapter: Keith Urban Making Memories of Us. No copyright infringement intended, used for entertainment purposes only.

Friday 18th March 2016

"Good morning Gail." I smile as I enter the kitchen, she has some toast and my coffee waiting for me as I stroke Kolby's hair, him being wrapped up in my top all lovely and secure against my chest.

"Good morning Ana." She says, a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye that immediately makes me suspicious.

"What's going on?" I ask taking my seat and I realise my house is quiet, no kids, no Luke. Gail smirks and from her apron, she pulls out a brown envelope.

"This is for you." She says but she doesn't hand it over yet, I'm nibbling on my toast, needing my breakfast. "Luke says he'd like to play a game." I cock an eyebrow, what the hell is going on? "When you're dressed and ready to go, he'd like you to figure out the clue and follow it."

"A… scavenger hunt?" I ask, confused as hell as to what's going on.

"I guess. He didn't tell me any more than that." Gail shrugs before finally sliding the envelope across the breakfast bar. All I know is that when you're ready Taylor is too. You can leave Kolby with me if you want to or take him with you."

I slide the envelope towards me and slowly peel it open, if Luke wants to play a game I'll play though I'm highly suspicious as to what on earth is going on.

"Nothing in the world shines, quite like your eyes so blue, your mother and father in law live there, your first stop is in…" I read and roll my eyes at the cheese dripping from the paper. "Really?" I ask looking at Gail, she shrugs, either she really doesn't know what's going on or she's not telling me a thing. "So I need to go to Belleview?"

"That's what it sounds like to me." She says playing as though she's not sure.

"Well, I best get my shoes then!" I say.

I abandon my breakfast, fetch a comfy pair of sneakers and after changing Kolby's diaper I grab my baby wearing coat and meet Taylor, he has a smirk on his face too!

"What's going on?" I ask him as we make our way towards the car.

"No idea, Luke asked if I'd help you play his game. That's all I know." He replies and I roll my eyes, what is Luke playing at?

I strap Kolby up in his chair before climbing into the front of the Mazda, I'm driving today if Luke wants me running around the place playing some silly game. It takes ten minutes to get from Island Corner to the Grey's Belleview home and just as I grab Kolby from the car, Taylor unusually following me out, Grace opens the door. She was clearly expecting me!

"Ana, come in." She says and I look oddly at Taylor, who, if he knows anything is giving nothing at all away.

I follow my mother in law inside still confused as hell as to what's going on, waiting for me is a cup of coffee, a tiny Statue of Liberty ornament and another white envelope, this one has the number 2 written on it.

"Can I open it?" I ask and Grace smiles and nods. "Your family is totally crazy, especially your little sister Mia, she lives in that big old penthouse, your next stop is…" I roll my eyes, these little riddles are so… funny and cheesy. "Escala." I say putting the clue back on the table and picking up the little statue of liberty. "What's this about?"

"No idea." Grace says shaking her head lightly, though she's not as convincing as Gail was.

"Grace, what's going on?"

"Ask me no questions I'll tell you no lies." She says before zipping her lips up and throwing away the imaginary key.

"So I need to go to Escala next." I say taking a mouthful of coffee, seeing as I abandoned the one at Island Corner I need this before I carry on this little adventure. "What is he up to?" I turn to Taylor, who is more taciturn as usual if that's even possible. "Come on Grace…"

"Nope. Nothing to do with me, I was just asked if I'd be here and if I could give you the trinket and the clue." She says far too quickly for me to even begin believing her. I finish my coffee and turn to Grace.

"Can you take Kolby home? I can't be dragging him in and out the car it will be too unsettling." I say knowing I have to be realistic here, it looks to me like there may be many more clues and I just can't be dragging him in and out every few minutes.

"Of course I can." Grace happily takes him from me. "Go on, get going."

I kiss Kolby's little head and then make my way to the car, my hand playing with the little Statue of Liberty. It makes me remember our little visit there, it was so awesome and the first time I felt like a normal young woman on a date!

In just less than half an hour we arrive at Escala. Mia is practically bouncing up and down when I step off the elevator and she's quick to hand over yet another envelope and this time a small Japanese orchid tree ornament.

"Well open it!" She says far too enthusiastically.

"The city in which we met, and our relationship was sealed, on that stage you performed go to…"

This one stumps me and I read it to myself a couple of times. I mean, our relationship started here in Seattle right? So a stage in Seattle?

"Seattle stadium doesn't fit, all his other verse rhymed." I say glancing from Mia to Taylor.

"What's the proper name for the stadium?" Taylor asks blankly, though I have a feeling her knows.

"Uhh oh Centurylink field! Yes!" I beam and read it out again just to make sure and true enough CenturyLink field fits perfectly. "Let's go. Bye Mia!" I say already pressing the button for the elevator.

"Bye Ana!" She giggles excitedly.

We drive over to Seattle Stadium while I look at the mini Japanese tree in my hand. I mean, it makes sense now because Luke and I went to the Japanese garden on a date, we also went to the statue of liberty on a date, so those things are connected. However, why the hell is he sending me across Washington State on this scavenger hunt. Has he been bored while I've been working my ass off for the concert and he did this to fill his time?

I step out the car and see Elliot already by the entrance waving away, another white envelope in his hands. I walk beside Taylor over, glad I have company for this journey because even though it's fun, it wouldn't be half as much fun alone!

"Here you go Sis." Elliot smiles handing over the white envelope. I smile but don't bother asking this time if he has any idea what's going on, because even if he does he's not going to tell me.

"Here we make music by playing our chords, your next stop is…" I roll my eyes, this one isn't as bad I guess. "Grey records?"

"Sounds right to me." Elliot shrugs. "Oh and there's this." He hands over a small little button with Los Angeles written on it, I giggle, we weren't together in Los Angeles but that's where things started to happen between us. That's when I felt more towards him than just friendship.

"Thank you El." I give him a hug in gratitude. "I don't know what this man is up too but hope you're all having as much fun as I am."

"Eh." He shrugs making me giggle. "Go, you'll be late!" He says and I frown, late for what exactly?

There is no one outside Grey Records when I get there. I make my way inside, wondering who or what I'll find in here next. At the reception desk, sitting in the office chair that would normally be occupied by one of our staff, Carrick sits with his feet up on the desk, which he immediately brings down when he sees me.

"Hello darling girl." He beams as I approach the desk.

"You've been dragged into this game too huh?" I smirk, this is weird, having all my family involved in this game.

"I wouldn't say dragged." He says as Luke's song comes on over the speakers. I love this song, it's a romantic love song and most people think Luke wrote it about me, though he didn't, Lila wrote it but it's beautiful and I feel as though he was singing to me when I hear it. On the desk Carrick places another white envelope and a piece of wood. I look at the wood first and find it's a piece of a tree trunk, it's about the size of the palm of my hand and burned into it ASPEN and the mountains. Yes, Aspen was important in this journey too. Aspen was where I ran too and where he came to me and I realised we had to let it happen. That was nearly a year ago now!

"Here we played and I saw your spark, get your ass over to…"

"Well." Carrick says laughing.

"That couldn't be more vague!" I say reading it again in my head. "Please tell me one of you know where this should be if I can't figure it out." I look from Carrick to Taylor and see they both know, bastards, they're obviously not planning on telling me.

So far everywhere we've been has been connected to us in some way, Belleview, Escala, Seattle Stadium and Grey Records. They're not connected to the gifts, though the little gifts have also been connected to us in some way… so something that rhymes with spark that is connected to Luke and I.

"Oh!" It clicks. "That park… where the photographer got those pictures… Ah the Artist at play Park!" I remember there because I've been looking forward to taking the kids there again when the weather gets a bit better. "Well best make our way there then!" I give Carrick a kiss on his cheek and he waves us off and Taylor and I head towards the play park.

"You would tell me if I got the answer wrong right?" I say as I admire the trinket collection I have now curtsey of this little scavenger hunt. Taylor smirks but says nothing. "That's so not fair, so we could be trekking across Seattle only for it to be wrong?" I sulk in my seat, that's no fun, Elliot was warning me not to be late but then he'd let me go to the wrong place? Hmm, it's weird. All this is weird.

It's Kate waiting at the Park for us and she's grinning like a Cheshire cat when we arrive.

"First, Luke says you better eat this." She says handing me a burger and I giggle seeing it's come from Quincy's where Luke and I took the kids to eat when we were last here. "Then voila." She gives me a piece of metal. I look at it closely and grin.

"A man's silence is wonderful to listen to." I read giggling. "Thomas Hardy." I explain giggling again. It's so cute.

"And here's your next clue." Kate says and Taylor takes hold of the metal which I now assume is a book mark from its shape and the burger so I can open the next clue.

"After this visit we shared our first kiss, make your way to Restaurant…"

I start giggling, loudly, because I have no idea what the name of the restaurant we went to that night. I remember the kiss, I remember running to Aspen but not the name of the restaurant.

"What's so funny?" Kate asks, clearly amused by my laughter.

"I don't know what the restaurant was called." I say shaking my head.

"Do you remember where it was?" Taylor asks and I shake my head, not a bloody clue!

"Oh Lake Union? Maybe?"

"Lake Union is huge." Kate points out making me laugh.

"Sorry Taylor you may have to spill the beans on this one." I say knowing there's no way I'm going to remember the name of the restaurant.

"Come on, get in the car." He says and I shrug my shoulders to Kate who gives me a quick hug.

"Have fun!" She calls as we walk away.

"I'm driving, you eat." He says and I get into the passenger seat and eat the near cold burger.

"So where are we going?" I ask because Taylor knows and I don't.

"Canlis. The restaurant is called Canlis." He says smirking.

"See I didn't know that, why don't I know that. I should know where we went on dates right?"

"Do you remember every restaurant Christian ever took you too?" Taylor asks and I think a moment before shaking my head, Christian and I loved going to restaurants so it's not a surprise that we went to loads and there is no way on God's earth I'd remember all their names. "He said this was the one you'd probably struggle with."

"What is the point to this Taylor?" I ask and he shrugs, but I see a smile playing on the corner of his lips too. "You're not telling me or you don't know?"

"I'm saying nothing." He replies and I huff back into my chair petulantly.

Outside Canlis, which I remember when I see it, Ray is waiting for me. He looks like he's been waiting a long time too so I wonder if we're a little off schedule.

I'm given a small toy seaplane and yet another clue.

"How many of these are there?" I ask Taylor who shrugs, liar, he knows as he knows all the answers!

"High in the sky from where we export, make your way to …Oh the airport. Sea Tac? We're going away?" I look at Taylor frantically as I can't go away, I've got way too much here to do before the tour. "No seriously, Taylor am I going on a plane?" I ask looking at the little seaplane in my hand.

"Annie, calm down, go to Sea Tac." Ray says and I shake my head, I am not going anywhere, I have way too much work to do, my team has been pissed enough that I haven't put in the hours needed but that was because I had a baby!

"You're not going anywhere." Taylor reassures and I nod, ok, that's ok I can go to SeaTac if I'm not going on a plane!

Ray hugs me for a little longer than usual, which again is very odd. But nothing about this little adventure is normal so I take it and head off with Taylor. When we arrive at SeaTac he pulls over but makes no move to get out the car.

"Your next clue, and gift." He says opening the glove compartment of the car. Oh so he's the next person I'm supposed to get these from. Ok this is interesting.

"Go to the salon, it's your little treat! Go to Christasia and put up your feet!" I read. "Oh so no guessing game this time?" I smirk before looking at my next little gift. It's a little piano keychain and I play with it in my hand as Taylor sets off for Christasia.

"Doesn't sound like it's another clue." I say thinking of the little poem Luke left me. "Sounds like I'm getting pampered instead." Taylor just smirks and continues to keep his silence.

True enough when I arrive at Christasia I'm ushered into a chair by Franco. As he gets started on my hair I spot Lila and Tito arrive and my eyes immediately go to the white envelope.

"Not till your finished." Franco says.

I spend the afternoon being pampered, from hair, makeup and a mani-pedi and I look hot when I'm done. I wish now I was dressed to match my hair and make-up though!

"Clue." Lila says handing the white envelope over at last!

"You always look gorgeous, this much is true, but you might want an outfit to go with that hair-do." I read and once again it's vague, it's not a clue, it's a bloody riddle. "I need to get changed?"

"No you need to go somewhere." Taylor says and I roll my eyes, this could be anywhere! There's no direction, it's not specific, there's no rhyme involved.

"I don't know…" I sigh, this is a tough one too. "I mean, Neiman Marcus? Caroline Acton…" Taylor's lip twitches. "I need to go to Caroline Acton?" I ask and he nods.

"Oh and don't forget this!" Tito says and he hands over a photograph. I study it for a moment but then it all floods back to me, the warm air, the stunning views. It's a photograph of the caves from Luke and my hike in the Algarve in Portugal.

Taylor takes me and as we step out I notice it's starting to get dark! It's obviously dinner time now and my belly rumbles letting me know that too.

"Won't be long and you can get something to eat." Taylor smirks and I laugh, this has been the strangest day ever but I'm loving all the attention I must admit.

We pull up outside Caroline Acton's and I head straight inside. I'm confronted by both Caroline and Kylen, of course he'd be here too!

"Oh look at you all glammed up without an outfit." Kylen smirks and I giggle, I've guessed already I'm here for an outfit.

"There's a dress in the dressing room." Caroline smiles kindly. I nod and make my way through, this is getting weirder by the minute!

Caroline comes in to help me into the dress. It's stunning! A gold and nude coloured dress with this incredible vintage floral design, a glitzy belt and matching straps and it's fitted to the waist before flaring out in an incredible skirt that comes to my thighs and then a pair of glitzy silver sandals.

"Am I getting to know where I'm going yet?" I call out to the men waiting in the shop for me. Neither of them reply. I must be going somewhere, dressed like this!

I step out and find only Taylor remaining in the shop.

"Where's Kylen?" I query, thinking he would have wanted to be here.

"Said he had to go, he's left your clue and your gift on the chair." I pick up the gift first and find a cute little bracelet with a charm of two pinkie's together. Like a pinkie promise! Oh, that's so cute! Next the clue. Hopefully, this will tell me where I'm going, because I can't be running around Seattle dressed like this!

"Thank you for playing my game, my beautiful belle, now time to make your way to the Edgewater Hotel. I'll be waiting by the fire my love, I have something for you to see, come now, come quick I'm waiting, make your way over to me." I giggle, it's dripping with stinky cheese this one. "Edgewater hotel?" I look at Taylor and he gives a small nod.

"Have a great night Ana." Caroline smiles and I shrug before making my way back to the car. This is so weird. I read over the little poem again, it's so cute and romantic and not anything I'd ever have imagined from Luke. I don't think he's a natural lyricist that's for sure! I slip the charm bracelet onto my wrist and put all the other little gifts in the glove box as well as the clues. I don't think I need them and Taylor doesn't say anything but I want to keep them safe.

Arriving at the hotel I'm nervous. Taylor walks with me towards the door but then seems to back off as the door is opened for me to go in. It's busy but I immediately scan for Luke. I find the fireplace off to my left and my eyes meet with Luke's as he starts playing the guitar that's hanging around his shoulder. I smile and make my way awkwardly over to him, I'm aware people have turned to look but I only have eyes for Luke. He looks so dapper in a navy blue suit and tie and playing his guitar. It's sexy and amazing and I'm in awe.

"I'm gonna be here for you baby, I'll be a man of my word. Speak the language in a voice you have never heard…" Oh my goodness he's singing to me too! I bite my lip, absolutely melting and falling head over heels in love all over again. "I wanna sleep with you forever, and I want to die in your arms. In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm." He looks into my eyes, those dark gorgeous eyes hooked onto mine. His voice is shaking just a little, he's nervous and it's adorable.

"And I'm going to love you, like nobody loves you, and I'll earn your trust making memories of us." He smiles at me and I smile back, just in shock and awe.

"I wanna honour your mother, and I wanna learn from your pa. I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw. I wanna stand out in the crowd for you, a man among men, I wanna make your world better than it's ever been." Oh Luke you do, so much better I think to myself as I try not to cry at how incredible this is. "And I'm going to love you, like nobody loves you, and I'll earn your trust making memories of us." I feel so special and loved!

"We'll follow the rainbow, wherever the four winds blow, there'll be a new day, coming your way. I'm gonna be here for you from now on, this you know somehow, you've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now. And I'm going to make you a promise, if there's life after this, I'm going to be there to meet you with a warm wet kiss." Oh Luke, my Luke, my incredible and beautiful Luke who has made this day so memorable and special and beautiful. I feel so cherished right now. And I'm going to love you, like nobody loves you, and I'll earn your trust making memories of us. And I'm going to love you, like nobody loves you, and I'll earn your trust making memories of us."

He dances awkwardly as he plays the final part of the song and I want to reach for him but he swings his guitar around to his back and with a shy smile reaches into his pocket.

"Oh crap." I whisper as he drops to his knee in front of me. My hands fly to my mouth in complete shock, he's proposing!

"Anastasia Grey." He says, his voice shaking like crazy.

"Yes." I whisper making him chuckle.

"Let me ask first. I've got a speech and everything." He replies as he opens the box. "Ana, my beautiful Ana, you promised me and I promised you, that when the time was right, when we were ready, that I'd ask you to marry me and you'd say yes. So Ana… I'm ready. Will you Marry Me?"

"Yes." I say again, tears already spilling down my cheeks. "Yes, yes, yes." I say as he takes the ring out the box and takes my hand so he can slip it onto my finger.

The place erupts into cheers but before I can glance at our 'audience' look is pulling me into his arms. I hug him tight and he spins me gently around before I finally can kiss him.

"Yes, yes, yes." I say again and he laughs before kissing me once more. Yes I'm ready, I'm so ready for this.

"Whooo!" I turn and see Mia practically jumping up and down and that's when I realise that all the people here in the hotel lobby are our family! They're all here, they all saw that.

"Luke…" I have no words, he's amazed me so much today. The whole thing, the scavenger hunt, the proposal. "They all knew?"

"They knew." He says and I kiss him again, I can't help it.

"Right ladies and gentlemen if you'd like to make your way this way to the forest room please, the champagne is waiting." One of the people who work at the hotel calls. I look at Luke as our family make their way through, I'm in such awe, I don't know what to do with myself.

"I love you Ana, so much." He says taking my hand and kissing my ring. "I'm not saying let's get married tomorrow, I know we've got a busy few months ahead of us and it will be crazy, but when it's time, we're ready."

"I'm ready Luke." I tell him before kissing him again. "So ready."

"Let's go through before our family miss us." He chuckles and I allow him to lead me by the arm through to the forest room. Our family breaks out in applause as soon as we walk through the door and champagne is brought over to us. Luke kisses my head gently as our family quieten down.

"Ah so, let me say thank you so much all of you for being here with us and for being a part of this amazing evening." Luke says and I stay close to him. He has his arm around me and I around him and I don't want to move, it's amazing. "As you all figured she said yes." Our family cheers again and I smile. "So to all of you, thank you. And to Ana… my Ana, thank you." He raises his glass towards me and everyone raises it back unsure who the toast is actually for. We head into the room and start to mingle. I go to Ray and Marge first and the both take it in turns to hug me, Ray shaking Luke's hand and Marge hugging him as tight as she hugged me.

Then it's over to Grace and Carrick and Grace doesn't seem to want to let go of me when she hugs me!

"I'm so happy for you Ana, for both of you." She says.

"I know. Thank you Grace for being by my side through all of this." I tell her, because I also need her to know I'm still going to need her, she can't back off just because I'm engaged and getting married!

"Now let me see that ring." She says and I realise I haven't even looked at it yet!

It's incredible and so unique! Gorgeous flowers on either side of a single stunning diamond. Oh wow, it's amazing and I love it so much.

"He's got good taste." Grace mutters before she hugs me tight again.

Carrick eventually gets a hug too and he tells me how happy and proud he is. I want to cry by the time he's finished, everyone is being so wonderful. Then Carrie comes over with my babies and they all look so exhausted bless them, though India is very happy that Mommy and Daddy are getting married! Lois is here and Lynne too! I'm so blessed to have such amazing family in my life!

It takes forever to get around all our guests and my feet are hurting by the time we've mingled with everyone. Thankfully there is plenty of food around too so we get to nibble while we chat. Then we're asked by a photographer to step outside onto the balcony, it's black out there, the stars shining up in the night sky. We let them take all the photos he wants, being a press photographer who is he to then sell these pictures on for us, we do as he says knowing he needs to fetch the highest price. When he's done, Luke and I finally get a moment alone.

"I can't believe you dragged the entire family in to help." I chuckle as he wraps his arms around me from behind, I'm looking out onto the water, into the black horizon.

"Well, I thought you might need to know you had their blessing, every single one of them." He says quietly and I melt again, he's so romantic, on a whole new level of soppy romantic! "I asked each of them for permission to ask you to be my wife."

"You did?"

"Mhm, I went to your Dad first and Marge, then I asked Grace and Carrick. Then it was Gail and Taylor of course and then Mia, Elliot and Kate. Lila and Tito were hesitant and Kylen was a bit disappointed apparently as he thought I might bat for his team but overall they were all happy…" I can't believe this, how lucky I am to have found true love a second time. It's insane.

"Thank you." I say turning to face him. "For just being you."

"Thank you." He replies. "For trusting me."

"Always." I reply with a smile. "Luke you make me so happy. What we have…" I give a sad smile now. "It's different, completely different."

"I know." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "It's allowed to be."

"Do you wonder sometimes…"

"What?" He asks.

"If they were still here what life would be like?"

"Sometimes." He admits. "I think it's impossible not to when you shared your life with someone not to think about that." He muses and I nod, this is what I love, that we can talk like this about them, be honest about what they were to us.

"I don't want to call him my ex-husband." I say quietly.

"He isn't your ex-husband, he was your first husband."

"See I don't like that either because you don't come second to him Luke." I say quietly, I don't want to get upset or worked up about it but I think it's important that we both know where we stand.

"Then he was your husband, she was my wife. Past tense without putting a name on it any more than what it was. It doesn't matter Ana, it really doesn't." He says before kissing me. He's right, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter one bit anymore. They're not here.

"I love you." I say with a smile. "I can't wait to be your wife."

"I can't wait either, but we will wait a little while." He says making me chuckle, yeah we're not doing a Christian Grey and jumping head first into the I Do's.

"Come on, we need to get inside before they send a search party, we have another hour or so of mingling, then I've booked us the presidential suite upstairs."

"Suite?" I ask my eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yeah and I seem to recall that Today's the day."

"Oh Jesus Christ did you propose to me today because of that?" I ask my eyes wide with a mix of horror and amusement.

"No, not specifically but it works in our favour don't you think." He winks at me and I laugh as he leads me by the hand inside, yes Luke, we'll have sex for the first time in six weeks tonight!

My thumb rolls around the back of the ring absentmindedly. We've come so far. It's amazing to think how far we've actually come… how far I've come. I've been to hell and back and this incredible man by my side was instrumental in keeping me afloat when I thought I was drowning. But then the hard work was up to me, I had to find myself again, I had to rediscover who I was and what I was about and what I wanted from life. I think I've done that.

I'm Ana, a twenty-six-year-old singer living in Mercer Island, Washington. My net worth is in the tens of billions, because I have two large companies. I am a mother of four children under four. My babies, India, Hannah, James and Kolby.

I'm a daughter, a daughter to Three non-biological parents who love me as if they'd had me since birth regardless. And I love my parents, Grace, Carrick and Ray and they mean the whole world to me, each of them, and I can't imagine my life without them.

I have crazy siblings whom I adore and friends that mean more to me than life itself.

Little over two years ago, my life came crashing down when my husband, the love of my life and my entire world died. I entered hell. But by the grace of God, these people, these amazing, selfless, human beings that I'm lucky to call my family and friends helped bring me back to life and bless me with so much light and happiness that the darkness ceased to exist.

I'm Ana. I'm fifty shades of fucked-up. But I'm happier than I've ever been.