Chapter 4:Meeting the Red Hot Habanero, AKA:Kasen

I Don't Own Naruto

1 Day Later

Naruto slowly started to stir. His sense were picking up smell of medicine machines beeping and horrible food that is hospital food. He try to sit up just to feel someone on his chest holding him down. His eyes look down to see a beautiful women. He didn't know who it was but he didn't dare move to risk waking her up. He could only think that she was like a angel. She had silky red hair that went down to her back even if her body was hung down her head on his chest. She had nice silky skin that glowed to him. After a couple of minutes to admire the women beauty he still couldn't think of who this woman was, his thought drifted to the fight he had with Shukaku. He heard a angletic voice before sumbcumming to sleep.
Thinking of his teammates he hoped that they were okay but he got curious in how sakura alive when he saw her get crush right in front of him. The woman on top of him begging to stir which brought him back to the room. The woman sat up slowly yawning and stretching her arms. Then she look around her eyes fell onto two ocean blue eyes that she could get lost in staring at her. Her face seemed to brighten up to see him awake without realizing she jumped at him and tackled him. Hugging him to oblivion.
"Naruto-kun you're awake dabytanne".
Naruto hearing that same voice he heard before passing out wondered who this woman was, he then realized he was having trouble breathing, he choke out " can't breathe". She slowly started to release him apologizing he just sat back up looking at her with curious eyes.
"Excuse me do i know you i've never seen you before". She dusted her clothes off and looked at him. He notice she was trying to find some words to say but before she could answer the door to the room opened up. The first two people he notice were to people he never seen before but recognized them as the first and second hokages the ones who founded the village. Then he notice who came in behind them and he wanted to get some answers he knew his jiji-chan could answer them.
He waited till the three hokage where at end of his bed when his jiji spoke up.
"Naruto glad you're awake how are you feeling"
"Im fine thank you, you know I heal fast, but what the hell is going on the last thing I remember is beating gaara with jutsu that I never even seen or read about? Also how is sasuke and sakura? Who is this woman and how are the first and second hokage alive"?!
Sarutobi sighed this was gonna be hard to explain everything. "Well to start your teammates are fine they are resting down the hall after were done here you can go see them if you like. Next is yes you beat gaara, for the jutsu you used well I need you to do something. Harashima checked and it seems like you have chakra flowing through your eyes we need you to push more chakra into your eyes". Naruto nodded and close his eyes and focused his charka there. He opened them to see a smirks on the hokage's faces and a stunned expression on the women's.
"Just as I thought you kid are special to have those eyes I see now you can use mokuton and how we are brought back to living", Harashirama said.
"What do you mean hokage-sama what's wrong with my eyes I can see chakra flowing through all of you here what the hell is going on!" screamed naruto.
"Hokage-sama is that what I think it is" Kushina said in between gasp trying to come herself down.
"The hokages had to stifle a laugh at her shock expression. "Yes kushina that is the rinnegan the legendary doujutsu said to be held only by the SO6P". This got gasps from Naruto and Kushina. Naruto was shocked not that he had a doujutsu this legendary, but that he felt like he was feeling new information coming to him like he knew them all along.
"I see these eyes are where I got the jutsu I used. They keep giving me more and more its a headache ya know". Everyone else in the room burst out laughing at his verbal tic he had. Naruto just crossed his arms with an annoyed expression on his face waiting for them all to calm down. Once he sees them recompose themselves.
"You still haven't answered all my question jiji". Sarbatori giggle a little more seeing Naruto face. Jji simply smiled and said "Well to answer the last two will be more of a assumption we have. We need your help to see if our guess is right. During my fight Orochimaru used a jutsu that brings a dead soul back to this world and he used it on four first three were the first and second and Mitiko hearing that name naruto perked up a bit.
"Mitiko-chan….. alive?" naruto practically said jumping out of his bed because mitiko was one of the only people that treated him well when he was a kid. She bought him food and took care of him, but when she died he was heart broken.
"Yes she is she's down the hall checking up on her son" as the words left his lips the door opened up to see mitiko walking in.
"Mitiko-chan I cant believe your here I missed you". She look at how happy he was and smiled back. She just stared at him and notice how much he had grown since last time she saw him and couldn't deny that he looked like a handsome young man.
"I been better naruto-kun its really good to see you. You look very handsome you're not that young boy that I used to know" mitiko said in a more of a sexual voice. Naruto noticed this and couldn't help but to blush. He failed to notice the glare that the redhead sent Mitiko. Mitiko chuckled at the flustered look of naruto at her comment. She liked the feeling she got when teasing him ever since he was a boy.
"Well you two can catch up later naruto-kun we need to finish this up. We have some things to do so we can't be here all day". Naruto nodded for him to continue. "Well like I said we received four people the four others in this room near the end of battle I was holding on by a thread. But then a green light enveloped the bodies of these fours, when the light faded they were alive. The question I wanted to ask is "did you use any jutsu that could bring people back you said that jutsu came to you so any of them that can explain this". Sarbatori saw naruto thinking and waited for his answer.
Naruto then just thought of the final moments when he wanted Sakura to be alive more than anything in the world. "Yeah near the end of the battle me and gaara were both extremely hurt and I thought that i would give anything to see sakura again and a jutsu pop in my head and i used it just out of a feeling that I would see her again if I used it. It was called Gedo Rinne Tensei no jutsu. Harashima nodded towards Sarbatori that he will take the next part. "Well it seems this jutsu can revived the dead that are recently dead so it revived her and everyone else who died recently but since our souls were bound to the earth I think it affected us too that best theory I have". All the others in the room nodded their heads agreed that this what most likely happen.
"Okay now for your final question I think this will be the hardest for you to accept naruto-kun". Naruto notice the redhead's posture stiffen and had a worried look on her face. He didn't like that. He only saw her smile once and it was one of the greatest things he ever seen. So when she had a worried and sad look he just got more curious in who this woman was, would the answer be to hard for him to accept. After all that he had just learn. He was brought out of his thoughts by Sarbatori sighing.
"Naruto this is Kushina Uzumaki she died the night of the Kyuubi attack the day you were born". Naruto was shocked another Uzumaki. He didn't say a word and let his jiji continue. "Well Naruto this is your mother" he said as he couldn't find any other way to tell his adoptive grandson who she was. Kushina looked at the shocked face of Naruto waiting for him to respond. As the minutes pass her heart was in so much pain because Naruto wouldn't even say one word, she was fearful that he might hate her.
Naruto however was in deep thought he realized that this was the biggest thing he had ever been told. This woman next to him was his mother. Now he realized that his parents never abandoned him they died well at least he knew now that his mother couldn't take it the realization hit him he finally got to meet his mother. His eyes started to tear up. He threw himself towards his kasen and his crying turned into a full blown break down crying into her embrace as she wrapped her arms around him. He choked out a very muffled Kasen I can't believe i finally get to meet you. Kushina just sat there worried that her naruto-kun would hate her but then he hugged her and her heart started to beat faster and faster as she started to sooth him. When she heard him say "Kasen" she broke down as well and tears of happiness started to come to her eyes.

Well hope you like that one next is him getting training in his new abilities and a little romance begins. I'm going back and re editeding my first chapters to make them flow better and grammar of course hope it helps.