Reviews for Catalyst
Mack chapter 75 . 7/4/2018
This is shit. No way Joss and John would be in this Walker BS, and raping her please. His a as would have died in the 1st part. This was demeaning to both characters and POI
Mirandaannw chapter 75 . 6/27/2018
I just finished reading this and holy crap it was good
SeregaKR chapter 46 . 12/13/2017
But overall the story is not bad. I read the first half with interest
SeregaKR chapter 45 . 12/13/2017
The beginning was great but then story lost dynamics and by chapter 45 it became relationship drama
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 75 . 10/25/2017
So... wow. I've spent the last few days reading this epic, and I have to say I love it. It was a complicated storyline and you tackled some difficult themes but you did amazing job with it, and by the end all those little incidents that happened early on had been linked in and wrapped up well. You made both John and Joss tough and vulnerable at the same time, which was perfect, and I also liked what you did with Sam as the mediator in their relationship. Poor Sam gets a bad deal in fanfic although I really like her. I haven't seen anything with either set of your crossover characters in it, but that didn't matter as it was all blended well and past events explained properly without being annoying.
Think I need a few days breather and then I'll start your follow up epic. Looking forward to it.
Rania760 chapter 75 . 7/21/2017
what a breathing book! Analyzing characters, backstories of then, deeping feelings until you get under the skin of them. This is somptuous, stuning, shining..
The actions are believable and hard , difficult to sustain sometimes. And tha love between John and Josh, no default , each one for each other, always,. I often cry for then, especially for John xho is strong but tender.
Ypu are an inredible writer and I thank you from the bottom of my herat for this wonder ful novel. Kisses
Rania760 chapter 35 . 7/19/2017
Strong wonderful half book. I enjoy this adventure that is hard for Josh but you write just adequate words. John always here in good time to save Josh's life and care for her. I keep reading the following half book. You are stuning, shining writer. Kisses
sheilashaw62yah chapter 75 . 3/4/2017
I really liked this novel. I couldn't stop reading it. I loved the way you blended SUV into POi. That was really clever I am going to start reading Redemption now.
sheilashaw62yah chapter 47 . 3/2/2017
Please send me the alternate chapter to wild angel. I love catalyst. I think it's chapter 42. Thank you.
xhiris chapter 75 . 10/23/2016
Very engaging! Thanks for writing this.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 20 . 7/11/2016
It's nice seeing Bear get a chance to shine. In these circumstances, he's the only thing that let John find Carter, and it seems likely that he'll be the linchpin in the upcoming fight somehow.
dizzy78 chapter 75 . 6/20/2016
Loved it. Now I'm off to read the sequel
Imagination-On-The-Loose chapter 75 . 3/23/2016
I know I am quite late to the party. I just finished watching season three of POI last week. I refused to let go of the characters which is how I ended up here. What an amazing story. To refer to this as a novel is very apt because the amount of thought, character development and plot flow is amazing. You captured each of these characters so well using their own voices but ultimately making them uniquely yours. I'm beyond happy I was able to find your novel and have the opportunity to read it. I look forward to reading your other pieces!
Zanza Flux chapter 75 . 2/1/2015
This story was really good. I'm glad I came across it. I was glued to this story from start to finish. So much action and character development for everyone. I loved it. I especially loved the relationship you developed between Taylor and John. Very few writers go into how Taylor feels about all of this.

The only thing that I felt a little uncomfortable with was the way Paul Carter was handled. Maybe it's just me, but it felt like you tried really hard to make him the bad guy. I got the emotional abuse and how his anger caused their marriage to fall apart. Still he didn't have to be the bad guy just to show how much John really loved Joss. I guess I'm speaking from personal experience. My parents were better friends when they were apart then they were together. I didn't find out why they split up until I was older. They still remained friends even after they both found someone they loved.
J2CaReese chapter 75 . 1/24/2015
Excellent fics. You are truly an excellent author of thriller. It hurts to see John and Joss suffer so much (especially Joss is almost unbearable) but the strength and depth of their love is wonderful and extraordinary.
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