Reviews for Snap
Pokeloid chapter 10 . 5/2/2015
I got an idea for a one shot. It's in a school setting where Yuri is in class, Raven is the teacher (Yuri can call him Old Man), and Estelle is the new girl that comes to Yuri's class. That's the only idea I have, bye!
Pokeloid chapter 4 . 4/17/2015
Awesome! I really like these little one shots! I like how Cooks in the Kitchen takes place 4 years after the game (it's beacause that Karol IS 16 years old and he was 12 in the game right?). I just love how you write each characters traits and their reaction and thoughts! Keep it up!
feathered moon wings chapter 9 . 9/14/2014
Fudging Sodia...
Jewel Song chapter 8 . 3/3/2014
Yuri x Estelle is my favorite! I quite like how you've characterized both here! :)
agarfinkel chapter 7 . 1/3/2014
I also do not like going on planes. What I especially hate about them is the turbulence part, since the violent moments make you feel like you're falling. I even end up gripping the seat like my life depends on it.
Book Light chapter 7 . 1/2/2014
Whyyy. Whyyy so adorable? HUHU AU Yustelle is also adorable. Be still my fan girl heart

Lovely chapter!
Book Light chapter 6 . 1/2/2014
I love Yuri. I love Estelle. I love them in this story. I love this chapter (so warm and at ease). I love you ; w ;
LittleWhiteTie chapter 6 . 12/19/2013
Amazing! I absolutely loved this chapter. You write Yuri and Estelle so well! I also thought your way of handling the prompt for Chapter 3 was really well done. Keep up the great work!
feathered moon wings chapter 6 . 11/15/2013
Awwwwwww. That's so sweet! And so funny haha 'Fancy meeting you here' haha.
Oh Yuri... 'He practicly said 'You should'ev seen the other guy' hahaha

It was verry good, but I'm a bit lazy with this last chapter so... that's that (:

God, how I loved them. Par de tortolos haha.
feathered moon wings chapter 5 . 11/15/2013
Weeeeeell... I can honestly say Ive never read a fic with a paring (That I presume is no longer a pairing because that would be of two) of three... kinda scary I must say.

But all in al it was nice (: not what I'm used to read but nice.
In spanish I would say the where unos picarones hahaha.
feathered moon wings chapter 4 . 11/15/2013

Now THAT my friend must've be preatty traumatizing, wouldn't you say?
God, poor kid (He's sixteen really? Looks like a ten or nine year old if you ask me)

It sounded like they where pretty into it. Well, something he has learned for sure, every thing we decide to do in like has it's risks... even making youself a sandwich
feathered moon wings chapter 3 . 11/15/2013
GOD NO. ),: Imma cry so hard ),:
And and and she wasnt HER but Raven didn't KNOW that and he wanted to cry and Estelle cryed and and she didn't say nothing and and and andand... AND CASEY IS NO LONGER ALIVE and Raven's old and alone and he shou've died A LONG time ago...


Yeah, nice chapter.
feathered moon wings chapter 2 . 11/15/2013
Sweeeet God o-o
I have so many soft spots for them!

I just reallised something. The way you can make chapters so long and so small, the best part is that the small ones contain as much emotion as the larger ones. Thats good, it mans you have ability in many fields and not just one thing.

I liked it all. From how she sleeps comftarbly even with Raven there to how he looks after her. Damn sweet I say! Though I've provaly said that too many times already...
feathered moon wings chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
I loved the way you descrived the way things where for him, how he saw them, that was quite interesting (:
And so sweet how he thought of little Flynn ( It's flynn right?)
But the best was when he saw Yuri.
burningmetal chapter 6 . 11/11/2013
This is sweet. Can we have some Karol and Nan? Or even Judith and Tort?
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