
Disclaimer: No.

Summary: A collection of short one-shots based almost solely upon requests. Multiple characters, pairings, and alternate universes.

AN: So this is a series of short fics that I like to write at work when I'm bored out of my skull. They'll contain multiple characters, multiple pairings, and in fact you're more than welcome to make a request yourself. Whether it's in a PM, a review, or an ask on tumblr (sword-and-stars), I really don't mind! I'll post them as I write them.

Yuri is a ghost.

Yuri Lowell is a figment, a flicker.

He's a cluster of ideas and ideals, built off the needs of others and those who can't see. He's a spirit built by centuries of blindness. He's traveled the world and found it lacking.

He doesn't know what made him this way, if anything. All he knows is that he is, and the world is dull. Dull and vicious.

Yuri can touch but why would he want to? It's not like he can do anything but watch and remember. He knows that when people can feel him, he's cold and unpleasant. He'd be resentful but they can't help it.

The world is very, very blind.

He can't even really regret; people do it to themselves.

At least he thinks so until a little boy with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes slips into the river and Yuri only steps forward because he's so young, practically a baby, and doesn't deserve death yet.

He grips the child by the hand and hauls him back up into dry land, and everyone thinks it's a miracle.

At least until the boy looks directly at Yuri, beams, and asks for his name.

AN2: Thank you very much for reading! Again, you're more than welcome to shoot me a request; if I like it, I'll write it!