Reviews for I Swear This Time I Mean It
somethingthatismine chapter 18 . 9/19/2018
one of the more relatable stories i've read. kudos!
laralikestoread chapter 19 . 1/17/2016
I devoured this story in one sitting! Probs to you, this is really eloquently written and has a solid plot. I expecially liked the little quirks you threw in there like becas 'Ireland wins but krum catches the snitch' bet (you won my heart with that one).I look forward to reading more of your work and hope you might see this or even pick up the virtual pen (or quill to make a HP reference myself) more than 2 years later.
ItsBananas chapter 2 . 11/25/2015
"The Land of Passive-Aggressiva"! Is this a Grey's Anatomy reference I'm sensing? Sorry I can't help getting so excited about it, I love Addison Montgomery, the queen of said land :P
malexfaith chapter 19 . 6/22/2015
Been a great adventure. Awesome detail on both past and present.. You covered so much in thie story. Thanks heaps for sharing
Biggiewoods chapter 18 . 5/6/2014
Good but sometimes a bit wordy.
Ragnarok Dawn chapter 18 . 3/26/2014
This was incredible.

These types of in-depth AUs tend to have certain thematic issues that trouble me, or aren't well thought out enough, or just don't capture the pure magic of the characters as they're presented in the movie. You didn't fall into any of those traps. This was so well thought out, and your characterization was spot on while still making the characters your own.

Love it, and I look forward to more from you!
Insane Magician chapter 18 . 3/16/2014
Hmmmm, nice touch, though still leaving so much open for a sequel, even more; considering Chloe has to finish medical school and things would get more intense and all, they have plenty more to deal with
Insane Magician chapter 17 . 3/16/2014
Ahhhh, much better!
The resolution of conflict was quite nicely done
Congrats, totally favoring this story
Insane Magician chapter 16 . 3/16/2014
All the mixes, all the lyrics, all the pages she wrote about her feelings, is about to come to it's rightful owner
I suspected foul play since you mentioned a catholic school, but it's still bitter to see the kind of role it played
It feels like closure is approaching, and it only leaves an ache of sorts
Insane Magician chapter 15 . 3/16/2014
Why? Just, why?!
What could she possibly gain from just coming the next day and saying it couldn't continue?
I just don't get Beca and doing that; of course, the other time with her parents divorce and all that stuff, but what could possibly have happened now?
Insane Magician chapter 14 . 3/15/2014
Oh good, and here I was, worrying over it
Yeah, with Aubrey's last comment, it feels obvious that they should have spoken more about it

Why did they spend 4 years or so without talking?
I liked the way you make Beca obsess with time so much, narrowing it down so much that it's amazing
Insane Magician chapter 13 . 3/15/2014
It feels . . . anticlimactic
Not that Chloe needed to bring it all up but, somehow, for all the sadness that had gone on, there isn't enough feeling to compensate for it
Be more specific? Like, how neither thought that tongue was needed or something along those lines . . .
Insane Magician chapter 12 . 3/15/2014
I totally agree with Beca: did she just get cockblocked by the president of the free nation?
Wait! If she actually wants something to happen, why isn't she taking he first step? After all, since she screwed up, why can't she assume it, man up and admit to everything and just get her very own happy ending?
Human stupidity is so infuriating!
Insane Magician chapter 11 . 3/15/2014
Aw man, this is just too messed up!
Meaning, it's all too real for me to be comfortable with, but we're getting there! At least, we're getting there, to the crucial point in which Beca does something incredibly stupid
Insane Magician chapter 10 . 3/15/2014
This had little present, and more past, but good
Why must hints be this hard? Why can't we human just possess telepathic abilities to convey more empathy than thoughts?
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