Reviews for On the Hot Line
PandaHat97 chapter 1 . 9/1/2014
Oh my 0/0
This was fantastic! So hot!
OnlyDarknessAwaits1369 chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
That was umm...weird..
Their lines were hot and steamy but the using of the remote was a bit.. umm, how should I say this? Freaky? I dnt know... I just dnt really knw how to describe it.
But please dnt take it wrongly, it was good.. Thanks for this, definitely a Like..
Hazukashit chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
IS2G You're really amazing goddammit I'm reading this early in the morning and it's just amazing. The phone sex, I mean, fuck, I don't know what word should Idescribe it.
InsaneMudkip chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
Usually I hate song fics but this, I really liked this one. Make another :D
kyuumihaira chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Hott! *drools and faints*
bubble-chan93 chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
Ichigo you have soiled your remote. And Grimm you just awesome!
Akimi Youngblood chapter 1 . 8/26/2013
My favorite paring and one of my favorite songs all rolled up into one. I was singing to myself while reading the entire time lol
Magi Aladdin chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
I had to put my phone down a couple times before i could finish this lol
Patd06 chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
OMG, I love this song like so much, you have no idea! XD *blushes* sorry, fangirl moment...this was soooo hot! And like I said, I love this song; like when I saw the title, I immediately started singing out loud like a moron...great story:)
Voluptuous chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
That was so good! your really good at writing sex! I want to read more. :P And i was actually laughing at the remote part... :PI found it really funny for some reason. Thanks!
Missy QueenBee chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
That was sexy. I liked it, awesome for a one shot!