Reviews for folk music
FairyLetters chapter 1 . 5/15
Perfect. That's all this story is.
Lady Meropa chapter 1 . 7/22/2019
Rage doth burn and it does burn sweet.
HeyJoe0929 chapter 1 . 3/15/2019
God, the angst! Love it! Which this was a multi-chap fix.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
I didn't know I need this piece until I read it.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
I swear to god, even though I try everything I could to block that Daastan Go person, they pop up every Sakura fic I go. I guess they only hunt for fics about Sakura to tear them down. I don't know if you still read reviews but do not let that person get to you. They are a notorious Sakura hater and avid Sasuke fan, who always comments negatively on SasuSaku fics and recently have touched even fics about other Sakura pairings. Not to mention they often write a caricature of Sakura's character in their stories. Pay them no mind, they're an asshole after all.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
don’t listen to this daastan go dude u_u your fic was beautiful and yes whatever sakura has flaws but that’s GREAT i love her and she’s so unapologetic in this one and i liked that
Daastan Go chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
Saw this on Reddit-Recommendations: Fairly petulant and comical in hindsight, and you're not subtle about it at all. I've got no idea how fans of Sakura ardently believe in the notion that Sasuke (or anyone else for that matter) owed Sakura anything at all. It's the height of absurdity. Everything Sakura went through was a self-inflicted misery—every single thing.

She chose to chase after Sasuke, and she chose to attack him, not once but twice. A better decision, in your kindest opinion, would have been (for Sasuke) to lay his neck down by her feet—or something? This mindset makes no sense to me. It's just juvenile. Sasuke's quest was perfectly noble (yes, avenging your fallen kin is a noble quest in many cultures—might not be in yours, so try and take cultural nuances into consideration as well) that was isolated to his own life that he was willing to sacrifice—if that isn't selfless, then I don't know what is, or only western “higher emotions” are of selfless nature? Why should Sakura be any part of his quest? Is he under some moral obligation to indulge a girl who pines for him?

No offense, but on the battlefield, Sasuke had every right to take Sakura down when she made any movement to attack him. That's how military combat works. She's in the military, for Lord's sake, and is taking part in random incursions and instigation on her Village's behalf. On the battlefield, for the opposing party, she's fair game, just like Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, or anyone else is. And, frankly, what's with this tendency to make a 'tragic heroine' out of Sakura? Her life was very normal. Naruto didn't owe her anything, nor did Kakashi. Yes, I do agree that the latter should've trained her, but, beyond that (when she became a Chūnin as he was, canonically, not responsible for her growth anymore), he had no responsibility to her.

Sasuke mostly trained himself as Orochimaru didn't even know anything about his Raiton-techniques. This shows how incompetent Sakura truly is (even as a medic-nin) as she didn't invent anything in a span of three years and barely managed to learn a single tech Tsunade had taught her. Then you have these notions of 'validations.' Why should she receive them? Why should anyone receive them without a cause? What has she done in the field of Medic-Ninjutsu for that to occur? When she did something good, everyone (rightfully) praised her (Kankurō's healing, antidote for Sasori's poison and the use of Medic-Nijutsu on the battle-field, catching White-Zetsu, etc.). Do you think she should be, for no apparent reason at all, validated all the time for doing nothing interesting or spectacular in particular?

Just answer me this: who asked Sakura to chase after Sasuke? Who asked her to go at Sasuke with an intent to kill, with a poisoned kunai in her hand? Who asked her to take on such a quest? 'But she's so kind and so, so sweet' isn't an answer, which seems to be a tumorous and recurrent theme amongst these clone-stories; as I said, every Shinobi on the battlefield has a right to defend his or hers life. Sasuke had that right, and so did everyone else. Therefore, this angst-fest makes little to no sense to me.

Your profile tells me that you're heart-broken that Sasuke didn't love her (because SasuSaku is your OTP or some shit), but pray tell, was he morally obliged to return her advances—to apologize in the light of the aforementioned factors? Not at all. Sakura also supports a village that's directly responsible for every single (major and many minor) conflict (genocides, mindless slaughters, destabilizations of poor villages, cross-border terrorism, random incursions, and the list is a long one) in the manga. Why do you believe her to be so innocent, and sweet, and kind? I don’t see you addressing this elephant in the room: if she supports it, then she’s equally complicit.

Thankfully, the one saving-grave of your story was the prose, which is the only reason I read it till the end. It isn't bad; in fact, it's fairly competent and clear. Can't say I didn't find the fact that “Sasuke was so slow that he couldn't grab hold of her hand” thing silly when she struck him, but given the rest of the preachy and childishly girly material, this was a rather small matter in my eyes.

And, kindly, stop wearing a garb of characters (Sakura in this case) in the stories you pen. Show Sakura an angry, jilted, and would-be lover (who's forever hopeful) all you want, but stay detached from your character, because that's what mature grown-ups do. Get out of your 'tween-phase;' it isn’t a good look.
Ob Inc chapter 1 . 4/21/2018
Just yes, most authors paint her as all too forgiving to follow the canon but this, this is amazing. Thank you.
sheyul chapter 1 . 4/4/2018
ugh. i felt everything! thank you for sharing this!
aslooneyastheyget chapter 1 . 12/4/2017
Reading this is so fulfilling. Finally, someone does some much needed justice to Sakura's character.
NineStoicCrayolas chapter 1 . 9/28/2017
I agree so badly.
Annarova chapter 1 . 7/31/2017
Ah, the anger. I love it. It's beautifully portrayed and I feel that this is more like Sakura than the actual canon. (Lost housewife, really? Weak fan girl? Fk you kishi.)
Thank you for the great read.
orlha chapter 1 . 6/19/2017
I love this. I so wish to see angry Sakura. Everyone thinks that the woman needs to forgive and be compassionate, and like her opinions don't matter. No one talks about how much her healing saved people or the impact she made. Only Naruto or Kakashi or even Sasuke.
CalicoRunrun chapter 1 . 5/26/2017
You brought justice to Sakura's character and pointed out the absurdity, and discontent just stirring underneath this whole story. Personally, I feel Sakura takes so much shit and never ever gets the recognition, dignity or the rightful expression she should've. The way Sasuke has treated her alone induces wraith and hidden rage. I love how you wrote this and how she just said fuck it. Deserted. lol
Always feeling like the 3rd wheel...

Tsunade knows how fucked life is...that's why she drinks. ;p

This is a rare fic.

Naruto...I'm ambivalent about his character. There's so much hypocrisy and veneer w/ his persona. He seems like the go to guy, excellent smile, vivacious and so perfect, but he isn't. He brushes off pivotal shit...especially when it comes to Sasuke. Anything Sasuke does is misunderstood and golden. The ultimate bro code. He doesn't want Sakura to truly interfere and wants reality to be as he sees it. Everyone gravitates around him and he's the ultimate spin king and pseudo savior w/ his talk-no-jutsu b.s. He's patronising as fuck, sometimes. You can see how he talks about Tsunade before she steps down...complaining about her. Like how disrespectful. This is the guy that's supposedly loves Sakura, but when it comes to Sasuke...slap a bandaid on it. He expects her to just accept... as if Team 7 was never broken...(Other times I'm like did it ever really exist) Like Sasuke never harmed or psychologically fucker her up. I normally like Sakura w/ Naruto, relationship wise if she's going to be w/ anyone, but...he really doesn't care sometimes.
He knows her best and just...~breaks shit~

Kakashi...was just indifferent and apathetic to Sakura. Apathetic to life in general and probably saw very little worth in training her. A genin from a civilian family w/ no bloodline technique or anything worth their salt or his brainer. The ghost of Rin lingers...

Sasuke...This muther****er... I wish he would've died. HE surely should've paid for his crimes. Him and his whole damn clan were unhinged, unremorseful, and think their superior, than thou. (I kinda felt for Obito...)Even in the end he still gives no fucks and the stupid ass author has the nerve to MARRY him and Sakura. The most toxic, misogynistic, and depressing relationship I'd ever seen in an anime. This hurt my heart.
There truly is no justice in the Naruto-verse. It doesn't exist. I thought about that for a while and almost cried. He's just forgiven and never even EArnED it!
MorgannaLeFae chapter 1 . 9/26/2016
God, I love this. I felt it in my teeth.
This is full of girl anger: the kind that gets sublimated under sugar sweet smiles and a lifetime of being told that you don't matter the way other people (read: boys) matter. The older I get, the more Sakura's character arc (or lack thereof) makes me furious. "Naruto" is a story about teamwork, about working together and believing in each other and ourselves! Fuck that, it ended up being a story about two boys (again) with great destinies (again), who break the world because they were raised to believe they had the right to it.
Lovely and furious, I'd have rather had this ending any day.
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