Reviews for Fragment
Lady Arreya chapter 1 . 6/23/2018
This story is absolutely brilliant, and I enjoyed it very much. You have inspired me to write my own AU “Shattered” story.

My favorite parts:

“Pulling Harry into her compliment”

“‘At ease, Harry.’”

“‘Make it worth my while?’”

“Utter familiarity met utter newness”

(Also, I did not get the “complementary base pairs” joke until I re-read the transcript for the episode. Hahahaha!)

Thank you for sharing!
jamelia116 chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
I loved the episode Shattered. Love this take on it, too. I'm glad I found this Paris-Torres Archive! Its something I've needed to find for quite a while! Thanks for writing this, Delwin (and thanks for all the reviews you've been sending me, too).-jamelia
skadoo chapter 1 . 8/15/2013
Can't believe I forgot to leave a review before. This was nice and left me wanting more
Theresa chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
So sweet! I love it!
Photogirl1890 chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
Really excellent short piece. For some reason, I used to avoid reading anything this short. I think I thought something this short wouldn't have any substance. I have been proved very wrong on that front with the shorter stories I have read in the last few weeks, including this one.

Great observations such as "We both had some growing up to do."

"she realized again how lucky they had been. Were. Would be." - like the different tenses

I like how you included Harry and how nervous he was!
beautyofsorrow chapter 1 . 6/9/2013
My eyes are suspiciously wet right now.

I haven't read much Trek fiction lately. Not enough time, desire, or willpower to plug through the mediocre stuff or enough patience to stick with the better quality epics, and honestly I was beginning to think I'd lost my interest in Voyager fic.

I tell you all of this so you'll know what a big deal it is that I read your story through to the end, and delighted in every word of it. I've become super picky with the fics I read (re: time, patience, stickler for grammar and *writing*), and I must confess that I was a little skeptical upon opening this piece. There's not near enough quality P/T out there.

But this... my goodness, you hooked me from the start and reeled me in like a helpless wriggling trout. I haven't watched Voyager in months, but this story brought all my P/T love flooding to the surface, and I may or may not have grinned like an idiot the whole way through this story. I so wish there was more to it, but at the same time, it's the perfect length and I wouldn't dare ask for more. It is perfectly *them* - teasing, smirking, poignant, and more than a touch sexy - and I applaud you for producing such a marvelous piece for these two.

Thank you for sharing. Definitely going on my favorites.
CrlkSeasons chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
"this was not yet her Tom ... but he would be." and "Play the game, Torres."
Nicely played, moving back and forth, matching what was with what will be and back again.
point-blank47 chapter 1 . 5/16/2013
HAd to nip over to Memory Alpha to remind myself of "Shattered" (all my Trek videos are in storage :-( ), but I really like what you've done here: everything that's said and unsaid, and the newness and the oldness of it, and ... I'm blathering because I really can't get the words together to tell you how much I appreciate this!
Terina00 chapter 1 . 5/14/2013
Very cute!
pinky71103 chapter 1 . 5/13/2013
Loved it! Subtle and sexy at the same time.
Clare-Louise89 chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Loved it :) always wanted more p/t in that episode xxx
Alpha Flyer chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Loved it. Especially your observations about the changes in Tom' s face over the first couple of seasons. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who saw it - few people give Robbie McNeill credit for that consistency as he played out a brilliant character arc, often despite the show's writers. Thank you for this.
tayababy chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Ok, so that was fun. I love 'Shattered' tags, just haven't had the inspiration to write one. You did well :)
mabb5 chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Nicely done. Please write more.