Reviews for In The East My Pleasure Lies
Marilyn chapter 3 . 3/27/2018
You make it so easy to develop a certain fondness for the characters you write, and I love how you develop the plots of your stories and make everything fall into place, I find satisfaction in that. You really keep us on our toes as well, I find myself trying to prepare for a sudden plot twist to take place since I’ve read through most of your stories, but when it does, it still throws me off completely.
I never would have expected that Gupta could have been interested in getting in on the goods, I thought he may have posed an obstacle to their plan instead, but as they say, you need to watch out for the quiet ones.
Diurnal Days chapter 3 . 1/30/2016
Wow. Just wow. That was amazing. :)
I love how this actually feels like it takes place in the 1930s. You have a talent for writing historical fiction that feels genuine, and I love that.
Also, your descriptions are as vivid as always. Several times, I felt like I wanted to draw out the scene to capture the almost painterly feel that the description possessed.
Gupta's a funny character. Funny as in strange, not laugh-inducing, mind. He seems like a decent person, yet he also seems to have some secrets that neither Arthur nor Alfred are aware of. He's just a one-off background character, I guess, but he really did make me wonder if there was more to him than meets the eye.
I guess that Arthur and Alfred have been dicks to each other repeatedly, but that doesn't stop me from hoping that their romance will progress over the years (or stories, if you choose to write out more of their adventures). While it is kind of jerk-ish to leave someone handcuffed to a radiator (and probably naked) in a hotel, throwing someone's clothes out of the window of a moving train isn't necessarily any better. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, I guess. (I still want Alfred and Arthur to settle down somewhere together when they're older, though. And maybe adopt a child. Geez, now I'm getting into USUK-sap mode...)
To be honest, I feel like this story has some of your better characterizations. Your characterizations are intricate and spot-on normally, but the characters of Alfred, Arthur, and Gupta are solid yet mysterious. They have set personalities that aren't too unpredictable, yet they seem to have a lot of different, subtle traits that affect how they act. Not once in this story did I double back and wonder, "Why the heck did they react that way?" or think "I really doubt that they would've done that in that situation, from what I know about them.". I rarely ask those questions when I read your fics, but I find that characterizations are sloppy, or at least a bit-one-dimensional, in most fanfiction. Thankfully, I didn't encounter that problem at all in this fic. I was constantly intruiged by the story's main leads.
Aw, Alfred, you sap. Keeping a green Stuart ring with you because it reminded you of Arthur's eyes. 3
Unfortunately, it is true that a lot of artifacts end up going through the black market several times during their lifetime. A lot of the more expensive artifacts in museums were actually stolen and not legally removed from their original environments. To the trained eye, it's not too hard to spot signs that an artifact was stolen at some point during its lifetime, or at least damaged quite a lot by something. And artifacts in private collections can be stolen or lost, leading to their eventual reappearance in the black market. It's kind of sad, in my opinion, but that's how things are at the moment.
Lastly, I've met a few collectors of artifacts and art before, and I would say that there is an element of truth to Sadiq's character. Most collectors do know something about the artifacts they possess, but they usually obtain those objects of value from black markets, grave robbers, or other not-very-legal outlets. Most, and probably close to all collectors are rich people who keep valuable treasures in their households or, yes, in trinket cabinets as decorations. They do lend their objects to museums on occasion (or even give those objects to them as gifts), but most keep their treasures as trophies to show that they're rich enough to buy expensive artifacts. And it is kind of tough to get some artifacts back to places such as the States where there is tight border control. I remember that one of the collectors I've met told a story about how she had to smuggle a snakeskin painting to the States in her luggage. I don't think that most collectors are like Sadiq, necessarily (a lot do know where and when their artifacts came from), but I just want to note that I was amused at Sadiq's indifference towards Egyptian history, haha.
(By the way, I'm not a collector or a museum curator myself, so I'm not sure if all of the information I know is correct. Still, I could really relate to this story on a more personal level due to my experience with dusty old things in general, lol)
Anyways, I really enjoyed this heist story, and I would love to read more of Arthur and Alfred's adventures in the future, if you're not already sick to death of this AU. They're quite the amusing duo, aren't they?
(Geebeezus, half of the stuff in this review has less to do with the actual fic and more to do with my rambling about the real-life elements of the story... o-O)
Alfred F. Jones World Hero chapter 3 . 1/21/2015
This was wonderful! Do you think you will continue their adventures?
Iggycat chapter 3 . 2/11/2014
I can't imagine why this story wasn't popular. It was fantastic, really, as so many of your stories are. Something about your writing, your style, your characterization, it just melds so perfectly in a way I rarely ever see. You have a way with detail. It's remarkable. Small things, like Alfred stuffing the rolls into his pocket, seem minor but they're so fantastically in character. That's what really does me in with your writing. The details becoming intoxicating. I fall in love with a character through their mannerisms, their dress, their choice of words.

I think this is the first story of yours I've left a review on, but I've been slowly working my way through your writing. I started with 1912 and from there I was hooked. I'm so happy I stumbled upon 1912 because it unlocked a treasure trove.

I'm sorry this review couldn't be more eloquent but I hope you realize how talented you are. I look forward to reading the rest of your works (past, present, and future!) :)

Guest chapter 3 . 1/7/2014
cool story, i liked it
Whymsical chapter 3 . 12/13/2013
That was an awesome fic! I think it'd be really cool to learn more about their past escapades and maybe the future incident with the painting in New York?

But really, awesome job!
nuclear taste2 chapter 2 . 11/10/2013
In The East* w/e
nuclear taste2 chapter 3 . 11/10/2013

Beyond East My Pleasure Lies- as in deception :3
Guest chapter 3 . 10/19/2013
cool, i like it
AEngland chapter 3 . 10/17/2013
Okay, let me just say that I have already re-read this story TWICE. It's not only because I love your writing (which I unabashedly do) but it is because you never fail to entertain me with the styles you use when you write. It doesn't matter whether your post is hip-deep in angst, ratcheting the thumb screws of horror or just languidly strolling through some surreal new world. You always seem to tell a tale with a storytelling voice that I find so very, very enjoyable.

That being said, I must admit I have been waiting sooo, soooo long for you to write humor again. I think since the first time I read Short Attention Span I knew you could give the boys a wink and a nod properly and this story did not disappoint. If you ever get caught up on your other fics (which I am following BTW) do consider letting Alfred and Arthur have some more fun...maybe Casablanca next? XD
kjrwea chapter 3 . 10/13/2013
That was fun a read. I'm rather glad you didn't forget it entirely! Alfred being dragged along with a mop and a grin was an amusing mental image. Looking forward to your Halloween fic!
coriander chapter 3 . 10/12/2013
Yo! Sorry to hear this story hasn't been as popular, because I've greatly enjoyed it (as I do with everything you write!). Amazing wonderful dialogue, two characters so wonderfully suited both to their canon personalities, the time period, and your own unique style... I really couldn't ask for anything more. Other than a sequel in New York, of course. :) Looking forward to the Halloween fic!
Guest chapter 3 . 10/12/2013
great story, i liked it a lot :)
Winter-Grown-Lily chapter 3 . 10/12/2013
The fact that it is finished makes me pleased.

The fact that there will be a new fic make me more so :D

I just love your stories in general, since I like the portrayal of USUK

Looking forward to the Halloween fic :3
octopus chapter 3 . 10/11/2013
Oh that was a nice ending, honestly I was just expecting simple "and so Arthur awoke to Alfred beside him, sleeping peacefully with a silly-hamburger-dream-induced smile upon his face-" sort of ending (aye my boring-lack-of-inspiration mind) so even better- and yes, Gupta!
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