Reviews for The Princess' Jester
Fred's fanatic chapter 2 . 12/24/2019
They're so wrong things will go downhill for them starting now as soon as Molly finds out how they're
Treating hermione like she's not a favoured honorary
Weasley the only person whom scares them as death
Eaters are stupid apart from snape naturally not even
Bellatrix survived her and George are pigs
Regarding their room not that I can talk and while
Both are favourites the house elves shouldn't clean up
After them regulus would kill them if he
How could they outsmart hermione the brightest witch
Of her age yet she isn't really scared just unsure of
The twins I'm simply going to love the next chapters
As they will attempt to outwit her but not even the
Marauders outwitted lily Evans yet their very inventive
And as ingenious as macygyver good luck to them but
She must never be hurt in anyway or cry tears as that
Will tear Fred apart so on second thought please do
That later on he might deserve it by then or verita serum
However you are writing up a storm which will shake
Things up so no one realises exactly how this all began
Though Ron doesn't love her it's just sour grapes he
Needs someone else maybe Luna but hermione is a
Fighter yet not a back stabber yet her friends know
How to play dirty occasionally so I'm curious as to
What will happen and I'm loving everything you have
Done so far it's exciting to say the least besides being
Compulsive reading merci .love Elizabeth skinner.
Fred's fanatic chapter 1 . 12/23/2019
Oh this is going to be just beautiful seeing how hermione
Will out prank the twins bringing them crashing down
To reality it reminds me of when lily Evans did that to
The marauders whom thought she was a goody goody
Two shoes well they later grovelled big time as she did it
More than once ,so her payback will be rather fitting yet
Never hurtful to Fred however George is fair game so
I've got no sympathy for him except maybe right now
She could destroy Fred with lots of love plus looking
Like a knockout until he loses his mind though I'd like
To see him beg for forgiveness in Athens for a change
It's time for amazing witchy girl power to wreak havoc
On these two adorably confused twins as muggle born
Witches have more magical power than pure bloods and
I always thought hermione must be related to lily Evans
Via marriage somehow in their relatives I'm
Positive that you can do an amazing job writing how
To get even on the twins while they don't lose face just
Their red haired pride as hermione was everyone's favourite so dear Fred should know he's in so much trouble from her I'm going to enjoy seeing him squirm
More than the marauders did so thank ou very much
For. Writing this captivating electric impulsive heart
Warming very clever and witty contagious fanfic full
Of non stop laughter as she works out her devious plan
I'm hooked Fred needs to be taught a lesson now please
Don't make it to easy Elizabeth skinner.
CamilleIsAWitch chapter 10 . 11/11/2019
please please please keep writing! i enjoy this story!
Hermionie4ever chapter 6 . 6/7/2019
More girl power
JC chapter 10 . 10/2/2018
This is NOT rubbish, this is funny and sweet, please keep writing and I will keep reading!
JC chapter 10 . 7/11/2018
Brilliant story, NEED UPDATE! Come oonnnn, you can't leave your loyal, loving readers hanging like this! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE! Do I have to keep begging?
Fred's fanatic chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
Fred had better be very careful from now on he's just
Made the biggest mistake of his life as yes he embarrassed her yet as she's the brightest witch of her
Age revenge will be served up in spades with an adoring
Clingy doe eyed bimbo like attitude unlikehermiones usual one ,then let's see whom is laughing he will regret
His words and become the laughing stock as ginny is out
For his blood now ans so am I how cruel could he be its
Not done though it's a great way to kick off an amazing
Story with a difference as they really don't want her as
An enemy she would win although I thought they had
Some brains their mothers going to kill them for this
As ginny will inform her by owl I'm hoping both twins
Start acting wisely and less like James potter whom
Degraded and humiliated lily for six years as I love
Hermione she was is my favourite potter witch yet
I'm pleasantly addicted to an highly entertaining story
Although there's not much love coming through right
Now just vicious meanness on the twins part which
Isn't that great however it's hoped that the hilarity will
Return soon just not at hermiones expense as Fred and
George are redheads but so a I but these brilliant
Witches should get those two severely humiliated in
Front of the entire school they're dead uncles wouldn't
Be impressed at their hurting hermione though I can
See exactly where it can become a very fascinating
Remarkably wonderful hopefully captivating love story
Which could enchant your readers into loving it but there
Is some work to do but all in all you truly are a very
Gifted talented creative writer but I'm a potter head
Fanatic the twins were never this cruel though it's a
Glorious start so thank you very much I hope it
Gets better Elizabeth skinner.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/6/2016
Update please
FixieGirl chapter 10 . 12/14/2015
Please Update
Guest chapter 10 . 12/13/2015
I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed these chapters. I was so sad that there was only ten chapters. I'd love it if you could continue this story. This by far one of my favorite Fremione Fanfics. I hope you decide to continue this story. I believe it would be a good use of your time. Please keep writing. As a fellow writer I appreciate writing more than most.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/14/2015
hello? is this the very end? T_T
Guest chapter 10 . 6/14/2015
Please update than! It has already been 6 months!
octavia chapter 10 . 4/4/2015
Continue please
Pinup95 chapter 10 . 2/27/2015
Pleaase update!
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