Reviews for Catch Me If You Can
Guest chapter 1 . 2/25
Guest chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
Oh. My. Gods.
This is fantastic
Boudicca1 chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
This is one of the most glorious fics I've ever read. It's hilarious, and does an excellent job of bringing up topics that I've often wondered about on the show. Like, seriously, I can't handle the awesomeness.
unicorns.united chapter 1 . 8/15/2014
This was absolutely brilliant
deleted account272 chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
This story! Is so funny!
Just wanted to tell you that I think it is super awesome :) Morgause's lines just had me laughing out loud! And when Gwen was lying about the end of the series!
curlyhairedfriendsr0x chapter 1 . 5/28/2014
I laughed so hard...break the fourth wall much? Loved the truth...Gwen really is the most observant of everyone in Camelot, especially considering that the show's whole story is based on people being basically blind! I'm going to read it again!
RedLicorice chapter 1 . 7/18/2013
This was wonderful! :) I laughed a lot of times, but my favourite line was "An intelligent and quick-witted woman on the show? I'm afraid they only cast one of those at the absolute maximum and, as you can see, I am already here." Genius. *g*

I loved Gwen's foreshadowing about series five.
And, yeah, it's sad that she didn't get that much screentime. :(
part-timeslayer chapter 1 . 3/2/2013
Morgause was the queen of slow motion. This was amazing, I love the idea of Morgause having a conversation with Gwen. The dialouge was perfect. As usual.
Dbananad chapter 1 . 1/12/2013
Wow, you have outdone yourself in this one. I can't even describe how hard I was laughing; my parents must think I have a mental affliction at this point. You are an amazing author and it has been the only thing helping me get over the end of Merlin. Wow! You might just be my favorite author, yep definitely. Can't wait for more fics and updates on the ones already up!
megan chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
its funny cause its true
Baje Barra chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
This was hilarious :D And yes, Gwen is too intelligent to be in this series. You rock.
mysilentwitness chapter 1 . 1/7/2013

'Morgause had added, 'Well they had to spend the budget on something other than a disagreeable dragon'.' BWHAHAHA! BEAUTIFUL.

"Your basket of flowers is ridiculous" came the childish retort." Literally snorting over here. Dying. Dying of laughter.

"You leave her notes in small, unnecessarily ornate boxes on the windowsill." oK I AM sO deAD AND My FaMILy thinKS I aM CRazY!


I AM 200% dead okay? Stop being so hilarious

Silver Poncho
Jammeke chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
Brilliant. Nothing anyone says or does will be able to convince me this did not actually happen. Just because the producers never show it doesn't mean two (or more) women never interact in Camelot.

The foreshadowing is hilarious. Well, everything about this is, really.

Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
Mygosh I loveyouIloveyouIloveyouIlove you this was just so beautiful and Gwen was so and Morgause was so and I can't I can't.

In other words, 3333

Wait, that isn't a word. Damn. But it does express how you made me feel quite well, though I believe it needs some more XD XD XD XD to truly convey my reaction.
LadyDunla chapter 1 . 1/7/2013
This was extremely funny and really had me laughing. It's so ridiculous that I didn't even mind (and I mean that in a nice way, no offense whatsoever. It was a compliment). Morgause and her 'they'd have to catch her first'. Genius.