Reviews for Lineage VII
TheOriginalRhi chapter 28 . 2/1
This has definitely got to be one of my favourites so far. I love a good Siriwan...even though that ending made me want to cry!
MearnT chapter 26 . 5/1/2019
Another great addition your linage series. Again thank you for sharing a lovely addition and can't wait to see what happens next.
SerialChick chapter 28 . 3/11/2018
This was awesome. I love how you handled the underlying themes and difficulties they face. Such a better version while still staying true to the cannon. Just fantastic, thanks for sharing
Guest chapter 28 . 1/22/2018
Your writing is so beautiful.
jlluh chapter 24 . 12/18/2017
This series is very good. Thank your for writing it.

It's a common trope that the heroes kill a bunch of redshirts without much agonizing, then don't kill the villain because killing is bad, then the villain comes back with more redshirts, and the heroes kill the redshirts without much agonizing, but don't kill the villain because killing is bad, and the villain comes back with...

I feel that Jedi should not do this.
should b asleep chapter 28 . 6/26/2016
I'm not sure if you're even on here anymore, but after sobbing my heart out these past few chapters I just have to let you know how amazing your stories are. I've been dedicating my summer to reading all the Obi Wan five I can, and your serious came highly recommended. Your writing is so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing. I can't wait to continue onto the next series, even though I know it's only going to get worse before it gets better. If it ever does that is! Thanks again and I'll be sure to review some more once my tears subside ;)
snylilith chapter 17 . 4/11/2016
And here it is! The Negotiator is born!
MJLupin27 chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
Dirt under your fingernails and Master Wonder-of-the-Living-Force Jinn's company for ten unbroken days. That's half your Trials of Knighthood done in one fell swoop.

JAAAAAAAAJAJAJAJA is anything more hilarious than that? don't really think so XD
MuggleCreator chapter 28 . 6/9/2015
You minx, you've made me teary.
Oh kriff. That was a beautiful twist which stayed true. I *hoped*, from the way you handled the story of Tahl and Qui-Gon, that you'd be nuanced about this. You delivered.
You're very good at showing the seeming harshness of Yoda et al., vs Qui's harder but softer way.
In my mind, attachment possession, obsession, Dark. Love compassion, best unconditional, multifaceted, Light.
I love how you have Obi-Wan hearing a Force-plea for mercy...even if I hate what you had happen to Siri for it to occur.
You're brilliant.
g chapter 19 . 11/10/2014
"There had been some very questionable pathetic life forms over the years… but Qui-Gon had never yet adopted an outright traitor."
*cough* Xanatos?
ErinKenobi2893 chapter 6 . 2/6/2014
Heheheheh! Soviet Russia, that's what this looks like. Communism. Don't say democracy, Obi-Wan, it isn't-and obviously, communism doesn't work. :-P
Padawan Aneiki R'hyvar chapter 28 . 2/4/2014
*SNIFF!* Oh I know I'm reading these all out of order and everything. and I have to admit I've never been all that fond of the whole Siri Tachi bit but...this was just heartbreaking! :(
Nanuk chapter 27 . 6/27/2013
There was a place, just there, a warm hollow where her jaw met her ear, a tiny dip in the pale ivory column of her neck, which he had so often, for so long, yearned to touch –
His feather-light salutation startled her awake.
"Stop it, you chosski – stop! Your beard is tickling me!"

Sigh ... such a tender spot to kiss ... and just like you to describe it in such an intimate fashion.
Nanuk chapter 28 . 6/8/2013
I'm glad they found what they have ... a very fitting ending. :) Thanks!
Nanuk chapter 24 . 6/8/2013
Oh my, you have us all suffering here. :)
Still, I'm glad you gave them this tiny moment of "happiness", even if he will probably brood over it for the remainder of the story. LOL Lovely work! Thanks!
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