Reviews for Jest In Time
joellejiyun chapter 14 . 7/29
this story is so cute
NoonaMaya chapter 9 . 6/22
wicked Hermione! oh I love it X
JJuniper chapter 2 . 1/21
Okay, this whole fanfic is really creative and funny so far. So many things I actually wanted to share because of how *good* they are. It’s been a while since I read something so lighthearted, and I find I can overcome the OOC Severus.
httpswww.fanf chapter 14 . 12/14/2019
mmmmmmma carino
GeekLoveFan chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
This made my heart both sad and very happy.
robituputup chapter 14 . 2/13/2018
Cute story :) Thank you for the lovely reading piece!
Born in 20th Century chapter 3 . 10/27/2017
Dumbledore comes across as slightly creepy and a bit of a pervert... haha
Lucyole chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Very good, funny and interesting Story.
Fadewind chapter 14 . 2/16/2017
Haha! That ending was priceless. Thanks for sharing.
Fadewind chapter 8 . 2/16/2017
You wrote this so long ago, you may not remember your bottom author's note. At any rate, I think it is different when it is your kid's vs anyone else's. At least that is how it is for me. As for your AU fic: Very cute story so far and a joy to read.
Guest chapter 14 . 1/7/2017
Very sweet and enjoyable story! Thank you for sharing!
Saissa chapter 14 . 10/21/2016
Now the older Sev is calling Herms, Hy - but that can be explained by sentamentality..
Saissa chapter 13 . 10/21/2016
I'm confused - at the end of the first library section (the almost kiss) - It's supposed to be Hyacinth and younger Severus. So how come (younger) Sev calls her Hermione?

Older Sev or Professor Prince can call her Hermione, but younger Sev only knows her as Hyacinth.
Saissa chapter 4 . 10/21/2016
Really Hubert, you should be yelling the name of Hyacinth, not that other name - this is the year of 1977 after all!
Guest chapter 14 . 2/22/2016
Great time travel story! Thank you for sharing!
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