Reviews for Love is a Mystery
12-09321-04934287348923 chapter 3 . 3/18/2013
Dude, what?! It was all a scam? That'd like extremely illegal. Was Ludwig the only person in the whole town who wasn't in on it?
12-09321-04934287348923 chapter 1 . 3/18/2013

...or is he? (Dun-dun-duuuuuun)
Goku and Chichi Luverr chapter 3 . 1/4/2013
Awwww! I'm so glad he was alive! I was all sad and stuffs about him being gone... And I almost cried when Luddy cried... I couldn't figure out why Feli would do that! But, it's all okay! He's alive, they're in love, and everyone's happy! :D
AifasInTheSky chapter 3 . 12/21/2012
*sobbing like a mad-woman* Dammit Feliciano, why you little... Waahh! T_T Amazing; and lovely written :') Poor Ludwig! But well, even if Feli's methods were a little *cough* extreme, he learned to do not care about the others' opinion, take courage and keep him close, 'cuz he might lose him one day. Great story; I love it!

PD: Btw, I wonder what could be Ludwig's reaction to their 2nd night ehh... together *squeals a little*, for Feliciano to do all this : o (surely I'll stay with the doubt anyway, but... just wondering :P)
star that shines on angels win chapter 3 . 11/21/2012
noncanadiansatan chapter 3 . 10/24/2012
I seem to have a soft spot for cute stories like this. :3 Good job!
(I'm really bad with reviews, so sorry, but I wanted to say something!)
leftcat chapter 3 . 10/24/2012
I totally love this story
And I think it suit Italy's romantic personality pretty well.
The way everything little thing about them come unrevealing with each cue and stop is so adorable
THanks for writing this and posting it.
invisiblemanda chapter 3 . 10/23/2012
aww so cute :) Haha, I wonder what would've happened if Ludwig didn't remember Feli's usual order. Feli would've probably been really sad :(
invisiblemanda chapter 2 . 10/22/2012
I'm loving this story so far :D I love the way you write, it's so detailed. Haha, and it's ok, I tend to have trouble with tenses too.

Can't wait to see what happens! What's in Ludwig's room? lol.
Ravenwood316 chapter 1 . 10/22/2012
Can't wait for more, this is really good!