Reviews for Rollercoaster
Guest chapter 58 . 12/26/2019
It was good
Guest chapter 58 . 6/21/2017
OF COURSE I WANT YOU TO KEEP GOING! this is one of the best stories out there! i really want to know the effect franklin had on james and alice!
Milly15000 chapter 58 . 4/14/2017
Hi... Are you going to continue this story? Please do it's really good
Guest chapter 15 . 1/26/2017
Fuck you Albus.
GothicRay chapter 58 . 10/30/2016
Pleaseeeeee keep going! I love this storyyyy!:):)
MissExplosion chapter 9 . 8/13/2015
I knew it was the Hunger Games from the first sentence! Awesome story!
LaviniaRose1 chapter 58 . 8/7/2015
Hey, just read your story and I think it's very good. In answer to your questions, yes I think you should wrap this story up, BUT we need to know what happens with Franklin, is he sentenced/does he plead guilty/does Alicia pull James away from the family? etc. There's also the lestrange story to finish off (I find that a little random and a bit of a mystery really, so it would be nice to bring it to a conclusion or offer a little more explanation)
I'd noticed you seem to have lost inspiration in the last few chapters. You seemed to skip ahead a lot and move between characters more. I think if you still have ideas in your head about Lily's future, wrap this up as the hogwarts years and then start a new adult years story with the same characters (I'd like to know if they all end up married and who has kids and what you'd name them). If you start a fresh it might rekindle some of that original passion. From personal experience I've found it very difficult to pick a story up after losing it for a while (exams being a big one for getting in the way), hence my lack of complete fics!
speedsONEandONLY chapter 58 . 5/18/2015
one more year and youll be
legal in the states!

there are two things
i want to know before
you skip ahead,
how does Albus and Ari's date go?
do Dom and Jesse move in together?
DracoSly chapter 58 . 5/14/2015
Please continue with this story! I've been entranced by it from the beginning! You've done an excellent job with this story, you should tie up all the lose ends at least!
lillbluegirl chapter 58 . 5/13/2015
Hi an answer to your question: yes tie it up now, why: u have lost your passion for this story, and its starting to lag. Longer between each update, have loved the story so far, hope it helps, keen to read your next story thanks for over 50 chapters!
teeth8904 chapter 58 . 5/12/2015
Happy Early Birthday! As for the story, I'd of course love it if you kept going. Skipping ahead would be nice, but it depends on how many years you'd be skipping ahead for. If it's like, five or so, you'd probably have to include little inserts of what's gone down in the past few years. If you are going to continue with the Franklin arc, just try not to continue with it for more than a chapter or so more, because it might seem dragged on.

with love,
amelia rose
speedsONEandONLY chapter 57 . 3/29/2015
i like it.
shes moving on.

did Ari wait for him to get out?
ozzyflower chapter 56 . 2/15/2015
just finished reading and i can't wait for more!
speedsONEandONLY chapter 56 . 1/15/2015
i was right.
i wanted to be wrong.

when you were thinking up
your characters,
did you have Ginny go through that
when the Death Eaters were at Hogwarts?
Skyflier13 chapter 56 . 1/13/2015
At first, I hated you for making Lily pregnant. Like, I've known ever since Lily broke up with was only reasonable! I even started crying...for real!
Then, I loved you for it. THANK YOU for making it a hell of a lot less predictable. I was shocked! Well done! ;)
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