Reviews for Mass Effect The Forgotten Effect
HogwartzGrad chapter 3 . 12/31/2015
This story is very good, I just have one problem with it. Why is she not flipping out that they speak English? I mean seriously, they are on an undeveloped world with regenerating trolls, she was just handed a bag full of gold for no reason, and her two friends were ripped apart and eaten in front of her. How is she not panicking at all! Military training only takes you so far in ignoring stuff. She should have broken after her freind got ripped from the inside out. If not there, then when she got to a town and they spoke modern English when th world looks like the 12th century. I like the premise of the story but come on.
Barbarossa Rotbart chapter 9 . 6/12/2013
interesting story, but the names of your OCs are completely inappropiate. Gisele, Seth, David are no names which fit into the Forgotten Realms.
RedCenturionG chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
Can't say I'm a huge fan of crossovers (I never did get into them) but I guess I should after reading this. This was very well thought out and I can see that I've barely scratched the surface of what I expect to be a pretty awesome fanfic. I look forward to reading more. :)
I think I'll leave the verdict for now, too tired...
Cyricist001 chapter 9 . 4/12/2013
1. A kinetic barrier would not stop a lightning bolt or any other kind of energy other then kinetic.
2. A steel blade would not penetrate a advanced armor like Shepard's, unless it was enchanted somehow.
3. Rouges and thugs do kidnapping and blackmail, assassins are hired to eliminated targets. Most solitary assassins are skilled users of poison and have spell like abilities like invisibility, spider climb etc...what Shepard fought were normal rogues.
4. Torils inhabitants are familiar with other worlds: they have spelljamers that allow travel through space, a lot of creatures and some groups of humans arrived to Toril from other worlds, not to mention other plains and dimensions.
5. Smokepowder weapons are known to Torils inhabitants.
6. A Drow ages rather slowly compared to a human. A drow girl of 20 years would be a toddler, only at 80 they are considered mature. Unlike humans who have a short life and a quick learner feat elves need decades to master what humans master in a few years. So basically its improbable that Giselle would have any romantic relationship with anyone in her so far mentioned lifespan. Second Drizzt was still alive and pretty much single in the time frame you mentioned for this story.
7. Half-Drow have no magic resistance.
8. Flying ships, spelljamers and other air traveling vehicles are not unknown.
9. Drow are not the most dangerous of creatures in Toril.
10. After a month as a drow prisoner the salarian should have been a nervous wreck. Psionics don't care if a aliens brain is different in design from his. A abolith, ilithid and many other can read minds from any creature as long as it has a brain. And in the end there are spells called Probe Thought and charm.
11. Seth is the name of a evil God in FR so I doubt a good ranger would give anyone that name.
12. Neverwinter was under Shadovar control, a Zhentarim entering the city would be suicide.
13. Shadovar control North Fearun, a biotic would never survive a fight against a Shadovar foot soldier not to mention a archmage. Zhents are all in hiding from fear of being exterminated, not even ME weapons could save them except a planetary bombardment their weapons were in fact inferior to a Disintegration ray or a Finger of Death or other splls that attck minds, souls, life or are direct energy. Not to mention incorporeal undead like shadows are immune to all non magic attacks and biotics are not magic. If they are Shadovar poses magic resistance and are more then able to overcome enemy magic resistance with their shadow magic since it ignores MR.
There are probably more inconsistencies but this is enough for now.
A interesting idea by the way, if the stories get more back ground research it would be a excellent read.
Archer83 chapter 4 . 4/5/2013
The incredibly varied interaction between Shepard and Giselle truly makes this story stand out. Some parts of this chapter made me laugh , almost uncontrollably at times, while the darker section damn near had me tearing up. It was a little shocking to see Giselle suddenly so vulnerable, and very touching when Shepard did what she does best, protecting those around her, albeit momentary in Giselle's case. ; )
Archer83 chapter 3 . 4/5/2013
That troll attack, and what happens to Shepard's men, especially Edison later on... I have to hand it to you Vergil, that was one of THE most terrifying scenes I've ever read.
Archer83 chapter 2 . 4/5/2013
A could write a few paragraphs on exactly how much you already knew I like Giselle, but I'll just shorten that to: Giselle is one hell of an amazing Original Character!
Archer83 chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
I gotta say, I really do like your version of Shepard in this story. She seems a little more distinct from the average 'Commander Shepard' than usual, and this was a damn good introduction for her.
Full-Paragon chapter 9 . 3/31/2013
You really need to pick a perspective and stick with it. You switch between Giselle and Shepard, and it's pretty confusing. There also needs to be more of a break up in the text, it doesn't really flow and you have a tendency to clump things together, making it hard to read your work. You have lots of good descriptions and I can clearly see what's going on, but perhaps spending a little less time on describing your characters and having a bit more of them acting would would sped things up.
Talon5Krrde chapter 9 . 3/5/2013
Thank you for the story.

I am not as "up to speed" on the Forgotten Realms as I was, but good story.

More please.
Osage chapter 5 . 1/25/2013
I think you have FemShep's dialogue down perfectly. I can picture everything she says as if she said it in-game. The descriptions, while wonderful in their own right are still a bit hefty. I recommend really honing in on the important bits and leaving the rest out. Also for good dialogue punctuation I recommend reading the Moonshine Cafe by Aeternix for an example of what you can strive for. Other than that it's still a good story. I'm not familiar with the baldur's gate universe but your intro to it worked nicely.
Osage chapter 4 . 1/24/2013
Giselle meets Shepard and all hell breaks loose. I guess that's the usual M.O of a Shepard encounter. Nice chapter! I'm really digging the depth of description you've put in here, you really did your research on the abilities and attacks. My only piece of advice is to give new speakers a separate line, I can't stress that enough. But other than that it was a really engaging read. How will Shepard navigate this crazy new world? Can't wait to find out.
Inkess chapter 9 . 1/23/2013
Shep's mom! Yay! Loved how you portrayed her. And coming with Anderson to help her? Awesome.

Poor Giselle, waking up in a coffin-like thing. Easy to escape though, if you have magic at your disposal.

Ah yes, a crawl through a vent shaft. What would a game be without it (or a story based on a game).

Shep and Giselle kicking ass together. They're quite a pair.

Not so brave now, are you Captain? Such a big guy and afraid of monsters... And working with the Eclipse, of course.

NO! GISELLE! Damn you :P

Good, the weasel talks and supermom comes to the rescue! And Giselle will recover!

Poor Anderson, I'd be devastated if I saw a talking corpse, too.

Giselle gets her father's famous blades. That girl is lucky.

What I love about your writing is how no matter how long your chapters are, they're easy to read and never boring. I guess things will only get more interesting now.
Kendoka Girl chapter 9 . 1/22/2013
You have a very deep and nuanced story here with many layers of intrigue. I love the machinations of Auora and the Zhentarim and the planning of the Alliance. The part where Giselle is in the sleeping pod was particularly dramatic in leading to the "mutiny." That was a very sweet twist in that we never see anything like that in ME lore so it played out as a surprise and an excellent highlight to the power and influence of the Zhentarim. Drizzt's tenderness towards Giselle and the lich in the mirror came of as powerful.

Now that I'm fully into the story, just a couple of ideas. These are purely stylistic as the story itself is stong and exciting. I thought some of the sentences could be broken down. I had a little difficulty with some of the shifting of POVs, but perhaps it was my reading. And one tiny tiny technical thing with the length of the dreadnaught. Perhaps you meant meters instead of kilometers?

But, like I said, those are just minor quibbles. The characters are vivid and multifaceted, the action crisp and the culture to the story is deep and well thought out. Definitely looking forward to more.
Kendoka Girl chapter 8 . 1/22/2013
The meeting with the lord and Auora was well done and you integrated her nicely while still offsetting her as something new and different to them. Arya was played out very well too and I'm definitely interested to see how the lich works into this. The background of the UP3 added a lot of interesting depth...sort of Prime Directive-ish, huh? I especially liked Giselle's entry. It was something that brought her thoughts to the forefront as well as gave background to the world and the story.
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