Reviews for Through the kaleidoscope
RheasHelm chapter 124 . 3/3/2017
I thought Shepard's joke was perfectly fine. Although I would have answered the question completely differently.
Jack was great, "Professor Bitch", haha. And "mini-Shepard"...
Marie wasn't half bad either, with her painkiller comment. But you can't call her "kitten", that's a different story! (Lol, sorry.)
Simply brilliant.
You can probably call T'Soni a "former" archeologist at this point.

Andromeda... I hope that it's not going to be another Inquisition.
X59 chapter 124 . 2/14/2017
Nicely done, I honesty felt the same way about waiting to mourn until Kai Leng was dead.
eurodox59 chapter 123 . 2/7/2017
Just caught up. So many powerful bits in so few words.

It's downright amazing.
Ygrain33 chapter 123 . 2/7/2017
Again, one of deeply touching moments in the game, so vividly coming through. Overconfidence so easily comes to bite one's rear part, yet the fall of Thessia was way more than any overconfidence deserved.
X59 chapter 123 . 2/7/2017
These three chapters were nicely done.
Ygrain33 chapter 122 . 2/7/2017
My favouritest mission! Why didn't I think about Professor Bitch, too?
Love the interplay between the sisters. And, Mini-Shepard, ROFLMAO!
Ygrain33 chapter 121 . 2/7/2017
So wonderful to see this going! Even at such a sad moment in the game. But seeing EDI coming to her own is heart-warming.
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 120 . 12/8/2016
I want this ending so much it hurts. Not the coloured version where Shepard gets left behind to an uncertain...end, but this one where everyone has worked so hard for an actual future. *sigh* I'm glad we have you to give us one of those futures to make us feel better...
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 119 . 12/8/2016
Hurling Han-Gerrel out of an airlock would have been far too kind. On the other hand, extracting a Quarian from his/her encounter suit is pretty much the same thing, right? Except with shades of the Dark Crystal stripping clothes from a Skeksis. Though I think Han'Gerrel is slightly more hateable than an evil race bent on wiping out another...Thank you for the lovely anger :)
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 118 . 12/8/2016
This. So this. Encapsulates perfectly why despite the hard outer shell, we see Legion as the ultimate plushie; to be hugged, loved and taken home to adopt forever...alongside all the Turian and Krogan plushies...
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 116 . 12/8/2016
Nicely done. PSTD is a tough one to pin down and goodness knows if anyone should suffer, it's someone like Shepard, but the imagery here is so well done; especially your description of a smiling window; all friendliness and safety when the reality of it is quite the opposite. It give what is a touching scene a huge amount of impact. Which is what I always love about these vignettes; how in such a short space of time you convey entire universes. It's a gift.
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 115 . 12/8/2016
'It's not a compliment'...I would have loved to have been able to meet Garrus' family for real in the game. But this chapter works just fine and fills that spot nicely. There's no Vakarian without Shepard, right?
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 114 . 12/8/2016 just had to go and do this scene didn't you. Dammit! *waves fist* Why universe? Whyyyyyy? Alright. I have enjoyed it. Now I'm just going to crawl under my blankie and sob myself to sleep for a bit...
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 113 . 12/8/2016
Ah, now if only we had this commentary during the actual battle, how much more fun would that be? Kalros is indeed the Queen; nay the Empress of all Thresher Maws. And yes, why wouldn't someone like Jane want to adopt her? Clearly, her crew knows her too well...
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 112 . 12/8/2016
Oh this is perfect. There are so many ways the Justicar's Code can be interpreted and you can 'see' Samara's little mental shift in this piece; weighing up the evidence and trying to look at the larger picture which is essentially Jane Shepard. The life of a Justicar is so incredibly lonely, that this chapter makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
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