Reviews for Luna Diviner
Lt. Basil chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
This is simultaneously hilarious and depressing.
Not many authors can do that well. Good job! This is EXACTLY how I've always pictured Isa...
Ryuu-Xana chapter 3 . 7/23/2013
WOW. This. I don't even know what to say. Lea's and Isa's letters to themselves were really good but this chapter... It wasn't bad, in fact it was really well written. It just makes you think. What did happen to them? How did they grow apart? Following in hope that you'll continue this or finish it. It was all really well written.
Ender The Time Lady chapter 3 . 7/19/2013
Isa/Saix day is July 7?
I... did not know this.
The Layman chapter 3 . 7/7/2013
Gonna get this out of the way now, the AN was a bit hard to follow at the end of the fic.

As for the story itself, it was interesting seeing a more complete backstory for Axel and Saïx than the other one you wrote about Saïx's "initiation". I really look forward to what the rest of it is going to be like.
Rosialette001 chapter 2 . 3/22/2013
I love this. So much.
bkwrmnlvnit chapter 2 . 2/3/2013
I can totally imagine Axel writing this as a kid. One. hundred. Percent. The argument at the end of the letter was entertaining, and I like the idea in here of the kids sending letters to themselves, which, unfortunately, is a real prompt. I am glad that these letters had sustenance though, instead of just being about the costs and what you want to be when you grow up...I would love to see what happens when they get these in the future as Nobodies, if they ever did. Axel would probably look at it and think he has a heart again. Saix would probably rip his into pieces...who knows? Either way, great work! Thanks for posting,

guest chapter 2 . 9/20/2012
are you going to update this? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaase? *puppy dog eyes*
Guest chapter 2 . 8/29/2012
"If anything bad happens to you, I'd rather it be Isa's fault than because you were being your usual idiot self." Awwww, Isa made me cry again!

"Holy friggin HEY YOU'RE OUT OF SCHOOL, AREN'T YOU! Luckyyyy, it's not fair! What'd you graduate in? Pyrotechnology LOL ok lame joke but DUDE that would be awesome if they gave out degrees for making stuff explode. Whatever."
lol. i LOVE Lea! just dont tell him that they actually DO give scholarships/degrees for 'blowing stuff up', aka Pyrotechnology.
Taliax chapter 2 . 8/10/2012
My writer's brain is kind of hurting from Lea's fail-grammar, but at the same time that's what makes it hilarious. XD

"Pyrotechnology LOL ok lame joke but DUDE that would be awesome if they gave out degrees for making stuff explode." Heh, pyrotechnetics I'm pretty sure they do have degrees for something like that, but Lea would have to be pretty good at chemistry.

"This is friggin depressing, shut up Lea. (Me Lea, not you Lea duh nevermind.)" It's kind of funny how he has to clarify which Lea, and Lea's writing style is amusing even when he's being depressing, but at the same time... It's worse when Lea's depressing than when Isa's depressing, because Isa's generally more pessimistic than Lea.

"Ha ha and I bet you married some rich hot chick and Isa's a rock star and it rains candy from the sky every weekend and those two kids aren't dead and we all live happily ever after." XD For the hilarious sarcasm, but I can feel Lea still being depressing underneath that.

"Hello, future-Lea, this is Isa (teenage Isa, obviously). I have honorably refrained reading the previous contents of this letter, despite catching a glimpse of the term "nerdy" before Lea (teenage Lea) folded the page over." Thank you, Isa, for having a vocabulary and grammatical skills. CX

"If anything bad happens to you, I'd rather it be Isa's fault than because you were being your usual idiot self." D'awww I really like how Isa has a sense of responsibility for Lea and that he would rather take the blame.

XD XD XD Their argument at the end was amusing, I kind of want to copy-paste all of it but that wouldn't be very useful. *sweatdrop* Of course Lea is proud of his video gaming talent. :P I really appreciate Isa's vocabulary after reading Lea's. *can't make proper emoticon anymore D:*
Mirae-no-sekai chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
... Lea really is your average teenager here xD

And lol, go go pyrotechnology... could be physics and/or chemistry, so it's a valid degree... can't remember if it actually has that name, but Lea/Axel/the other Lea can get it.

Wait, two kids are already 'missing' (I mean heartless, or whatever it is that happened)?! Sheeeeesh, no wonder they wanted in! (You guys still shouldn't do that! It's a bad idea!)

Haha, Lea is more conversational about everything. But yeah, he is just as 'pessimistic' as Isa... only he passes it off as energy instead of formality...
Well, at least he does get a 'cool older self' :) After a long, long time, but he gets there.

xD Isa is cute here- somehow, the words sound less grave when surrounded by Lea's chatter/writing.

'If anything bad happens to you, I'd rather it be Isa's fault '... ;-; Isa, you were the cutest thing _ever_.
'your job to get the two of you in trouble ' xD xD XD Best comment/ comeback!

They keep nattering on at the end xD Isa is sarcasm incarnate, apparently... can make it clear on writing. And of course they'd be good at video games, all things considered...

Your writing is awesome! *hug* It really is- you capture the characters well, have a pretty interesting world built in every one of your fics and everything just flows and connects so nicely :) So *hug* again.
The Layman chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
Well, I guess I should be careful what I wish for, huh? Oh young Axel (or Lea, whichever)... Why do you remind me way too much of Present Demyx?
Ace Of Light chapter 2 . 8/8/2012
Ya you definetly need to have Axel and Saix find these. This was a cary (crazy and very) funny letter.
Taliax chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Unfortunately, twenty-four-year-old Isa doesn't exist... ;;

"Father would approve, though Lea is predictably sitting in the desk next to me grumbling about how "dumb" this is" - Isa's father's already starting to sound like Xem to me, and Lea is being Lea. XD I like how Isa puts "dumb" in quotations.

"I think it would be far more useful to be studying actual literature in a literature class." XD XD XD I thought it was a Career Orientation class at first, that is pretty dumb.

"I notice that I'm rambling, which probably means that I'm procrastinating, so I will get to business now." I tend to ramble when I'm procrastinating. X3

"Tsukino (do people still annoy you about that?)" I'm assuming that's about the Sailor Moon reference? XD

"the thought that you might have fallen out of touch with him is...dismaying, to say the least." *cries for Isa* *goes off to torch 3D*

"Frankly, I can't even imagine a future with no Lea barging through it alongside me" Heh, that's exactly what Lea does. X3 Gah, now I want to write another fluffy AkuSai friendship fic, Saix needs someone to barge through the futrue with him. XC

Lol, I like how Isa just cuts off his sentence after "married". xP

"Speaking of which, do you have a girlfriend? I am very curious about this. You know why, but I don't want to write it because Lea keeps trying to read over my shoulder." Is it because Isa never had a crush on anyone? Or some other reason?

"Did you ever find Lea's brother and sister, or at least find out what happened to them? That last one is the one I want to know the most. Lea is pretty much back to his old self now, but sometimes when he's in quieter moods, I can tell he still misses them a lot. I can only imagine how it must hurt, losing loved ones like that, especially when they were so young." *cries for Lea* That would explain SO MUCH, why he wants to get inside the castle (I'm assuming to look for him/the Heartless that I assume got them), some things about his personality, why he adopts Roxas and Xion, etc. I'm now adopting this as my headcanon backstory. C:

"I wish I knew what to say to him whenever I can see that he's thinking about it." I wish I knew how to comfort people that've gone through stuff like that, too. ;;

Aww, that bit about Luna is cute and sad at the same time... I wanna see Saix with a kitty. 3:

"YO FUTURE ISA! What's up homie it's Lea YOUR BEST BUD EVER, if you ditched me Imma time travel and smack you with these frisbees, so go eat ice cream with the most awesome guy in Radiant Garden (aka ME, DUH) ok thanks bye." XD XD XD XD XD Yup, that's Lea alright. XD

"If you still have to put up with this ten years in the future, you have my full sympathies." Heh, I love their friendship and how they do manage to put up with each other even though they annoy each other so much. X3

"what exactly is that newcomer, Xehanort, up to..." Evil, duh. *punches Xehanort* If Isa could get his answers early, he'd probably hate most of them. Or manage to be epic and stop it from happening, but time paradox. *pout*

"Lea is also pestering me to ask you if you have a girlfriend who's willing to "put up with my nerdyness," even though I've told him I already wrote something similar. He wants to know if you have grown a "fro," whatever that is, and if you've gotten more piercings or a tattoo." Once again I love Lea, and I love Isa quoting Lea the way he does. XD No more piercings, but I'm sure Lea would think Saix's scar looks cool. ...Now I want fanart of afro!Saix. XD XD

Huh, that's interesting about Isa struggling with the decision to do what his father wants for him and what he wants for himself.

"...Do you still have the phobia? (I am begging you, please say no. Please.)" XD XD XD XD The santaphobia's starting to infect even more universes! XD

"Lea is throwing various small objects at the girls in the row on the other side of me, he's always been exasperating when he's bored." Lea provides good comic relief. XD

"I hope, with all my heart, that you are doing well and are happy. Tell your loved ones hello from me." IRONIC AND SAD AND SAD AND IRONIC. ;; ;; Isa had a heart to hope with... and Saix can't love anyone... ALEXA, YOU BETTER BRING ISA BACK FROM THE DARK SIDE IN KHIII. AND NOMURA, YOU BETTER LET HIM. DX

...Um, well that's a depressing way to end a review. *sweatdrop* That's cool about Isa's cat and Lea's dog contrasting Saix's dog and Axel's cat, that does make more sense now. And YES, write that for Axel/Lea day! :D
Ace Of Light chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
Ok you need to write a scene where they find these, like Saïx could find his right he and Axel had their falling out, be epic
The Layman chapter 1 . 7/8/2012
I agree; you totally need to do a follow up where this letter is found and read.

On a completely different note, Kinema-ban chapter 2 is up, hooray! (Yes I've read if.)
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