Reviews for Sniper Adventures
Lexy-chan chapter 1 . 6/23/2013
You need to write more of these.
Gushing Hot Piss chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
It's not a proper Sniper adventure without a dick in the bum.
TheSecondOtherGuy chapter 1 . 11/15/2012
... just no
Tetra chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
This is so awful.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2012
*Throws jarate at author*
That's for saying bad things about Sniper. :P
Nah jk.
I actually laughed at this. haha It was nice.
Good job,mate.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
this is awesome! i hope you say fuck it to any haters and keep writing more of these.
Maggot Magnet chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
Best story ever. I'm crying of joy. This is so goddamn beautiful.

(And I saw the dramatic reading of Pancakes before all of you. You're all jealous.)
Sgt. AWOL chapter 1 . 4/26/2012
This is the best Adventures! Also, the best dramatic reading. God, I laughed so hard. That makes me a teeny bit jealous that I never got one yet. Or maybe I do have one out there and just can't find it? Or... maybe I'm just being too egotistical here.

I'm going to be a bitch and demand more Sniper Adventures because I can. But Demoman Adventures is cool, too. Poor guy needs some love.

Not sure if I should just openly state it, but here goes anyway: the piss drinking reference here was more of a joke to the fic 1Sniper1Jar (think that was the title), which I always thought was more of a deliberate comedy fic. With all the bizarre fetishes out there that show up in the TF2 fandom, I don't know for sure anymore.

But, like it was mentioned already, there is a collective headcanon which went around years ago (and still some going around now, I've seen) that makes Sniper out to be an obsessive-compulsive piss collector and water sports enthusiast. It's kind of freaky, IMHO, and somewhat annoying if you're a Sniper fan who believes him to be a relatively clean and proper person who simply utilizes his urine jars as a weapon and nothing more.

Sometimes headcanon is very annoying in that aspect, when it becomes so perpetuated, you end up seeing it more than anything else.
Psycho Clown Bondage Circus chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
I used to be that Spy. ;_;

This story was sexy and completely accurate, including Sniper's love of piss drinkage. I join in with cries of make moar! I'd like to see a Pyro one of these. And congrats on your dramatic reading, it was AWESOME. I laughed so hard I cried. No really! My stomach hurt toward the end. That guy was amazing.
Murdoc's Mismatched Eyes chapter 1 . 4/21/2012
I demand more of these, for they are hilarious and must be read by everyone!
Crimson Banner chapter 1 . 4/20/2012
Faux Promises chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
Wait, so people ACTUALLY think he drinks his own piss? I'm asking because thankfully I'm not too terribly deep into this fandom, or that festering cesspool TF2chan.

Either way. Plus fave desu.
Fauxhound chapter 1 . 4/19/2012
One day, Sniper will take me up as his apprentice-in-training and we will adventure together.